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必修4 Unit 5 Theme parks


晨读·记忆 A Unique Theme Park

As soon as our shuttlegot close to the theme park by the freeway, everyone came to life and put on clothsneakers in advance for an outing. Our translator paid for the admission, and we started enjoying the various attractions in the sunlight.

According to the travel brochure, this unique park is famous for its well preserved minority culture. We experienced many deeds of the early settlers, such as swinging across rivers, hunting creatures in the jungle, or taking part in swords fighting tournaments.

This park is also famous for its wooden souvenirs. Whichever we bought in the central shop was made of wood, and wherever we went we could see minority carpenters working. They made wooden tools, wooden cartoon figures, and wooden athletic products and so on. They even built a huge wooden engine with a length of 20 meters, which was modeled after a real one.

This theme park is really a fantasy amusement park. No wonder it has become the brand of local tourism.




这个公园还因为它的木制纪念品而闻名,我们在中心商场购买的任何一件物品,都是用木头制作的,无论我们走到哪里,都可以看见少数名族的木匠们在忙碌。他们制作的有木制工具、木制的卡通人物、木制的运动用的产品,等等等等。他们甚至还根据一台真实发动机仿造了一台长度有20米的木制发动机。 这个主题公园真是个充满幻想的娱乐公园,怪不得它成为当地旅游业的一个品牌。


1.__________(n.) 题目;主题(曲) 2.__________(adj.) 中心的;中央的 →__________(n.) 中心;中央 3.___________(adj.) 不同的;各种各样的 → __________(n.) 变化;多样性

4.___________(n.) 漫画;动画片 5.__________(pron.) 无论哪一个;任何一个 6.__________ (n.) 幻想;怪念头

→ _________(adj.) 极好的;了不起的;不现实的 7.__________(n.) 消遣;娱乐活动

→ _________(vt.) 使人发笑;逗乐;使消遣 → _________(adj.) 有趣的;好玩的 → _________(adj.) 被逗笑的;愉快的

8.__________(n.) 秋千;摇摆(vt.&vi.) 摇摆;摆动 9.__________(n.) 有吸引力的事物;吸引 → _________(vt.) 吸引

→ _________(adj.) 吸引人的;有魅力的 10. _________(n.) 旅游业

11.__________(adv.&conj.)无论在什么地方;各处 12. _________ (adj.) 独一无二的;仅有的 13.__________(n.) 木匠

14.__________(n.) 引擎;发动机 15.__________(vt.) 保存;保留(n.)保护区 16.__________(n.) 长;长度 17.__________(n.) 行动;事迹 18.___________(n.) 剑

19.___________(n.) 锦标赛;联赛 20. __________(n.) 移民;殖民者 21. __________(adj.) 运动的 → __________(n.) 运动员

22.__________ (n.) 翻译;译员 → __________(vt.) 翻译 → __________(n.) 翻译;译本 23.__________ (n.) 少数;少数民族 → __________(n.) 多数 24.__________ (n.) 布 → __________(n.) 衣服 25.__________(n.) 丛林

26. __________(n.) 生物;动物 27. __________(n.) 阳光

28. __________(vt.&vi.)前进;促进;提前(n.)前进;进步 → __________(adj.) 先进的;高级的 29.__________(n.) 商标;牌子 30.__________(n.) 外出;短途旅行;远足

31.__________(n.) 允许进入;入场费;承认 32.__________(n.) 往返汽车;航天飞机 33.__________(n.) 高速公路 34.__________(n.) 纪念品 35.___________(n.) 运动鞋 36.___________(n.) 小册子;指南


1.以……而闻名 __________________ 2.难怪 __________________ 3.根据……模仿;仿造 __________________

5.接近 __________________ 6.活跃起来 __________________ 7.对……熟悉 __________________

4.提前 __________________ 8. 玩得高兴 __________________


1.Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you.(教材P34)


2.With all these attractions,no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.(教材P34)


3.To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England,come to

Camelot Park!(教材P34)

想进入古英格兰的梦幻世界吗?那就来卡默洛特公园吧! 4.Futuroscope is not only for individuals,but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.(教材P38)

观测未来主题公园不仅仅适合个人(旅游),而且适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完 美结合。 5.If driving,Futuroscope is within easy reach of the freeway.(教材P38)




1.When the boy first came to the army,he saw the soldiers ____________(swing) their arms together as they marched.

2.China's Cultural Theme Park offers its visitors a variety of ____________(amuse). 3.One of the main ___________(attract) of the job is the high salary. 4.Cambridge is always full of ___________(tourism) in the summer. 5.In front of the village runs a river 300 miles in __________(long). 6._____________(admit) to the concert costs 5 dollars.

7.It is said that the first ____________(settle) of this country were prisoners. 8.I read the book in _____________(translate),not in the original Spanish.

