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1. 昨天是元旦, 二班的同学举行了一个聚会。 q: what was the date yesterday? a: it was january 1st.

q: what did the class two students do yesterday? a: they had a party.

2. 明天是晴天,我们打算在公园里野餐。

q: what will the weather be like tomorrow? a: it’ll be sunny/fine.

q: what are you going to do tomorrow?

a: we are going to have a picnic in the park. 3. 彼得喜爱听音乐,听音乐帮助他放松。 q: what’s peter’s hobby? a: listening to music.

q: why does peter like listening to music? a: because it can help him relax.

4. 约翰友好且乐于助人,他常常在公交车上让座。 q: what is john like?

a: he is friendly and helpful.

q: what does he often do on the bus?

a: he often gives his seat to someone on the bus. 5. 苏珊去过上海两次,她认为上海是一个现代化城市。 q: how many times has susan been to shanghai? a: she has been to shanghai twice. q: what does she think of shanghai?

a: she thinks shanghai is a modern city.

6. 吃足够的蔬菜对我们的健康有好处,一周吃不少于5次。 q: what’s good for our health?

a: eating enough vegetables is good for our health. q: how often should we eat them? a: not less than five times a week.

7. 最近的医院离我们有三公里远,最好乘公共汽车去。 q: how far is the nearest hospital?

a: the nearest hospital is 3 kilometers away from us. q: how can we go there?

a: we’d better go there by bus.

8. 我在公园对面的购物中心上班,骑车要20分钟的时间。 q: where do you work?

a: i work in the shopping mall opposite the park. q: how far is it from your home? a: it takes 20 minutes to ride there.

9. 大卫感觉好多了,但还要在医院待两天。 q: how is david?

a: he is much better now.

q: how long will he stay in hospital? a: for two more days.

10. 万圣节是我最喜欢的节日,那一天要穿特别的戏服戴面具。 q: which festival is your favorite festival? a: halloween is my favorite festival. q: what do people wear on that day?

a: they wear special costumes with masks on that day. 11.今年的五一节在星期二,我们将放三天的假。 q: on what day is may day this year? a: it’s on tuesday.

q: how many days off are we going to have? a: we are going to have three days off.

12. 水果和蔬菜是我的最爱,它们能使我保持健康。 q: what’s your favourite food? a: fruit and vegetables. q: why do you like them?

a: because they can keep me healthy.

13. 基蒂想当一名舞蹈演员,她每天练习跳舞不少于两个小时。 q: what does kitty want to be? a: she wants to be a dancer.

q: how long does she practise dancing every day? a: not less than two hours.

14. 我早餐喝一杯牛奶吃两片面包,我从没有不吃早饭去上学。 q: what do you have for breakfast?

a: i have a glass of milk and two pieces of bread.

q: how often do you go to school without breakfast? a: i never go to school without breakfast.

15. 我们学校的学生喜欢看卡通和体育节目,他们每周看电视的时间不足三小时。

q: what tv programmes do the students from your school like?

a: they like cartoons and sports programmes.

q: how long do they spend watching tv every week? a: for less than three hours.

16. 昨天是星期天,我和妈妈到超市去购物。 q: what day was yesterday? a: it was sunday.

q: what did you do?

a: i went to the supermarket with my mum to do some shopping.

17.这件白色的棉布衬衫看起来很漂亮,值180元。 q: what is the white blouse made of? a: it’s made of cotton.

q: how much does it cost? a: it costs 180 yuan.

18. 我的好朋友贝蒂的生日快到了,我打算给她买个发夹作礼物。whose birthday is coming soon? a: my friend betty’s.

q: what are you planning to do?

a: i’m planning to buy her a pair of hair clips as a present. 19. 今晚的时装演出是为希望工程募钱,肯定会大获成功。 q: what’s the aim of tonight’s fashion show? a: to raise money for project hope. q: what do you think of it? a: it will be a great success.

20. 富士山是日本的标志,人们喜欢到那里溜冰或滑雪。 q: what’s the symbol of japan? a: mount. fuji.

q: what do people like doing there? a: they like skating or skiing.

21. 安娜住在莫斯科中心的一座公寓里,她和邻居们相处融洽。 q: where does anna live?

a: she lives in a flat in the center of moscow.

q: how does she get along with her neighbours? a: she gets along well with her neighbours.

22. 我的宠物狗才两岁,我每天带它到公园里散步。 q: how old is your pet dog? a: only two years old.

q: where do you take it for a walk?

a: i take it to the park for a walk every day.




