a kind of novel nano nickel supported on alumina catalysts was synthesized by impregnant method and was tested over stream reforming of ethanol reaction. The typical synthesis procedures were as follow: Firstly, the desired amount of alumina powders were dispersed in a 100 mL mixture of water and ethanol (v:v=1:1). Subsequently, the nickel nitrate solution was added dropwisely into the above system under vigorous stirring. The obtained mixture was kept stirring for three hours at 70 oC, followed by filtration, washing,drying and calcination to obtain supported Ni/Al2O3 catalysts. The effects of nickel content, preparation and reaction time on the performance and Ni crystal sizes of this catalyst has been investigated in detail. The Ni/Al2O3 catalysts were characterized by the BET techniques. The results indicate that the activity of catalysts is increasing with the increase of Ni content. Finally, the high activity of this Ni catalyst is attributed to the Ni nanocrystals present on the surface of the catalysts.
1、 Which of the following belongs to phosphate?( c) (a) PH3 (b) Na3PO3 (c) Na3PO4 (d) P
2、 1H and 2H are _ b ___ and occupy the same position in periodic Table. (a) isomers (b) isotopes (c) redox bodies (d) amphoteric compounds 3、 The _ d ___ of a carbon is 12
(a) the weight of molecule (b) molecular number (c) the weight of atom (d) atomic weight 4、Which of the following belong to nitrate? b (a) NH3 (b) KNO3 (c) KNO2 (d) NO
5、Which of the following belongs to secondary amine? B
4、The number of outmost electron in carbon atom is _C_. (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6
5、In reaction H2 + CuO — H2O + Cu, __B__ is reduced. (a) H2 (b) CuO (c) Cu (d) H2O 6、Which of the following is charged? _C_
(a) atom (b) molecule (c) proton (d) neutron 7、Who first presented Periodic Table of elements? C (a) Democritus (b) Boyle (c) Mendeleev (d) Dalton 8、Which of the following is classified into amine? B (a) NH3 (b) CH3NH2 (c) NaNH2 (d) N2
9、The substances on the left side of the chemical equation are known as __a_ . (a) reactant (b) reactor (c) reductant (d) reaction 10、Who first present the model of an atom in 1900s? b (a) Plato (b) Dalton (c) Mendeleev (d) Boyle
11、Which of the following belongs to nitrite? b (a) HNO2 (b) KNO2 (c) Mg3N2 (d) NH3
12、Which of the following belongs to metal? b (a) selenium (b) sodium (c) Tellurium (d) Helium
13、 The elementary particle of ____ is uncharged. d (a) proton (b) electron (c) ion (d) neutron
14、 Bromine has ____ electrons in its outermost energy level. d (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 8 (d) 7
15、 Which of the following is non-metal? a (a) chlorine (b) lead (c) copper (d) mercury 16、 The atomic number of helium is __ a __. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 0
17、 The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called __ d __.
(a) energy level (b) groups (c) electron configuration (d) periods 18、 The symbol for element silver is __ a __. (a) Ag (b) Sn (c) Hg (d) Au 19、 The atomic number of carbon is _ b ___. (a) 13 (b) 6 (c) 12 (d) 1
20、 Which of the following is inert element? b
(a) hydrogen (b) helium (c) tellurium (d) potassium 21、 Which of the following belongs to halogen? c (a) carbon (b) lithium (c) fluorine (d) neon 22、 Which of the following belongs to noble gas? a (a) neon (b) potassium (c) iodine (d) lead 23、 Which of the following belongs to alkali metal? B (a) silver (b) sodium (c) tellurium (d) bromine 24、 Which of the following belongs to metal halide? b (a) KClO3 (b) KCl (c) HCl (d) Cl2 25、 The ____ of carbon is is 1s22s22p2 a
(a) electron configuration (b) periodicity (c) general property (d) inertness
26、 The general property of metal is _ b ___. (a) soft (b) lustrous (c) flammable (d) toxic
27、 Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine belong to _ c ___ group.
(a) alkaline metal (b) transition metal (c) halogen (d) alkaline earth metal 28、 Few reactions occur on helium and argon, so the two elements are chemically __ b __. (a) reactive (b) inert (c) mild (d) strong
29、 The standard enthalpy for normal oxygen is _ a ___. (a) 0 (b) >0 (c) <0 (d) ≠0
30、 The maximum electronegative element in Periodic Table is _ c ___. (a) H (b) Na (c) F (d) He
31、 Which of the following belongs to the complex? b (a) FeF3 (b) Na3[FeF6] (c) Fe3O4 (d) Fe
32、 When solid NaCl is put into water, the solid “disappears”. The whole system is called _ d ___.
(a) soluble (b) solvent (c) solubility (d) solution 33、 Mn2+ can be _ d ___ to MNO4- by (NH4)2S2O8 in acidic solution. (a) reduced (b) exchanged (c) substituted (d) oxidized 34、 Charged atoms are called __ a __. (a) ions (b) protons (c) electrons (d) molecules
35、 Which of the following is classified into oxo-anion ? b (a) O2- (b) SO42- (c) S2- (d) S2-
36、 Reaction CH4 +Cl2 → CH3Cl + HCl is called _ a __ reaction. (a) substitution (b) oxidation (c) reduction (d) exchange
37、 Benzene is often used as _ c ___ both in laboratory and in chemical industry.
(a) solution (b) solvation (c) solvent (d) solute 38、 Standard entropy of any species is _ c ___.
(a) 0 (b) ≤ 0 (c) > 0 (d) both (b) and (c) 39、 If aqueous NaCl is wanted to separate, __ b __ is good choice.
(a) substitution (b) distillation (c) coordination (d) bond 40、 Alcohol is readily __ b __ and we smell it everywhere in air. (a) soluble (b) volatile (c) reactive (d) precipitated
41、 As a general rule, the coordination compounds(the complex) with coordination number of six are observed __ b ___ structure
(a) tetrahedral (b) octahedral (c) octagonal (d) bipyridyl
42、 The demanded energy that a gaseous neutral atom loses one electron at thermodynamic standard condition is called the first __ d __.
(a) energy level (b) electron configuration (c) activation energy (d) ionization energy
43、c NaCl is __ c __ in water.
(a) solution (b) solvent (c) soluble (d) precipitated 44、 When AgNO3 is mixed with NaCl, AgCl __ d __ is developed. (a) solution (b) solvent (c) soluble (d) precipitated 45、 Which of the following belongs to hydrocarbon? b (a) C11H22O11 (b) C8H18 (c) CH3COOH (d) H2SO4 46、 In K4[FeF6], the charge of the complex part is __ a __. (a) -4 (b) +2 (c) +1 (d) –1
47、 Which of the following belongs to substitution reaction? b
(a) H2 + Cl2 — HCl (b) C6H6 + Cl2 — C6H5Cl + HCl (c) H2O — H2 + O2 (d) S+ O2 — SO2
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