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2019年人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 8 单元检测附答案

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2019年人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 8 单元检测附答案

Unit 8

单元检测 1.单项选择 1.(2017四川成都蜀西实验学校月考)My mother always makes me ____ a lot of housework. A.doing B.do C.to do

2.(2018山东济南燕山中学月考)Julia isn't going to the cinema with us because she ____ the film. A.sees B.saw

C.will see D.has seen

3.(2018内蒙古北京八中乌兰察布分校月考)After the earthquake, ____ people were homeless. A.millions of B.five hundred of C.thousand of D.ten thousands 4.(2018北大附中新疆分校月考)-Is this your book? -No, it is ____ book. It belongs to ____ . A.his;his B.his;him C.him;his D.him;him

5.(2018山东青岛市北区期末)-Which dress do you like best, Joe? -I can't decide ____ . A.choose which one B.to choose which one C.which one to choose

D.which one should I choose

6.If you don't ____ ,you won't catch the early bus. A.stay up B.hurry up C.give up D.put up

7.These records can ____ some pleasant memories.I won't throw them away. A.take away B.bring back C.take off D.cut down

8.(2017山东济南槐荫区期末)I hear that Oliver Twist is an interesting book.I can't wait ____ it. A.read

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B.reads C.reading D.to read

9.The little boy couldn't lift the heavy box which was ____ books and newspapers. A.busy with B.angry with C.full of D.used to

10.(2017天津河西区期末)-Have you finished your homework ____ ,Tom?

-Of course, Mum.I have done it ____ .Let me help you with the housework. A.yet; yet

B.already; already C.yet; already D.already; yet

11.(2018广东中考)It is said that the number of forest parks in Guangdong ____ to more than 1,000 so far. A.increase B.increased

C.has increased D.will increase

12.She wants to learn to play several instruments ____ the piano and the guitar. A.and so on B.instead of C.such as D.rather than

13.(2018甘肃天水中考) It took us one week ____ this article ____ by Mo Yan. A.read ; written B.to read ; written C.reading; to write D.to read ; to write

14. (2017湖北襄阳中考)-Over 100 countries and organizations ____ warm support to the Belt and Road Initiative(倡议) since 2013.

-Wonderful! Our circle of friends is growing bigger! A.give

B.have given C.gave

D.will give

15.The old man and his wife have lived in the small village ____ they retired. A.ever since B.even though C.as soon as D.until

Ⅱ.完形填空 (2017陕西中考)

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When I was in primary school, I fell in love with reading. The books 16 me to a wonderful world. The more I read, the more I wanted to know. However, my parents 17 afford so many books. I had to solve the problem myself.

There was a book shop near my home. One day I walked into 18 shop and picked up a book. I didn't know whether 19 there without buying any books. 20 I wasn't noticed, I just read a few pages and then put it back. Luckily, no one noticed me. After that, I went there to read every day. Several days later, while I was reading, the owner came up and asked,\like reading?\looked down and replied 21 ,\worry,\said with a smile. \may read books here 22 you help me clean the shop.\was very happy that I 23 to read there. From then on, I spent a little time cleaning the shop. After that, I quietly read there. That way, I read lots of books. I became one of 24 writers in our school. I even won some prizes in writing. Now studying in high school, I can borrow books 25 the library. My hobby of reading is kept. It will make a big difference to my life.

16.A.brought B.are bringing C.bring D.have brought 17.A.couldn't B.mustn't C.needn't D.shouldn't 18.A.a B.an C.the D./

19.A.can I read B.I can read C could I read D.I could read 20.A.Make sure B.To make sure C.Believe in D.To believe in 21.A.nervous B.nervously C.angry D.angrily 22.A.if B.although C.before D.unless

23.A.will allow B.will be allowed C.allowed D.was allowed 24.A.good B.the best C.poor D.the poorest 25.A.to B.for C.with D.from Ⅲ.阅读理解

A (2018甘肃白银中考)

Alice in Wonderland Chapter 2

Alice was not hurt, so she jumped to her feet in a moment. She looked up, and found the White Rabbit was still in sight. She was close behind it when she turned the corner, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen. She found herself in a long, low hall.

There were doors all around the hall, but they were all locked. Alice walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever to get out again. Suddenly, she came upon a little three-legged table. There was nothing on it but a tiny golden key, and Alice's first idea was that this might belong to one of the doors of the hall.

But, alas, either the locks were too large, or the key was too small. However, on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before and behind it was a little door. She tried the little golden key in the lock, and she was pleased to find it fitted!

26.The hall where Alice stayed is _____.

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A.long and low B.big and high C.wide and low D.big and wide

27.What did Alice want to do when she got to the hall? A.She wanted to know how to get some food. B.She wanted to know where her sister was. C.She wanted to find out how to get out again. D.She wanted to meet the Rabbit.

28.Where did Alice find the tiny golden key? A.B.C.


29.How did Alice feel when the gold key fitted into a lock? A.Tired. B.Shocked. C.Happy.


30.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Alice had never seen the White Rabbit before she got to the hall. B.Some of the doors around the hall were locked.

C.Alice noticed the little door as soon as she entered the hall. D.The passage is from Alice in Wonderland. B ( 2017河北中考)

David walked down the street. All he wanted to do was to play basketball with Jim. But his mother told him to return his sister's books to the library on his way to Jim's house.

In his eyes, books and summertime just don't go together. He thought he had read a lot during the school year. And he had never set foot inside a public library. Today he'd just drop the books off in the outside return box, but it was locked. He had to go inside to return them.

David walked inside the building a few minutes before closing time. He put the books into the return box. After a quick drink of water and a short stop in the toilet, he'd be on his way to meet Jim. He walked out of the toilet. The library lights were turned off. He was locked-in a library !

David tried to use the telephone, but he couldn't find one. As the sun began to set, he searched for a light and found a little one on a desk. He used a pencil to write a note on a big piece of paper. It read, \

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for help.\He then turned his attention to the library itself.

He was surprised to discover that this place was not so bad. Rows and rows of books! When he saw a book about Michael Jordan on the desk, he picked it up. He opened the book and began to read. He felt that being locked in the library didn't seem to be such a terrible thing.

31.What did David's mother want him to do? A.Play basketball with Jim. B.Take a walk in the street. C.Read books in the library. D.Return his sister's books.

32.David thought he had read a lot during ______ . A.a visit to Jim's B.the school year C.the closing time D.the summertime

33.David went inside the building because ______ . A.the sun began to set

B.he wanted to use the telephone C.he needed to go to the toilet D.the outside return box was locked

34.Which of the following sentences could be added to the chart(图表).

A.He searched for a light.

B.He put the books into the return box. C.He had a quick drink of water.

D.He turned his attention to the library.

35.David discovered that ______ after he was locked in the library. A.he was very afraid of the dark B.he became interested in this place C.his mom was worried about him

D.his friend became nervous about him Ⅳ.任务型阅读


Do you have problems in your life and don't know how to be happy? If so, you will find Being a Happy Teenager written by an Australian writer Andrew Matthews(安德鲁·马修斯).

In his book, Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers.

There are many topics such as parents and friends, and the book says we should stop being angry and should forgive (宽恕) . The book tells us a lot of useful skills, such as how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to make your

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2019年人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 8 单元检测附答案


