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公交车自动报站系统 毕业论文外文翻译

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The bus stops system automatically

1. The bus is automatically stops the background and significance

The people of car out for provides convenient service, while the bus stops directly affect the quality of the service. Traditional stops by the crew artificially, and in this way because of its poor and working intensity effect is too great, in many big cities have been eliminated. In recent years, with the development of science and technology progress and microcomputer technology in many fields has been widely used. In the acoustic field, with various pronunciation chip microcomputer technology, can complete combined speech synthesis technology, makes the car stops controller is realized for citizens becomes possible, and thus provide a more personalized service. In view of the traditional bus stops system deficiency, combined with the use of public transport vehicle characteristics and practical operating environment, the design of a single-chip microcomputer control bus stops system automatically.

The bus stops the design of automatic device is mainly to compensate for changing the traditional voice stops device must have driver control can work backward way, pitted, automatic station broadcasts six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide more humanized more perfect service.

2. The system design of each component

This system is designed hardware circuit design part: use AT89C51 as controller, through ISD4004 pronunciation chip establish speech, forming a variety of information and use the voice messages broadcast speech information and tips amplifier, and using speech, LED digital display for standing count. When the bus arrived at one site, use the keyboard control the system work, through the yukon voice circuits output speech information and tips, stood in several information LED digital tube display. The whole system hardware design including keyboard circuit and reset circuit, display driver circuit, display circuit, memory expansion circuit module.

In order to realize the bus stops, namely in speech automatic six-foot-tall; and when voice prompt information and automatic reporting service term, while utilizing of LED dot matrix circuit Chinese displaying. This design is required to exploit the AT89C51 as the master control circuit design of chips, auxiliary circuit requirements including voice circuits, Chinese dot matrix display circuit, the power supply circuit, etc. The CPU control and control signals, pronunciation chip, output indicator light

component. The bus station is automatically stops the car wheel design, to count the pulse Angle, will count value compared with preset value, can determine moments, attain the precise automatically stops the purpose. USES AT89C51 as main control chip, combining to foreign pulse count ISD4004 output voice pronunciation chip. System consists of pulse detection, pulse count, CPU control and control signals, pronunciation chip, output indicator light component.

About AT89C51 chip:

AT89C51 it mainly consists of for the following parts: 1 eight central processing unit (CPU), piece you in memory, the pieces (Flash RAM, 4 of 8 bits two-way addressable I/O port, 1 full-duplex UART (general asynchronous receiver transmitter) serial interface, 2 16 timer/counters, multiple priority nested interrupt structure, and a piece inside oscillator and clock circuit. In AT89C51 structure, the most striking characteristics of internal contains Flash memory is, while in other aspects of the structure of the Intel corporation, the and the structure of the 8051 no much difference.

Main performance:

1. With MCS - 51 compatible

2. 4K bytes programmable flashing memory Life expectancy: 1000 times to write/wipe cycle Data retention time: 10 years 3. All the static job: 0Hz - 24Hz 4. Tertiary program memory lock 5. 128 * 8 bits inside 6. 32 programmable I/O lines 7. Two 16 timers, counter 8. Five interrupt source 9. Programmable serial channels

10. Slice clock circuit oscillator and within The design of pulse detection circuit:

The design of the key is that the rotor turn lap count, considering the vehicles will be running in a complex environment, and the hall componets are resistant to vibrate, afraid of dust, grease, water vapor and salt fog the advantages of the pollution or corrosion, so adopt reliable hall element DN6848 as signal acquisition device,

again by photoelectric couplers 4N25 input to microcontroller. Photoelectric coupler current transmission 10% ~ 25%, than for less than 10us response time.

About speech output circuit design

This series of chip required by the microprocessor or micro controller series through serial peripheral interfaces and serial interface addressing and control. The recording data is stored method of multistage storage is through ISD patent technology implementation, with sound and audio signals directly in the natural form of solid state memory, thus providing high quality replay the fidelity of speech.

ISD4004 voice recording devices for 6.4 kHZ sampling frequency, time and recording a single chip 8 points, 10 points, 12 points, 16 points several, and its use of built-in FLASH memory cost nonvolatile CaXie memory, this fast data, and it is not lost power save data department needs power consumption. The typical stored information can save time up to 100 years, the same storage unit can be repeated be recorded 10 million times.

IAD4004 chip audio output pin can drive a five thousand uefa load, when device after power up, change the power output pins for 1.2 v. to this design of chosen amplifier is LM386 is for low voltage application design audio amplifier, the working voltage of 6V, maximum distortion degree of 0.2, power frequency response to 20 ~ 100 KHZ

About LED display output design:

This circuit USES 16 * 256 destem to display 16 16 * 16 Chinese characters, using the video memory U14 to deposit the characters bitmap information. Screen points page 32, each page 16 line 8 column LED by constitute the light emitting diode, destem with a four - 16 decoder 74LS154 decode, will address A0 - A3 decode formed by two do signal, 4-16 decoder 74LS154 form a 5-32 decoder, carries on the page decode, will address A4 - A8 decode form page, choose communication, respectively, to choose a 74LS244 general 74LS244 data through this system to a page in a line of eight leds into display information.

3. The characteristics of the system and advantage

This system greatly improve the accuracy of bus stops, and reliability. Improving the service quality of the bus system. Promote the city economic development and harmonious development of traffic changes. Made up for changing the traditional voice stops device must have driver control can work means, in the bus stops behind

when the station broadcasts, automatic six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide more humanized more perfect service.




1. 公交车自动报站器的背景及意义


公交车自动报站器的设计主要是为了弥补改变传统语音报站器必须有司机操控才能工作的落后方式,进站、出站自动播报站名及服务用语,为市民提供更人性化更完善的服务。 2. 系统各组成部分的设计


为了 实现公交车的语音自动报站,即在进站、出站时候自动播报语音提示信息及服务用语,同时利用LED点阵电路进行汉字显示。本设计要求利用AT89C51作为主控芯片完成主控电路的设计,辅助电路要求包括语音电路、汉字点阵显示电路、电源电路等。CPU控制、控制信号、语音芯片、输出显示灯组成。公交车站自动报站器的设计,对车轮轴的转角的脉冲进行计数,将计数值与预置值对比,即可确定报站时刻,达到准确自动的目的。以AT89C51为主控芯片,对外来脉冲计数,结合语音芯片ISD4004输出语音。系统由脉冲检测、脉冲计数、CPU控制、控制信号、语音芯片、输出显示灯组成。



主要性能: 1. 与MCS-51兼容

2. K字节可编程闪烁存储器

寿命:1000次写/擦循环 数据保留时间:10年 3. 全静态工作:0Hz-24Hz 4. 三级程序存储器锁定 5. 128*8位内部 6. 32可编程I/O线

7. 两个16位定时器、计数器 8. 5个中断源 9. 可编程串行通道 10. 片内振荡器和时钟电路 关于脉冲检测电路的设计:






公交车自动报站系统 毕业论文外文翻译


