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Task 2: Before the cutback


Barbara: I’ve really got to think about my future. You’ve heard of the cutbacks the

management’s making, right?

Alan: Oh, yes. I’ve heard it. But you haven’t anything to be concerned about. Barbara: Around here you never know from one day to the next whether you can

keep your job

.Alan: Come on, they won’t let you go. You’ve been for so long. Besides, you’re

good at your job.

Barbara: That might be, but I feel that I’ve reached the glass ceiling in this company. Alan: Glass ceiling? What do you mean by that?

Barbara: I’ve been working here for ten years. I haven’t gotten a promotion in three

years. I thought I should be Vice President by now. If I were a man, I’m sure I would be Vice President.

Alan: There’s no official company policy, but it’s true that they don’t promote

women to management positions here.

Barbara: I can see the writing on the wall. I think it’s time to change job, and maybe

even careers, if I want to get ahead.

Alan: Change career? That’s a big jump. If you change careers, what will you do? Barbara: I’m doing market research here, but I studies public relations in college. I’d

like to do PR for a large multinational company.

Alan: That sounds exciting, and the pay would be better, too. Yeah, if I would keep

an eye on the job positing on the Internet.

Barbara: Sooner or later something good is bound to turn up in the job market.


Task3: Career Transitions


In July of 2001, my husband, a professional in the information technology consulting industry, lost his job. Despite my experience as a career counselor who had counseled



hundreds of people about career changes, when the bad news finally arrived, we were both caught unprepared. Unprepared to tell our children, unprepared for the mix of emotions and most dramatically, unprepared for the sudden loss of routine in our lives. The reality was that thought we both knew well how to find jobs, we had never been in this awkward unemployment situation together before. I remember watching my husband sitting in our office as he patted his forehead and muttered to himself, “ Now what am I supposed to do?”

Being laid-off created a whole new set of questions and challenge. We turned to the bookstore for assistance and found lots of books about job search, but not a single book on the day-to-day challenges you face when you get laid-off.

Over time we learned what to do. We discovered terrific resources, identified

shortcuts, and learned from others going through the same process. I spoke with my colleagues and clients and collected their best tips. Before we knew it, we had gathered enough interesting material for a book on career transitions –the book we needed but couldn’t find last July

Now we want to share this goldmine of information with you.

For Reference

5. She had experience as a career counselor who had counseled hundreds of people about career changes. But when her husband’s lost job, they both were caught unprepared.

6. They were unprepared to tell our children, unprepared for the mix of emotions and most dramatically, unprepared for the sudden loss of routine in our lives.

3. She saw her husband sitting in our office as he patted his forehead and muttered to

himself, “Now what am I supposed to do?”

4. In the bookstore they found lots of books about job search, but not a single book

on the day-to-day challenges people face when they get laid-off.

5. They had gathered enough interesting material for a book on career transitions –the book we needed but couldn’t find last July

News Report

U.S. Ford Plants to Be Closed Script

Ford Motor Company has announced plans to close plants ns cut more than 35,000 jobs as part of massive restricting [SOUND BITE]



The announcement didn’t seem to come as a surprise to many Ford employees. .[SOUND BITE]

Ford Chief Executive, Bill Ford, Jr., called the cuts painful, but necessary to rescue the world’s number two carmaker from going under.

The planned cuts include22, 000 jobs in the U.S. and Canada.

Certain U.S. models, such as the Cougar, Escort, Villager, and Lincoln Continental will be discontinued due to plant closings.

Ford, Jr. said he would receive no salary until the company recovered. [SOUND BITE]

Ford’s recent financial troubles reflect a complete turnaround from last year, when the company reported a profit of more than $6 billion for the year2000.

The company was hit hard in 2001, when they spent $3 billion during a safety recall. When news of the plant closings and job cuts the workers, many reacted with emotion. [SOUND BITE]

Chairman Ford, Jr. says that recovery will be based on getting back to basics in product development and on improving quality and productivity.


II. Basic Listening Practice

8. Script

W: What’s that? Is it a toy? Did it get chewed by a dog?

