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英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,作为语言输出的源头,作为语言练习的最佳途径,作为语言教授的媒介,它对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。下面小编为大家带来关于服饰英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习! 服饰英语情景对话1:

Man:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonights fashion show.

女士们、先生们,欢迎来到今晚的时尚秀。 Woman:We see you are all dressed to the nines. 瞧你们把所有行头都穿出来了。

Man:How very appropriate, because tonight we have a most dazzling show for you!

全为了今天这个场合,今晚我们为您准备了超炫的节目。 Woman:Yes, this runway is going to sparkle with glamour and style!


Man:Some of tonights highlights are dressed in the latest straight from Shanghai. straight from Shanghai. 今晚一部分的服饰重点是上海的最新流行。 Woman:And others directly from New York.

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Man:So, sit back and relax and get your order forms ready. 现在请坐好放轻松,并把您的订单准备好。 Woman:because youre going to love this show! 保证你会喜欢今晚的秀! 服饰英语情景对话2:

Husband:What do you think of this suit? Do I look good or what?


Wife:You look great! However, I think you are a little over dressed for dinner.

你看起来很帅!不过,穿这套去吃晚餐可能会太隆重。 Husband:Didnt they say were going to the Ritz? 他们不是说我们要去丽兹吗?

Wife:Yes, but not the Ritz Carlton, the Ritz is a pizza place with peanut shells on the floor.


Husband:In that case, let me make a quick change into my street clothes.

如果是去那里,给我点时间迅速换回平常的装扮。 Wife:Ill wait right here for you Superman.

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Husband:Ta da! Lets go to the Ritz! OK!走吧!

Wife:Can we go to the Carlton next time and can you wear that fabulous suit?

我们下次去丽兹饭店时,你可以穿那套帅气的西装吗? 服饰英语情景对话3:

Woman:How do you put this seat back? I know there is a lever somewhere.

要怎么让座位的靠背往后,拉杆好像就在这附近。 Man:What are you doing? 你在做什么?

Woman:Im getting dressed, what does it look like? 我在换衣服,不然你以为呢?

Man:It looks like you are about to get dressed. Did you forget we are in a car on the road?

你看起来的确像是要换衣服,你忘了我们的车子开在路上吗? Woman:Im good at this. Nobody will see anything. 我很行的,不会有人看到的。

Man:Are you kidding? Youre going to cause an accident just from people gawking!


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Woman:All right, pull over at that service station and Ill dress in the ladies room.

好吧,在加油站停车,我去洗手间换。 Man:That will be my pleasure. 没问题。


Wife:Mark, can you dress the twins for me while I take a shower?

马克,你可以在我洗澡时,帮双胞胎穿衣服吗? Husband:You dont know what you are asking! 你的要求太难了!

Wife:Please! You can do it. Their clothes are all laid out on the bed.

拜托!你可以办到的。她们的衣服就在床上。 Husband:Remember what happened last time? 你还记得上次发生什么事吗?

Wife:Are you referring to KC getting her head stuck in the pant leg?


Husbani:Yes. That was a bit terrifying for both of us. 是的,我们两个都吓坏了。

Wife:Dont worry! Today they are wearing dresses!

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Husband:Oh, in that case, sure! Uh... what are these long sock looking things?


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