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外研版高中英语必修4《Module 4 Great Scientists》word教案

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名师精编 优秀教案

Module 4 Great Scientists Reading and Vocabulary教学设计



1:文章标题和文章主要内容的关系。 2:有关人物介绍类文章的特点。

3:如何提高根据上下文猜测词义的技巧。 教学重点:

1: Improve the students’ ability of reading comprehension. 2: Summarize the instruction about Yuan Rongping. 教学步骤:

Leading-in activities(warming-up activities)→Skimming→Scanning→Recite the important sentences→Role-play→Homework.

Step1: Leading-in activities (warming-up activities)

1: Read the title of the passage and answer the following questions.(教学目标一)

a. The title of this passage is The Student Who Asked Questions. In your opinion, will it be about something or about someone? b. When a passage is about someone, usually what does the writer write about him/her?

c. Give another title about the passage:

2:Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. 项目 His name Nationality Major Inventions 内容 Inventions’ time 3: Complete the passenger: (词汇热身) In rice-growing world, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Long-ping, is a _________ __________.(重要人士) Yuan Longping was born and _______ _______(抚养) in China. From an early age Yuan Longping _______ ___________ _______ plants(感兴趣). He devoted all his time to _______ ___________ _______ (发明杂交

水稻). Now he is _______ ___________ _______ his inventions all over the world.

Step2: Skimming(泛读能力培养)

1:What kind of student was Yuan Longping when he was young? 2:What way did he think to produce rice more quickly? 3:What did he discover?

4:How important was the discovery?

Step3: Scanning(精读能力培养)

I:Read the passage again and decide whether the statements are True of False.

名师精编 优秀教案

1. China produces more rice than any other country. 2. Yuan Longping asked a lot of questions at school. 3. He developed a new kind of fast-growing rice. 4. The government helped him in his research.

5. The new rice replaced vegetables in 50 thousand square kilometers. 6. The new rice is now grown n other countries, such as Pakistan.

II:Finish the exercises in Activity 3 & 4. (教学目标三)


1: Underline the topic sentences in each paragraph.(段落主旨句) 2: Divide the whole passenger into three parts.

Part 1:(第一段):Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the rice-growing world. Part2:(第二,三和四段):His school life and how he discovered hybrid rice. Part3:(第五和六段):How important was the discovery?

合作探究:How should we organize our composition when we introduce a

scientist? (what to write and how to divide them into several parts)

从文章的结构上我们可以:______ 我们可以涉及的方面:

Para One Para Two Para Three Para Four Para Five Para Six Part One Part Two Part Three Yuan Rongping 常用到的短语: Step4: Recite the important sentences

1. In the rice-growing _____, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is ____ _____ _____. (Para 1 , line10)

2. Yuan Longping was _____ and ______ ____ in China. (Para2, line 1).

3. He thought that _____ ______ ______ _______ people was to have more rice and to ______ it more quickly.(Para 3 ,line 4)

4. First Yuan Longping _________ ____ different types of rice.(Para 4, line 1) 5. This was the ___________.(Para 5, line1)

6. _______ ____ ______ ____ Yuan Longping’s discoveries, Chinese rice production ______ ______ 47.5 percent in the 1990’s.(Para 5, line1)

名师精编 优秀教案

Step5:Role-play (语言组织和口语输出)

Suppose one of you is talking with Yuan Rongping.You can talk about the following topics:

1: Yuan’s school life and how he discovered the special type of rice. 2: The influence of the new hybrid rice. 3: What you have learned from Yuan.

Step6: Homework:

Write a short composition to introduce Yuan Rongping. Make sure that you can come to the blackboard to give us a report about him.

外研版高中英语必修4《Module 4 Great Scientists》word教案


