Free Carrier 货交承运人
FCA (insert named place of delivery) Incoterms 2010 货交承运人(?指定地点) GUIDANCE NOTE序言
This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transport selected and may also be used where more than one mode of transport is employed. “Free Carrier” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer at the seller’s premises or another named place. The parties are well advised to specify as clearly as possible the point within the named place of delivery, as the risk passes to the buyer at that point. If the parties intend to deliver the goods at the seller’s premises, they should identify the address of those premises as the named place of delivery. If, on the other hand, the parties intend the goods to be delivered at another place, they must identify a different specific place of delivery. FCA requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable.
However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.
该术语适用于所选择的任一运输方式,也可被用于多式联运。“Free Carrier”是指卖方只要将货物在其所在地或指定交货地点交给买方指定的承运人,即完成交货。当事人应尽可能精准地指定交付地点,因为到达指定地点后风险由买方承担。如果当事人计划在卖方所在地交货,则应指明卖方所在地的地址为指定的交付地点。如果当事人计划在另一地点交货,则应指明另一明确的交货地点。FCA要求在需要办理海关手续时由卖方负责货物出口清关。然而,卖方并没有义务办理货物进口清关、负担任何进口关税或办理任何进口海关手续。 A THE SELLER’ OBLIGATIONS 卖方义务
A1 General obligations of the seller 卖方基本义务
The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity that may be required by the contract. Any document referred to in A1-A10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.
A2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities 许可,授权,安全许可和其他正式手续
Where applicable, the seller must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any export licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods. 在需要办理清关手续时,卖方必须承担风险和费用获得任何出口许可或其他官方授权,办理货物出口所需的一切海关手续。
A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance 运输合同和保险合同 a) Contract of carriage 运输合同 The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of carriage. However, if requested by the buyer or if it is commercial practice and the buyer does not give an instruction to the contrary in due time, the seller may contract for carriage on usual terms at the buyer’s risk and expense. In either case, the seller may decline to make the contract of carriage and, if it does, shall promptly notify the buyer.
b) Contract of insurance 保险合同
The seller has no obligation to the buyer to make a contract of insurance. However, the seller must provide the buyer, at the buyer’s request, risk, and expense (if any), with information that the buyer needs for obtaining insurance.
卖方没有义务为买方订立保险合同。但应买方要求并由其承担风险和费用,卖方必须提供给买方办理保险所需的相关信息。 A4 Delivery 交货
The seller must deliver the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer at the agreed point, if any, at the named place on the agreed date or within the agreed period. 卖方必须在指定的交货地点,在约定的交货日期或期限内,将货物交付给买方指定的承运人或其他人。 Delivery is completed: 交货在以下时候完成:
a) If the named place is the seller’s premises, when the goods have been loaded on the means of transport provided by the buyer.
b) In any other case, when the goods are placed at the disposal of the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer on the seller’s means of transport ready for unloading.
If no specific point has been notified by the buyer under B7 d) within the named place of delivery,
and if there are several points available, the seller may select the point that best suits its purpose.
在其他情况下,当货物在卖方的运输工具上准备卸货而交给买方指定的承运人或其他人处置时完成交货。若按照B7 d)规定在指定交货地点内买方没有决定具体交货点,且有几个具体交货点可供选择时,卖方可选择最适合其目的的交货点。 A5 Transfer of risks 风险转移
The seller bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, with the exception of loss or damage in the circumstances described in B5. 除B5规定者外,卖方必须承担货物灭失或损坏的一切风险,直至已按照A4规定交货为止。 A6 Allocation of costs 费用划分 The seller must pay 卖方必须支付:
a) all costs relating to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A4, other than those payable by the buyer as envisaged in B6; and b) where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, taxes, and other charges payable upon export. 除按照B6规定应由买方支付的费用外,卖方必须支付与货物有关的一切费用,直至已按照A4规定交货为止;在需要办理海关手续时,货物出口应办理的海关手续费用及出口应交纳的一切关税、税款和其他费用。 A7 Notices to the buyer 通知买方
The seller must, at the buyer’s risk and expense, give the buyer sufficient notice either that the goods have been delivered in accordance with A4 or that the carrier or another person nominate
d by the buyer has failed to take the goods within the time agreed.
在货物已按照A4规定交付给承运人或在约定时间内买方指定的承运人或其他人未能接收货物时,卖方必须给予买方充分通知,由买方承担风险和费用。 A8 Delivery document 交货凭证
The seller must provide the buyer, at the seller’s expense, with the usual proof that the goods have been delivered in accordance with A4. The seller must provide assistance to the buyer, at the buyer’s request, risk and expense, in obtaining a transport document.
卖方必须自付费用向买方提供证明按照A4规定交货的通常单据。应买方要求并由其承担风险和费用,卖方必须给予买方协助以取得运输单据。 A9 Checking –packaging –marking查对、包装、标记
The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations (such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting) that are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4, as well as the costs of any pre-shipment inspection mandated by the authority of the country of export. The seller must, at its own expense, package the goods, unless it is usual for the particular trade to transport the type of goods sold unpackaged. The seller may package the goods in the manner appropriate for their transport, unless the buyer has notified the seller of specific packaging requirements before the contract of sale is concluded. Packaging is to be marked appropriately.
