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六年级下册英语试题-小升初 英汉互译 专项练习(译林版)含答案

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六年级下册英语试题-小升初 英汉互译 专项练习(译林版)含答案

1.实现 2.从不晚睡 3.道路安全 4.环游世界 5.回到盐城 6.run fast 7.sound great 8.go to Ocean Park 9.talk about

10.want to be the king 11.write to a friend of mine 12.have the same hobby 13.some medicine for cough 14.tell me about your country 15.一位穿着红色连衣裙的女孩 16.互相帮助 17.明年春节 18.看上去相像 19.在上午八点半 20.知道有关她的一切_

21.开始,最初 22.hold onto 23.当心 24.care about 25.发现 26.go well 27.国庆节 28.Children's Day 29.照顾 30.red packets 31.开心地笑 32.large and strong 33.一个健康的饮食 34.go back to London 35.想要成为一名厨师 36.only eat a little 37.暑假计划_ 38.feel sleepy 39.我们的梦想 40.study hard 41.一种健康的饮食 42.last night

43.儿童节 44.go into 45.保持安全 46.look out for 47.下周 48.care about 49.成为一名宇航员 50.a little 51.回去 52.make friends 53.爱护;照顾 54.shopping centre 55.开始,最初 56.come from 57.多久 58.fashion show 59.几个 60.then and now 61.一个坏习惯 62.道路安全 63.我们的梦想

64.一个健康的饮食 65.路过 66.shout loudly

67.stay there for two weeks 68.care about your teeth 69.a lovely clown 70.travel around the world 答案: 1. come true 2. never go to bed late 3. road safety

4. travel around the world 5. go back to Yancheng 6. 跑得快 7. 听起来不错 8. 去海洋公园 9. 谈论 10.想成为国王

11.给我的一个朋友写信 12.有相同的爱好

13.一些治咳嗽的药 14.跟我说说你的国家 15.a girl in a red dress 16.help each other 17.next Spring Festival 18.look the same 9.at

19.8:30/eight thirty/half past eight in the morning 20.know all about her 21.at first

22.紧系抓住;保持住 23.watch out 24.担心,关心 25.find out 26.进展顺利 27.National Day 28.儿童节

29.look after/take care of 30.红包 31.laugh happily 32.又大又壮 3 3.a healthy diet 34. 35.

回到伦敦 want to be a cook

六年级下册英语试题-小升初 英汉互译 专项练习(译林版)含答案


