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北师大高中英语必修三课时规范训练:nit The ea Period 含答案

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Unit 7 Period Five



An acrobatic(杂技的) master performed a tightrope(钢丝)walk between two mountains,which attracted thousands of people.

When the __1__ started,he went to one end of the tightrope,__2__ straight at the goal ahead,with open arms,walking slowly step by step to the opposite side of the mountain.Immediately,the audience __3__ loud applause. “If my hands are tied,do you also believe I can __4__?” he asked the audience. __5__,some people didn't believe,but in order to know the __6__,they said,“We believe you!”

Then,he had his hands tied with a rope and walked past __7__. He looked around and said,“If I'm blindfolded(蒙着眼睛的) with my hands tied,do you __8__ believe I can go past?”

This time, the people said without __9__,“We believe you!”

In this way, his eyes were __10__ with a black cloth.He moved slowly to the tightrope and walked along it inch by inch.This time,he went past once again.The audience burst into __11__. Then,he __12__ a child and asked all the people,“If I put him on my shoulders __13__ I'm blindfolded with my hands tied as well,do you still believe I can make it?”

All the people replied before __14__,“We believe you!” “I ask you again,do you really believe me?” “Yes,we believe you completely !”

Then,he said,“Well then,since you believe me, __15__ my child with yours.Who will?” All of a sudden,the audience fell __16__.The silence lasted for nearly ten minutes. After ten minutes,the acrobatic master said nothing,just put the child on his shoulders and walked past along the tightrope.Sure enough, this time he __17__ once more. Faced with things far from their own __18__,people can often make judgments easily and quickly,but once involved in(牵涉) it,most of people “cannot __19__ it clearly”.Only those who are really confident,like the master in the tightrope walk,can stay __20__ at any time. ( )1.A.talent C.program

B.play D.show

( )2.A.stepping C.wandering ( )3.A.broke into C.gave off

( )4.A.get through C.go across ( )5.A.Finally C.Hopefully ( )6.A.result C.challenge ( )7.A.slightly C.smoothly ( )8.A.even C.always

( )9.A.difficulty C.concern ( )10.A.blocked C.covered ( )11.A.cheers C.tears

( )12.A.chose C.pushed ( )13.A.till C.while

( )14.A.arguing C.refusing

( )15.A.exchange C.take

( )16.A.silent C.doubtful ( )17.A.won C.acted

( )18.A.children C.interests

B.staring D.pointing B.came into D.sent out B.walk down D.pass around B.Actually D.Especially B.experience D.trick B.luckily D.nervously B.just D.still B.hesitation D.mercy B.hidden D.equipped B.joy D.laughter B.supported D.held B.before D.since B.thinking D.wondering B.compare D.treat B.noisy D.anxious B.walked D.succeeded B.fears D.performances

( )19.A.sense C.understand ( )20.A.awake C.patient 【答案与解析】

B.see D.realize B.encouraged D.focused

1.D 由文章第一句话的perform可知,这是现场表演,所以D正确。

2.B 他目光直视对方的目标。stare at “凝视”,形容精力高度集中。所以B正确。 3.A 当他第一次成功通过时,人群爆发出热烈的掌声。break into破门而入,突然爆发;give off发出光或热等。所以A正确。

4.C 句意:如果我的双手被绑住,你们相信我也能通过吗?go across通过(到达对面);get through(从立体空间)通过,所以C正确。

5.B 根据后面的“some people didn't believe,but in order to know”可知,事实上,人们是不信的,但为了检验结果,他们说了谎话,说他能过。Actually与后文but呼应,所以B正确。

6.A 能与不能是一种未来的结果,所以A正确。 7.C walk smoothly顺利地走过。所以C正确。

8.D 有了第二次,他问人们他是否仍然能在加难度的基础上,再次通过。此处用still是相对于上一次而言的“仍然”。所以D正确。

9.B 人们毫不犹豫地回答,without hesitation意思是“毫不犹豫”,符合场景,所以B正确。

10.C 根据上文的“If I'm blindfolded(蒙着眼睛的) with my hands tied,do you…”可知,这里选C。

11.A 他这次是以更高难度通过的,所以人们是爆发出热烈的欢呼声,burst into cheers爆发出欢呼声;burst into tears 突然大哭;burst into laughter突然笑起来。所以A正确。

