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郑州大学远程教育学院 入学测试机考
专升本 大学英语 模拟题
41、On our way to New York, we ____________ the town of Albany. A. got over B. came through C. went over D. got through
42、More has been learned since 1945 about the chemical changes in the body than in all human history before time. A .in B. that C. which D. the
43、How long each other when they got married? A. had they known B. have they known
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
C. would they know D. did they know
44、Could you hold on a few minutes I check this with my boss? A. for B. since C. during D. while
45、Though adults breathe twelve times a minute , breathing is so automatic the average person hardly ever thinks about it. A. and B. that C. for which D. in fact
46、He studied, yet he passed every exam. A. frequently B. little
44 C. regularly 45 D. rarely 46
47 标准答案:D
48 47、The novel is worthy of _________.( )49 A.reading 50 B.read 51 C.having read 52 D.being read 53
54 标准答案:D
55 48、It is very kind ______ see me.( ) 56 A.from you to 57 B.by you to 58 C.of you to 59 D.you 60
61 标准答案:C
49、It looks ___________it’s going to rain.( 3