A10 Assistance with information and related costs信息协助及相关费用
The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer’s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including
security-related information, that the buyer needs for the import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination. The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10.
B1 General obligations of the buyer 卖方基本义务
The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provided in the contract of sale. 买方必须按照销售合同规定支付价款。
Any document referred to in B1-B10 may be an equivalent electronic record or procedure if agreed between the parties or customary.
以及经当事人同意或根据交易习惯在B1-B10中提到的任何有同等作用的电子记录或程序的凭证。 B2 Licences, authorizations, security clearances and other formalities 许可,授权,安全许可和其他正式手续
Where applicable, it is up to the buyer to obtain, at its own risk and expense, any import licence or other official authorization and carry out all customs formalities for the import of the goods and for their transport through any country.
B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance 运输合同和保险合同 a) Contract of carriage 运输合同 The buyer must contract at its own expense for the carriage of the goods from the named place of delivery, except when the contract of carriage is made by the seller as provided for in A3 a). 买方必须自付费用订立自指定的地点运输货物的合同,卖方按照A3 a)订立了运输合同时除外。 b) Contract of insurance 保险合同
The buyer has no obligation to the seller to make a contract of insurance. 买方没有义务为卖方订立保险合同。 B4 Taking delivery 受领货物
The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4. Unless the buyer notifies the seller otherwise, the seller may deliver the goods for carriage in such a manner as the quantity and/or nature of the goods may require.
买方必须在卖方按照A4规定交货时,受领货物。除非买方提出特殊要求,否则卖方可以按照货物本身的数量和性质要求选择货物的运输方式。 B5 Transfer of risks 风险转移
The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.
If a) the buyer fails in accordance with B7 to notify the nomination of a carrier or another person as envisaged in A4 or to give notice; or 买方未按照B7规定给予卖方相应通知
b) the carrier or person nominated by the buyer as envisaged in A4 fails to take the goods into its charge, then, the buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods: (i) from the agreed date, or in the absence of an agreed date,
(ii) from the date notified by the seller under A7 within the agreed period; or, if no such date has been notified,
(iii) from the expiry date of any agreed period for delivery, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods.
当自约定的交货日期或并未约定日期;自买方按照A7规定指定的约定期限内的日期起或买方并未指定该日期;或自交货期限届满之日起(但以该项货物已正式划归合同项下为限),买方指定的承运人或其他人未能接管货物时,买方承担货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。 B6 Allocation of costs 费用划分
The buyer must pay 买方必须支付:
a) all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4, except, where applicable, the costs of customs formalities necessary for export, as well as all duties, ta
xes, and other charges payable upon export as referred to in A6 b);
自按照A4规定交货之时起与货物有关的一切费用,以及在需要办理海关手续时,货物出口所需办理海关手续的费用和按照A6 b)规定在货物出口时应交纳的一切关税、税款和其他费用
b) any additional costs incurred, either because:
(i) the buyer fails to nominate a carrier or another person as envisaged in A4, or
(ii) the carrier or person nominated by the buyer as envisaged in A4 fails to take the goods into its charge, or
(iii) the buyer has failed to give appropriate notice in accordance with B7, provided that the goods have been clearly identified as the contract goods; and
c) where applicable, all duties, taxes and other charges as well as the costs of carrying out customs formalities payable upon import of the goods and the costs for their transport through any country.
在需要办理海关手续时,货物进口应交纳的一切关税、税款和其他费用,以及办理海关手续的费用及从他国过境的费用 B7 Notices to the seller 通知卖方
The buyer must notify the seller of 买方必须通知卖方以下事项:
a) the name of the carrier or another person nominated as envisaged in A4 within sufficient time as to enable the seller to deliver the goods in accordance with that article;
按照A4规定及时通知其所指定的承运人或其他人的姓名,以便卖方有充分时间按照合同规定交付货物 b) where necessary, the selected time within the period agreed for delivery when the carrier or person nominated will take the goods;
c) the mode of transport to be used by the person nominated; and 买方所指定的承运人采用的运输方式
d) the point of taking delivery within the named place. 和指定交货地点内的具体受领货物的地点 B8 Proof of delivery 交货证明
The buyer must accept the proof of delivery provided as envisaged in A8. 买方必须接受卖方按照A8规定所提供的交货证明 B9 Inspection of goods货物检验
The buyer must pay the costs of any mandatory pre-shipment inspection, except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the country of export.
买方必须支付任何装运前强制检验的费用,包括出口国有关当局强制进行的检验。 B10 Assistance with information and related costs 信息协助及相关费用
The buyer must, in a timely manner, advise the seller of any security information requirements so that the seller may comply with A10.
The buyer must reimburse the seller for all costs and charges incurred by the seller in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in A10.
The buyer must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the seller, at the seller’s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including
security-related information, that the seller needs for the transport and export of the goods and for their transport through any country.
买方必须偿付卖方按照A10规定在买方获得相关凭证和信息时给予协助所发生的费用。 应卖方要求并由其承担风险和费用,在需要办理清关手续时,买方必须给予卖方一切及时的协助,以帮助其取得包括卖方为货物运输和出口和必要时从他国过境所需的有关货物安全信息在内的任何凭证和信息。