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上面的有完整版的,因为权限限制,仅保留部分答案,题目是全部的 以下是题目

1、It is the first time for Zhang Li to meet Linda,She may say “()” when she meet Linda.

A、Excuse me, are you Miss Green from Canada? B、Hi, I’m Zhang Li. C、How are you. D、Nice to meet you. 答案:A

2、As a college student, the way of making friends not mentioned in teaching video is ( ). A、taking class

B、attending activities C、playing games

D、joining campus clubs 答案:C

3、In introducing the company, which one should not be covered in it? A、telephone number of the boss B、history of the company C、scale of the Company D、products and services 答案:A

4、Which department is responsible for “personnel development” A、Marketing department

B、production department business C、HR department D、Sales department 答案:C

5、In reading job advertisement,which reading method is better? A、skimming B、scanning C、both D、glancing 答案:C

6、According to the dialogue, Ms Hu suggested that ( ) are very important during an interview.

A、the certificate and degree

B、honesty and confidence

C、self-introduction and answer the questions D、dressing and shoes 答案:B

7、Read the following interview skills, which one is not mentioned? A、know yourself well and describe yourself properly B、know the company well C、speak clearly and calmly D、speak without thinking 答案:D

8、If you are really sleepy or tired, you can ( ). A、sleep as you like B、ask for a leave

C、have a cup of coffee or tea D、gossip with colleague 答案:C

9、What shouldn’t be included in your business card ? A、Company Name B、Name

C、Telephone Number D、Birthday 答案:D 10、The following shouldn’t be included in personal information in your resume except .

A、birthday B、height C、weight D、name 答案:D

11、You can also end the conversation with_______. A、How are you

B、Goodbye! Have a nice weekend. C、Nice to meet you. D、Long time no see 答案:B

12、Unexpected visitors should belong to ________. A、Urgent and Important B、Important and not urgent

C、Urgent and not important D、Not Important and not urgent 答案:C

13、Some people will misunderstand your ______ and unless you do it in the non-threatening way. A、intention B、intend C、attention D、goal 答案:A

14、Her outfit was smart but not too ______. A、dressed B、dressy C、dressing D、fashion 答案:B

15、A time management matrix can be divided into ______ parts. A、two B、three C、four D、five 答案:C

16、To show your friendliness and willingness to share is much more important than to _________. A、show about B、show around C、show off

D、show yourself 答案:C

17、When serving tea for the guests, it should be paid attention to:Tea should be_____. A、be full B、not be full C、half D、empty 答案:B

18、Memos are _____ and _______. A、concise and to-the-point

B、long and to-the-point C、short and to-the-point D、clear and to-the-point 答案:C

19、An email is sent and replied in the form of a ______ . A、letter B、card C、note D、message 答案:A

20、A notice is a written in order to ______ people about an event or an activity. A、inform B、blame C、reward D、warn 答案:A

21、Which one is not proper for a formal pick-up service at the airport? A、You may prepare a placard . B、Check the flight No. in advance. C、You may wear as usual. D、Arrive at the airport early. 答案:C

22、Which one is not correct when making a reservation? A、You may clear about the date and time.

B、It is not necessary to know the reservationist’s name and the contact information.

C、For how many people may be told.

D、It is necessary to confirm the reserving information. 答案:B

23、What does “minimum charge” mean? A、最高消费 B、合理消费 C、额外费用 D、最低消费 答案:D

24、What does “check in” mean here? A、登记入住 B、办理登机手续


D、托运(行李) 答案:B

25、What topic is not suitable in get-together chatting? A、Gossip B、Hobbies C、TV serial D、Weather

26、Your invitation letter must contain__________? A、event B、time C、place

D、Wechat number

27、Which of the following address is polite when you want to be be served? A、Waiter B、Excuse me C、Hello D、Hi

28、How many sections are usually included in western menu? A、five sections B、three sections C、four sections D、six sections

29、Which of the following phrases on “schedule” is wrong? A、on schedule

B、ahead of schedule C、up to schedule D、after schedule

30、Which expression would annoy the foreigner while chatting? A、Are you married?

B、Did you have a good time? C、How about the flight?

D、what’s the weather like here?

31、International Terminal means ( ) A、国际候机楼 B、候机厅 C、中转



