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加布里埃.乌尔班. 福雷(Gabriel Urbain Faure) (1845一1924)19世纪下半叶至二十世纪初法国最有影响、最富代表性的作曲家,他一生共创作了一百多首艺术歌曲,奠定了法国艺术歌曲的基石。他的艺术歌曲超凡脱俗,并且始终坚持自己的创作原则,为法国艺术歌曲的发展做出了巨大贡献。本文从法国艺术歌曲的产生、发展及对福雷创作的影响开始,并通过对福雷生平和其艺术歌曲创作阶段以及福雷艺术歌曲的特点的细致分析,进而详细阐述了福雷艺术歌曲的演唱风格和其在声乐教学中的价值。

本论文共分五部分: 第一部分 绪论


第二部分 法国艺术歌曲的发展及对福雷创作的影响。 首先对艺术歌曲及其起源做了简要的概述;继而介绍法国艺术歌曲从十六世纪中叶产生到十九世纪上半叶的发展状况,最后阐述对十九世纪下半叶法国社会大变革对福雷创作的影响,这一时期,诗人与音乐家之间建立了一种完全新型的、直到当时法国从未出现过的关系,福雷就是从魏尔伦、萨曼等诗人的某些诗句中获得了灵感,创作出他的卓越的乐曲。

第三部分 福雷艺术歌曲概览。


第四部分 福雷艺术歌曲的演绎。


第五部分 福雷的艺术歌曲在声乐教学中的价值。




Gabriel Urbain Faure(1845-1924) ,In the second half of the 19th century to the early 20th century France the most influential and most representative of the

composer, his life first created more than 100 art songs, laid the cornerstone of the French art songs. His art songs Step beyond, and always adhere to their own creative principles for the development of French art songs and made great contributions. From the selection of French art songs, creative development and the impact of Foley, and passed on Foley's life and his art songs and creative stage Faure art songs of the detailed analysis of the characteristics, then elaborated on the Foley art songs Singing style and vocal in their teaching of values.

This paper is divided into five parts: The first part Introduction

Main topics on the purpose and significance of the study, the current domestic issues with the relevant research the status quo, thinking and writing and research expectations and the choice of innovation.

The second part .French melody and its development.

First is the introduction of the origin of melody and a brief overview of French melody. Then the author introduced the development of French molody from the mid-16th century to the first half of the 19th century. At the end of this part the author expounded the influences of 19th century French social changes on Faure. During this period poets and musicians have been established a completely new unprecedented friendship. Faure was inspired from Weierlun, Samangan and some other poet created his outstanding music.

The third part: The overview of Faure melody

In this section the author presents an overview of the life and learning experiences of Faure, the three stages of Faure’s creation and the detailed characteristics of each stage. The art songs of Faure characteristics were analyzed and summarized .

The IV part the interpretation of Faure melody

In the first section of this part the author explain French language features, Then the author introduced the art songs of Faure's vocal style, and cited \Lune\Chanson d’Ispahan\after the “Apres un Reve\“Rencontre\to elaborate, finally summarized in a good melody and grasp the characteristics of the key skills.

The Ⅴpart: Faure in the art of vocal music in the value of teaching

First on the teaching of vocal music, singing Faure's art songs to enhance the role of singing skills, that is to cultivate good performance of the voice, breathing the free use of training, standardized Enunciation Articulation and enhance the expression of emotion; Then on learning concert Fuk Lei of art songs, raise the artistic accomplishments of students is more positive

Concluding remark: Summarizes full text



