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2020年浙江Dawn and Morning-2020年高考英语读后续写素材库之环境描写

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专题04 The Description of Dawn and Morning


? 4-1 Dawn sent shimmering rays over the placid ocean, bestowing a golden path from the shore to the


译文:黎明在平静的海面上放射出出闪闪发亮的光线,留下一条从海岸到地平线横亘而过的金色道路。 亮点词汇 shimmering发出微弱的闪光; 闪烁; shimmer的现在分词 rays光线; 射线; 一点,少量; 魟,鳐; ray的复数 placid温和的; 平和的; 文静的; 平静的; 宁静的; 安静的 horizon地平线; 范围,眼界 生词难词 bestowing给予,授予,献给; bestow的现在分词 技法讲解:画面感 要想把景物写生动、写活,就要捕捉到该环境下特有的细节场景,营造出一种画面感,让读者身临其境,感同身受。就像4-1的这个例句就有极强的画面感,抓住了黎明太阳初升时金光闪闪的场景,不是泛泛地写阳刚照耀,而是把光芒具象成a golden path from the shore to the horizon,这样一来,画面感就出来了。 本套资料中类似的句子还有很多,请读者在阅读过程中细细体会这种写法。

? 4-2 Bird song welcomes in a new day, sweet melodious chorus of seemingly never repeated notes, cascading

through the branches, tumbling into the crisp morning air, flowing into the surrounding countryside like a great river of music.

译文:鸟鸣中迎来了新的一天,悦耳动听的合唱声似乎从未重复过,从树枝上倾泻而下,跌入清脆的晨风中,像一条流动的音乐之河流入周围的乡村。 亮点词汇 melodious悦耳的; 优美动听的; 像音乐的

chorus副歌; 合唱曲; 合唱团; 歌咏队; 合唱; 齐声说; 异口同声地说 seemingly看似; 貌似; 表面上; 据说; 听说; 看来

cascading倾泻; 流注; 大量落下; 大量垂悬; cascade的现在分词



tumbling跌倒,摔倒,滚落,翻滚下来; 倒塌; 坍塌; 暴跌,骤降; tumble的现在分词 crisp脆的; 酥脆的; 鲜脆的; 脆嫩的; 洁净的; 挺括的; 油炸土豆片,炸薯片; 变脆 flowing流; 流动; 涌流; 流畅; flow的现在分词,这里形容音乐,十分形象

? 4-3 Only an hour ago the blackness was absolute, but now the mist was visible, silvery. Against this backdrop

the trees were silhouettes, still as an oil painting and darker than the ravens.

译文:就在一小时前,还是完全黑暗,但现在那银色的雾已经可见了。在这样的背景的映衬下,树的轮廓仍然像油画一样,比乌鸦还黑。 亮点词汇 silvery闪着银光的; 银色的; 银铃般的; 悦耳的 backdrop背景幕布; 周围陪衬景物; 背景

silhouettes暗色轮廓; 体形; 形状; 剪影; 侧影; 使呈现暗色轮廓; silhouette的第三人称单数和复数 oil painting油画; 油画艺术 生词难词 ravens渡鸦; raven的第三人称单数和复数

? 4-4 The sky was a billion pure eyes of light and the grass green underfoot, it was as if night and day had

become one beautiful moment. Dawn had come.


? 4-5 The sun rises as a canopy of gold, bright amid the blue, bidding the stars to take their nightly rest. As

darkness surrenders, every color changes from tinges of charcoal to the vibrancy.

译文:太阳升起,像一个金色的天篷,在蓝色的天空中闪闪发光,让星星们休息。随着黑暗的消退,每一种颜色都从木炭色变得充满活力。 亮点词汇 canopy罩篷,遮篷,罩盖; 顶篷; 天篷; 天篷似的树荫; 座舱盖 amid在…过程中; 在…中; 四周是

surrenders投降; 放弃,交出; surrender的第三人称单数

tinges给…着色,给…染色; 使略带…感情; 微量,少许,一丝,几分; tinge的第三人称单数和复数



生词难词 charcoal炭,木炭; 深灰色

? 4-6 The sky glows like a summer peach and the sun is pure gold in the sky. The colors of the foliage return

to green and the air warms to an ambient twenty or so. It is the perfect dawn, one to be savored instead of squandered. Under this radiant beauty I can see the path ready for a meaningful day.

译文:天空像夏天的桃子一样发光,太阳在天空中像是纯金的一样。树叶的颜色又变绿了,空气也变暖到大约二十度左右。这是一个完美的黎明,一个值得被品味而不是被挥霍浪费的黎明。在这光芒四射的美景下,我可以看到已经为一个有意义的一天而准备好了的道路。 亮点词汇 glows发出微弱而稳定的光; 发出暗淡的光; 发红,发热,显得红,感觉热; 喜形于色; 心满意足; glow的第三人称单数

savored使有味[有趣味]; 欣赏…的味; 玩味; 鉴赏; savor的过去分词和过去式 squandered浪费,挥霍; squander的过去分词和过去式 ready for预备好 生词难词 foliage n.叶子(总称);簇叶


2020年浙江Dawn and Morning-2020年高考英语读后续写素材库之环境描写