12.D 他抱住一个孩子问观众。hold抓住,握住。符合后文的情节,他这一次是带孩子一起过的。所以D正确。

13.C 带孩子走钢丝已经很危险了,然而他还要求蒙住眼睛。while然而,但是。用


14.B before thinking “不假思索”。体现了人们对大师的信任,所以选B。 15.A 此处为文章最后一段的议论埋下伏笔,开始引导人们换位思考,再作决定。exchange…with…用……换……,所以A正确。

16.A 后文的“silence for ten minutes”提示这里填silent,fall silent陷入寂静。所以A正确。

17.D 后文的Sure enough和once more提示:这又是一次成功的表演。所以D正确。 18.C 作者开始点题议论了:面对与自己利益毫不相干的事情时,做决定是简单的事情,反之则不然。都不舍得拿自己的孩子去冒险!

19.B 大部分人都不能清楚地看到这一点指的就是can't see it clearly。所以B项正确。 20.D 只有像这位钢丝表演大师那样真正自信的人,才能做到任何时候都专注和冷静。focused专注的,聚精会神的。所以D正确。

Ⅱ. 阅读理解(共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分)



BARBARA KLEIN:Our VOA listener question this week comes from Bangladesh.Munna asks if Hawaii is an American state.

Experts believe that Polynesian people discovered the Hawaiian Islands about two thousand years ago.A king ruled the islands when British sea captain James Cook arrived in 1775.

In 1818,the Hawaiian King Kamehameha said the group should be called the“Islands of the Kingdom of Hawaii”.Britain gave the islands their independence in 1843.The king was ousted fifty years later by a group of American businessmen.Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the United States in 1959.

The state of Hawaii includes eight major islands in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean.The main islands are Kauai,Oahu,Molokai,Maui,Lanai and Hawaii,also called the Big Island.The island of Niihau is privately owned.Kahoolawe has no people.

Hawaii is far from other populated areas.It is more than three thousand kilometers from the state of California.It is more than six thousand kilometers from Japan.

Hot liquid rock called lava formed the Hawaiian Islands millions of years ago.The lava flowed up from the sea through openings in the sea floor.Visitors today can watch this process continue on the Big Island where the world's most active volcano still produces lava.

Each of the Hawaiian Islands has a wet side and a dry side. It rains much more on the northeast sides of the islands and much more in winter than in summer.This gives each island two separate climate areas.One area is dry and desert-like.The other area has green plants,rivers and waterfalls.

More than six million people visit Hawaii each year.They enjoy the beautiful land and the warm weather.They swim,watch the whales and other marine life and visit beautiful gardens.Hawaii has some of the most beautiful,interesting and unusual places on the Earth.

( )1.Who discovered Hawaii first according to the passage? A.Munna from Bangladesh. C.James Cook.

B.The Polynesian.

D.Some American businessmen.

( )2.What is mainly talked about in the passage? A.The historical backgrounds of Hawaii. B.How Hawaii became a state of America. C.The history and geography of Hawaii. D.Hawaii was once part of the UK.

( )3.Which of the following is TRUE about Hawaii? A.The climate of Hawaii is always rainy. B.Tourism brings in a lot of money for Hawaii. C.People live happily on the 8 islands of Hawaii. D.Visitors enjoy watching lava flowing up on Hawaii.

( )4.The underlined word “ousted” in Paragraph 3 is similar in meaning to “________”. A.visited C.removed 【答案与解析】

1.B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“Polynesian people discovered the Hawaiian Islands about two thousand years ago.”可知,波利尼西亚人首先发现了夏威夷群岛。

2.C 主旨大意题。本文的第二、三段介绍了夏威夷群岛的历史,后面几段介绍了夏威夷群岛的构成、位置、气候及旅游业的发展,因此C项最具概括性。

3.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句“More than six million people visit Hawaii each year.”可知,夏威夷旅游业发达,会给夏威夷带来很多收入。

4.C 词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the United States in 1959.”可推知,在国王被一群美国商人逼迫退位后,夏威夷才变成美国的一个州。因此画

B.supported D.welcomed

北师大高中英语必修三课时规范训练:nit The ea Period 含答案


