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高一英语人教版必修3练习-Unit 5 第1课时【含解析】

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Unit 5 第一课时

Ⅰ.单词拼写导学号 66070269 1.The plane crashed killing all 157 passengers ________ (在飞机上).

2.Two pieces of ________ (行李) have gone missing, which makes the woman very sad. 3.There is a national park on the ________ (边界) between Kenya and Tanzania. 4.My kids spend hours ________ (聊天) on the phone to their friends. 5.There are seven ________ (洲) in the world.

答案:1.aboard 2.baggage 3.border 4.chatting 5.continents Ⅱ.语法填空导学号 66070270 1.The problem the new teacher is faced with is that it always takes the class a while to settle________ at the start of the lesson.

答案:down 句意:这位新老师面临的问题是这个班在开始上课时总得一段时间后才能静下来。settle down安静下来。

2.We finally bought a house, ________(measure) about seven feet by ten.

答案:measuring 考查非谓语动词。measure与前面的house构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用其-ing形式。

3.—Are you worried about the result of the exam? —Only ________(slight).

答案:slightly 句意:——你很担心考试结果吗?——稍微有点。 4.He has a gift______ language, while his sister is a ________(gift) pianist.

答案:for; gifted have a gift for... 有……的天赋,a gifted pianist一位天才钢琴家。 5.The government must take ______(measure) to prevent the water of the river ______(pollute).

答案:measures; being polluted 句意:政府必须采取措施来阻止河水被污染。take measures采取措施;the water与pollute之间是逻辑上的动宾关系。

6.The question has been raised at the meeting ________ each member country should share the expenses of the committee.

答案:whether 句意:是否每一个成员国都应该分摊委员会费用这个问题在会议上已经被提出来了。whether引导名词性从句不作句子成分,只保留词义“是否”。该句是由whether引导的同位语从句,谓语部分将其和名词the question分隔开。if不能引导同位语从句。

7.—What happened to the heroes at the end of the book?

—All of them managed________ (escape) from the enemy prison and began their new life. 答案:to escape 句意:——在书的结尾,这些英雄怎么样了?——他们都设法从敌人

监狱里逃了出来,开始了新生活。manage to do sth设法做成了某事。

8.There was a hole in the door, through which I ________ (catch) sight of Mr. Brown sitting in a chair.

答案:caught 句意:门上有个洞,透过这个洞我看到布朗先生坐在椅子上。catch sight of看见,瞥见。

9.A dog was knocked down by a car while running across the road, his owner ________ (chat) with others without noticing it.

答案:chatting 考查独立主格结构。根据句中的逗号可知,后面应用独立主格结构或从句,但逗号后没有连词引号从句,故只有用独立主格结构且owner和chat之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用动词-ing形式。

10.It's the protection for the trees ________ really matters, rather than how many trees are planted each year.

答案:that 句意为“至关重要的是树木的保护,而不是每年种植了多少树”。It is/was... that...是强调句型。

Ⅲ.阅读理解导学号 66070271 (2015·江西省赣州一中高一下学期5月月考)

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama ended their first trip to India on Monday. The First Couple set off on the ten-day tour of Asia on Friday. Obama's goals for the tour are to improve ties between the US and the region, and to promote (促进) economic growth and job creation. The President and his team will return to Washington, D.C. on November 14.

The Obamas began their trip in Mumbai, India, the financial and economic center of the country, on November 6. There, they met with government officials, business leaders and school groups. Up first on the schedule was a visit to a memorial at the TajMahal Palace and Tower Hotel. Obama's second day in India was lighter than the first. The Presidential visit took place on Diwali, or the Festival of Lights. The five-day religious festival is celebrated each year by Hindus, Sikhs and others. The Obamas spent the holiday visiting with local schoolchildren.

On Monday, Michelle Obama joined 15 Indian school girls on a field trip to a museum of Indian craft work. During the tour, the First Lady stressed to the students the importance of education. Most of the children on the trip are the first girls in their families to attend school. Mrs Obama also encouraged the young women to stay fit, telling them that she likes to exercise because “women have to stay strong”.

Early tomorrow, the Obamas will travel to Indonesia, the country in which the President spent four years as a boy. After that, they will fly to Seoul, South Korea, to attend the Group of Twenty, or G-20, economic summit. The conference brings together leaders from 20 wealthy and developing nations and the European Union. They meet twice a year to address challenges that affect the global economy.

The final leg of the tour will be in Japan, where Obama will attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.