M: Hey, that’s my mascot! My uncle gave it to me when I was five, and it’s been with me ever since. It brought me luck in all my college exams. I can’t bring myself to part with it.

Q: What does the man say about his lucky charm?

9. Script

W: Wish me luck; I’ve got a job interview this afternoon. I’m really nervous. M: Stay calm, best of luck! I’ve got my finger crossed for you.

Q: What does the woman say he has crossed his fingers for the woman?

3. Script

W: Oh no! Did you see that black cat walk right in front of me? That’s unlucky! M: Really? I guess it depends on where you come from. In my hometown it’s the opposite: It’s lucky to see a black cat cross your path. So no need to worry! Q: What do the man and the woman think about a black cat crossing their path?



4. Script

M: Guess what I did this morning? I smashed my mirror. A great way to start the day! W: Oh no, seven years’ bad luck, isn’t it? Q: What happened in the morning?

5. Script

M: I can’t believe this rain; it’s been pouring for hours! Where can I dry my umbrella? W: Not in here please! It’s unlucky to open an umbrella indoors. You can put it on the porch.

Q: Where does the woman ask the man do to open his umbrella?

Keys: 1.C2.C3. A 4.D 5.B

III. Listening In

Task 1: David Copperfield is coming.

W: My brother is going to pick up some tickers for the David Copperfield show.

You interested in coming with us?

M: I don’t know. I’ve been card tricks before, and rabbits from hats. I even do

tricks myself—watch me change this coin into an ice cream cone.

W: Very funny. David Copperfield is the world’s greatest magician; he’s certainly

worth a look.

M: Actually, I have seen him on television. He pulls off some pretty amazing

stunts. I wish I knew how he performed his tricks. Then I could also make a person float in the air. I could pull a rabbit out of my hat. I could escape from a straitjacket and handcuffs—all underwater. And I could saw a woman in half.

W: A magician never tells his secrets. David attempts the impossible and no one

has any idea how he does it. I saw him on TV when he walked through the Great Wall of China.

M: How could he do that?

W: I have no idea, but I know what I saw: He entered a canvas shelter on one side

of the wall, and he came out of a canvas shelter on the other side.

M: yes, bur was he always in full view of the camera, or did they cut to a

commercial or something else?

W: Not only was the camera running all the time, but he was hooked up a heart

monitor, and you could track his progress as he moved through the wall.



M: It’s difficult to know what to believe. I know it’s not possible for him to do that,


W: It sounds to me like it’s a show worth watching.

M: Count me in. Instead of an ice cream cone, I’ll turn my money into a ticket.

21. What is the dialog mainly about?

22. Which of the following DOESN’T the man mention?

23. What did David Copperfield do at the Great Wall of China, according to the woman?

24. Under what condition did David Copperfield go through the Great Wall? 25. What does the man finally decide to do?

Keys: 1C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C

For Reference

1. He could make a person float in the air, pull a rabbit out of his hat, escape from a straitjacket and handcuffs—all underwater, and saw a woman in half.

2. She thinks Davis Copperfield in the world’s greatest magician and he’s certainly worth a look.

Task 2: Is it really bad luck? Script

Are you worried because you have just broken a mirror? Some people believe that breaking a mirror is a (S1) terrible thing to do. They say it will bring you seven years of (S2) misfortune. The reason behind this belief stems the old idea that a person’s soul is in their (S3) reflection, so that if you smash your mirror, you soul will be (S4) damaged too, dooming you do an early death, and not giving you entry to (S5) heaven. Is there any way to reverse this bad luck? Yes—if you very carefully (S6) pick up all the broken pieces of the mirror and throw them into a river or stream, then the bad luck will be”(S7) washed away”..

Of all number, 13 is the most associated with bad luck. (S8) Some people claim that the number is bad luck because thirteen people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucified, and with this in mind few hosts will serve dinner with thirteen at the table. And according to an ancient Norwegian tale, twelve gods had gathered for a feast when a thirteenth, Loke, entered. After the meal, Loke killed Balder, who was the most beloved of all the gods.




