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大学英语精读5词汇练习答案 - 图文

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Unit 1

1.The bank has discovered that on any ____day,transactions in cash seldom exceed one million.

(given 特定的)译:银行发现在特定的某一天,现金交易很少超过一百万。

2.One could tell ____that she was not the kind of person who would given up easily.(at a glance)译:她一看就不是那种容易放弃的人。

3.Applicants for this position need ____in at least one foreign language. (fluency)译:要申请这一职位必须能够熟练运用至少一门外语。

4. ____patience,the artificial breeding of this species can be achieved. (Given)译:只要有耐心,就能够人工繁殖出这一物种。

5.So far we have had perfect weather. The yield of the crop, ____will hit a new record this year.


8.“How did you get the information about this author?”“I looked him ____in the Who’s Who.”(looked up)译:“你是怎么得到那位作家的资料的?”,“我从《名人录》上查的。” 9.It’s no____talking to him because he never listens. (good)译:跟他说也没用,因为他从来不听。

10.The author of the article ____my words out of ____in order to mislead the readers. (quoted context)译:这篇文章的作者对我的话断章取义以误导读者。

11.The council provides practical ____and support for students wishing to pursue an international study program.


12.The __needs of the refugees are warm clothing and clean drinking water. (immediate)译:难民们急需的是保暖衣物和清洁的饮用水。

13.She held the glass away from her in ___.“What’s this awful stuff you’ve given me to drink ?”(disgust )译:她厌恶的推开杯子,“你给我喝的这是什么鬼东西?”

14.It’s not a good habit to look up every new word you ____in your reading. (come across)译:把你在阅读中遇到的每一个新单词都查出来不是一个好习惯。

16.He is interested in everything that falls within the ____of his research. (scope)译:他对他研究范围内的一切东西都非常感兴趣。

Unit 2

1. The _____that thought _____the heart was once accepted as a truth. (notion inhabited) 译:他们曾认为地心说是真理

2.To say that human rights are not protected in the country is a____of the obvious truth. (denial否认) 3.An _____opinion poll of foreign businesses in China published today shows growing confidence in the sustained development of the country’s economy. (independent)

译:一个独立的民意调查显示,在中国的外国公司今天公布的国经济持续发展的信心日益增强。 4.The book gives us a ____picture of contemporary life in rural China (realistic现实的)译:这本书给我们一幅现实的中国农村生活图景 5. I can’t imagine how this place _____a five-star hotel ! The service is dreadful. (pass for 被认为是)译:我无法想象这里被认为是五星级宾馆,服务太糟糕了。 6.The warming of the Earth and the ____climate change will affect us. (consequent )译:地球变暖和随之而来的气候变化将影响我们。

7.The little girl scooped up ___sand and let it trickle through her fingers。(a handful of) 译:小女孩抓起一把沙子,让它从她的手指流下。

8.This is a book about business practice _____theory. ( as opposed to) 译:这是一本关于商业实践,而不是理论的书。

9.He___his ____friends to help get him a loan. ( urged influential) 译:他敦促他的有影响力的朋友帮他贷款。

10.Many people now think there is no such thing as _____truth ,because truth is subject to change as man’s understanding of the universe improves. (eternal永恒)


11.Tens of thousands of country girls across the land drifted to the capital_____employment. (in search of) 译:成千上万的农村姑娘们北漂寻找就业机会。

12.Rosa and her groom promised to __each other through sickness and health, poverty and richness. (cherish珍惜)译:罗萨和她的新郎承诺彼此珍惜共度疾病与健康,贫穷与富裕。 13. The two questions are closely _____but will need to be considered separately. (related) 译:这2个问题是密切相关的,但需要单独考虑。

14. The minister of finance made a quick ___of the accusation that he ___tax reforms. (denial was opposed to)译: 财政部长迅速否认了他反对税收改革的指责。

15. That house is thought by many to be _____,for the families that lived in it all ended up in tragedy. (haunted闹鬼)译:这座房子被许多人认为“闹鬼”,因为在这座房子里住着的家庭都以悲剧告终。 16.The guest ____ trace of fatigue in the face of the host, so he quickly took leave. ( discerned)译:客人看出主人疲劳前,所以他很快就离开。

Unit 3

1.Mine sweeping is a difficult and dangerous job and the engineers who perform the job should be paid accordingly(相应的)


2.She took too few courses in her first two years at college and now she does not have enough credits(学分) to get her degree.


3.She’s spent her whole life in pursuit of an unattainable(无法实现的) ideal(理想), and so

she’s been totally disappointed.