1.According to Paragraph 1, what are the goals for the ten-day tour? a.To improve ties between the US and Asia. b.To do sight-seeing in the countries. c.To help economy grow faster. d.To help create more jobs. A.abc C.ad

B.acd D.abcd

答案:B 细节理解题。根据第一段的Obama's goals for the tour are to improve ties between the US and the region, and to promote economic growth and job creation.可知奥巴马此次前往亚洲,是为了增加亚洲和美国之间的联系,促进经济发展和创造更多的就业机会,故选B。

2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A.What the First Couple did in India. B.How long the First Couple stayed in India. C.Introduction to a traditional holiday in India. D.What the First Couple thought of their tour in India.

答案:A 主旨大意题。通读第二段,可知主要介绍了奥巴马夫妇在印度访问的经历,故选A。

3.During the field trip to a museum of Indian craft work, the First Lady ________. A.asked why only the first girls could go to school B.told the students the importance of craft work C.explained why women must stay strong D.encouraged the students to study hard

答案:D 推理判断题。根据第三段的During the tour, the First Lady stressed to the students the importance of education.可推断在参观博物馆的过程中,第一夫人鼓励了学生们要努力学习。

4.We can know from the passage that Mr Obama ________. A.will stay in Indonesia for four days B.will stay in Japan for the shortest time C.hasn't attended the Group of Twenty before D.will attend an important conference in Seoul

答案:D 细节理解题。根据第四段的After that, they will fly to Seoul, South Korea, to attend the Group of Twenty, or G-20, economic summit.可知在接下来的访问过程中,奥巴马会在首尔参加一个重要的会议。

5.How many countries does the First Couple plan to visit in total in their ten-day tour in Asia?

A.3. C.5.

B.4. D. 6.

答案:B 细节理解题。通读全文,可知奥巴马夫妇这次访问一共会去往四个国家,分别为印度、印度尼西亚、韩国和日本。


(2014·全国新课标Ⅱ)导学号 66070272 Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains. They reached the top __1__, but on their way back conditions were very __2__. Joe fell and broke his leg. They both knew that if Simon __3__ alone, he would probably get back __4__. But Simon decided to risk his __5__ and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳).

As they __6__ down, the weather got worse. Then another __7__ occurred. They couldn't see or hear each other and, __8__, Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁). It was __9__ for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up. Joe's __10__ was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice. __11__, after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold, Simon had to __12__. In tears, he cut the rope. Joe __13__ into a huge crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below. He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain. He couldn't walk, but he __14__ to get out of the crevasse and started to __15__ towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers __16__. Simon had __17__ the camp at the foot of the mountain. He thought that Joe must be __18__, but he didn't want to leave __19__. Three days later, in the middle of the night, he heard Joe's voice. He couldn't __20__ it. Joe was there, a few meters from their tent, still alive. 文章大意:这是一篇记叙文,两个朋友Simon和Joe在成功登顶后回程途中遭遇恶劣天气,Joe又摔断了腿,Simon冒着生命危险尽力营救Joe,但是,最后不得不含泪放弃。而Joe努力自救,最后二人团聚。全文体现了人们对于生命对于友谊的坚持、不放弃。

1.A.hurriedly C.successfully

B.carefully D.early

答案:C 由上文他们是爬上the Siula Grande的第一批人,可知他们成功登顶。故选C项。

2.A.difficult C.special

B.similar D.normal

答案:A 上文是成功,but表示转折可知下文是不好的情况,所以选A项,“回去的路上,情况很困难”。其它都不合题意。

3.A.climbed C.rested

B.worked D.continued

答案:D 由上文Joe摔断了腿,可知如果Simon(不照顾Joe)自己继续走下去的话,他会回去的。


A.unwillingly C.slowly

B.safely D.regretfully

答案:B Simon自己会安全地回去的。safely安全地,强调结果。而slowly慢慢地,此处应该强调对比照顾与不照顾Joe的结果。故选B项。

5.A.fortune C.health

B.time D.life

答案:D 由上文提到如此艰难的环境,还要照顾断腿的Joe,这是冒着生命的危险,故选D项。

6.A.lay C.went

B.settled D.looked

答案:C 由上文可知,他们是在下山,所以选C项,go down下去;而lie down躺下,settle down定居下来,look down向下看,皆不合题意。

7.A.damage C.change

B.storm D.trouble

答案:D 由下文“他们彼此既看不见又听不见”,可知“又一个问题出现了”,故选D项,trouble问题,麻烦事。

8.A.by mistake C.by choice

B.by chance D.by luck

答案:A 由上文“他们彼此既看不见又听不见”,且由and连接,可知由此产生了不好的结果,因此选A项,by mistake错误地。by chance偶然地,by choice出于自愿, by luck幸运地,皆不合题意。

9.A.unnecessary C.important

B.practical D.impossible

答案:D 由上下文可知Joe爬回去是不可能的,Simon把他拉上去也是不可能的,故选D项。

10.A.height C.strength

B.weight D.equipment

高一英语人教版必修3练习-Unit 5 第1课时【含解析】