9.The coastal areas have mild winters,but by contrast the ___________(center) plains become extremely cold. 10.There have been great ___________(advance) in medicine in the last ten years. 11.This tool can be used in a______________(various) of ways. 12.The paintings were in an excellent state of__________________ _(preserve). Ⅱ.短语填空

in advance,come to life,be modelled after,get close to,be familiar with,no wonder,have fun ,be famous for 1.The handbag_____________________the LV's new style.

2.He has been there many times.______________he doesn't approve of the plan going there for holiday.

3.Three days had passed before he______________.His parents never left the hospital until they saw him open his eyes.

4.We are planning a trip to Yuntai Mountain in Henan Province,which______________its beautiful natural scenery.

5.It is so cold in the Antarctic that penguins have to______________ _____each other to keep warm.

6.You should have booked a ticket for the performance___________ _________.Now they have been sold out.

7.This type of machine is so advanced that no one ______________ ________them.

8.That's why he loves nightlife; It's where he can escape and _____ _____________. Ⅲ.单句填词

1.Opinions on this matter vary __________person to person.

2.It was a long journey. Not until we came to our destination _________the children come to life. (do)

3.Now that we have finished our work,There is no point in _________ any longer;we might as well go home.(stay)

4.Ancient Greece was an__________ civilization.(advance) IV.单句改错

1.There is no wonder that you are tired. You’ve been walking for hours. 2.The town is so beautiful. The character of the town is well preserve. 3.I am a stranger here. So the city isn’t familiar with me.

4.Come to Dollywood to have fun learn all about America’s historical southeastern culture. 5.They often perform in the streets for the passer-by. 6.I couldn’t get closely enough to see what was happening.

English or Chinglish?

我是猪 I'm a pig

One time my girlfriend and I were talking about the upcoming Spring Festival holiday. Suddenly she said something that seemed really strange,“I'm a pig. How about you?”I couldn't really understand why she would say that and ask such a thing.Eventually I understood that what she meant was“我属猪,你呢,你属什么?”The best way to say this in English is “I was born in the year of the pig. What year were you born in?”

一次我和我女朋友讨论即将到来的春节假期。突然她说的话听起来很奇怪:“I'm a pig.How a bout you?”我真不知道她怎么会这么说,还问如此奇怪的问题。最后我终于理解她的意思了:“我属猪,你呢,你属什么?”英语中表达这个意思的最好的说法是:\ 知识扩展·外国人的星座:

Aquarius—宝瓶座(1.20-2.19)Pisces—双鱼座(2.20-3.20 ) Arsces—白羊座(3.21-4.20 )Taurus—金牛座(4.21-5.20) Gemini—双子座(5.21-6.21)Cancer—巨蟹座(6.22-7.22) Leo—狮子座(7.23-8.22 )Virgo—处女座(8.23-9.22 ) Libra—天秤座(9.23-10.22)Scorpio—天蝎座(10.23-11.21) Sagittarius—射手座(11.22-12.21)Capricorn—摩揭座(12.22-1.19) 中国人的属相:

子鼠——Rat卯兔——Hare戊马——Horse 酉鸡——Cock丑牛——Ox辰龙——Dragon 未羊——Sheep戍狗——Dog寅虎——Tiger 巳蛇——Snake申猴——Monkey亥猪——Boar

——摘自Kirk Kenny《笑死我的英文书》 参考答案 I.单词盘点

1.theme 2.central;centre 3.various;variety 4.cartoon 5.whichever 6.fantasy;fantastic 7.amusement;amuse;amusing;amused 8.swing 9.attraction;attract;attractive 10.tourism 11.wherever 12.unique 13.carpenter 14.engine 15.preserve 16.length 17.deed 18.sword 19.tournament 20.settler 21.athletic;athlete 22.translator;translate;translation 23.minority;majority 24.cloth;clothes 25.jungle 26.creature 27.sunlight 28.advance;advanced 29.brand 30.outing 31.admission 32.shuttle;33.freeway 34.souvenir 35.sneaker 36.brochure II.短语回顾

1.be famous for 2.no wonder 3.be modelled after 4.in advance 5.get close to 6.come to life 7.be familiar with 8.have fun IV.小试牛刀 Ⅰ.单词填空

1.swinging 2.amusements 3.attractions 4.tourists5.length 6.Admission 7.settlers 8.translation9.central 10.advances 11.variety 12.preservation Ⅱ.短语填空

1.is modelled after 2.No wonder 3.came to life 4.is famous for 5.get close to 6.in advance 7. is familiar with 8.have fun Ⅲ.单句填词

1.from 2.did 3.staying 4.advanced Ⅳ.单句改错

1.There改为It 2.preserve改为preserved 3.with 改为to 4.learn改为learning 5. passer-by改为 passers-by 6.closely改为close