4.I believe he was an man, dedicated to the people and his country. 5.He could never conceive of such a thing happening to himself. 他无法想象自己会发生这样的事。

6.Lack of confidence in his own abilities(能力) is the chief defect(缺陷) in Mike’s character(性格). 对自己的能力缺乏信心是迈克性格中的主要缺陷

7.He has absolutely no conception of(没有概念)how difficult life can be if one is unemployed.

他完全不知道一个人失业生活会有多困难。 8.The program(项目,程序) started from the premise(前提) that men and women must be treated on(对待) equal terms in this society.


9.We can not make a decision until we have made an objective (客观的)assessment of our business prospects.在我们对业务前景做出客观评估之前,我们无法做出决定

10.Indeed(的确), a good deal of importance of the book lies in its later influence. 的确,这本书的重要性很大程度上在于它后来的影响。

11.Recent studies have borne out(已经证实) claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes. 最近的研究证实,某些香水可以带来深刻的心理变化。

12.As the competition becomes increasingly intense, the shops are trying all kinds of ways to induce(引诱) people to buy. 【prevail upon 说服,诱使】 随着竞争越来越激烈,商店正尝试各种方法来吸引人们购买

13.People who are overweight usually don’t like physical exercise and lack of exercise makes them put on more weight it is a vicious (恶性)cycle.

14.He is planning to risk everything to get his next venture (合资企业)started. 他打算冒一切风险来开始他的下一次创办一个合资企业。

15.I’ll be at work until five, in the gym till nine, and at home after that so contact me later at one of those places as the case may be视情况而定

我要工作到5点,在健身房一直到9点,然后在家里,所以根据情况晚些时候在这些地方联系我 16.The driver’s account of the accident was by verified (证实) three men who had seen it happen. 司机对事故的描述得到了三个目击事故发生的人的证实。


1.When you inquire about interest rates, it’s important to distinguish (区分,辨别)compound interest and simple interest.当你询问利率时,区分复利和单利是很重要的

2.At the meeting there was a lot of opposition(反对派,反对) to the proposed(提出了) changes. 会上有许多人反对所提出的改变。

3.For a long time this substance was thought to be harmless, but recently there has been proof(证实) to the contrary (相反) and so you are warned off it.

长期以来,这种物质一直被认为是无害的,但最近有了相反的证据,所以你最好不要摸它 4.You must follow the regular procedures(程序,规程) in applying for a visa. 你申请签证时必须遵守常规程序。

5.They agreed to the plan in principle(原则上), but there were several details they did not like. 他们原则上同意这个计划,但有几个细节他们不喜欢。

6.The degree of punishment is meant to be proportional (成比例的)to the seriousness of crime.


7.The rebels(反叛者) refused to surrender(投降,交出) their arms(武器,手臂的复数) and insisted on their right to use violent means in pursuit of their goals. 他们拒绝交出武器,坚持使用暴力手段追求自己的目标

8.Our company must constantly strive for(争取,斗争) greater efficiency(效率) if we are to survive in the intense(激烈的)competition 我们公司要在激烈的竞争中生存下去,就必须不断地提高效率 9.Predictions(预测,预言)that the recession(经济衰退) will be shout(呼喊) are small comfort(安慰,舒服) to those already affected.


10.In the end, three votes determined the outcome(结果) of the election(选举) 11.Success in making money is not always a good criterion【(批评判断的)标准;准则;规范;准据】 of success in life.

12.It was Aristotle who proved the world is round. Plato adopted (采用)the concept 13.There is widespread speculation(投机;推测;思索;投机买卖)that the company is about to collapse(倒塌了). 人们普遍猜测这家公司即将倒闭

14.Fireworks(烟花) are banned (禁止)within the inner city(市中心), because they are considered hazardous(有危险的) in the densely populated(有人口居住的) downtown area(市区)

15.For me the advantages of living in a big city far outweigh (超过)the disadvantages


16.These provisions(规定) are formulated (制定)to ensure that the minority(少数) nationalities(民族) are adequately(充分的) represented(代表) in the National People’s Congress

为了保证少数民族在全国人民代表大会中有充分的代表,制定本规定 17.The ingredients(成分,材料)of a cake usually include eggs, sugar, flour(面粉) and flavoring(调味料)

18.This pornographic(淫秽的) novel should be banned before it is widely circulated (流传)among teenagers.

19.No substance(物质) can retain (保留,保持)moisture(水分) indefinitely(一直,无限期的) when exposed to great heat(暴露在高温下).

20.When dark(黑暗) clouds appeared in the sky, we pointed out(指出) that they

are only temporary, that the darkness would soon pass and the sun break through(突破).

21.The destruction(破坏,毁灭,摧毁) of rainforests(热带雨林) has been condemned(被定罪为,被谴责为) as a disaster(灾难,灾祸,不幸) for the environment. 热带雨林的破坏被谴责为环境的灾难。

大学英语精读5词汇练习答案 - 图文


