【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2011(039)036
【摘要】[目的]研究碳纤维加热对烤烟漂浮育苗的影响.[方法] 2011年,以K326为供试品种,进行大棚漂浮育苗碳纤维加热效应研究,每隔5d记载1次温度和大棚内光照强度,并记录5叶期、7叶期、成苗期.[结果]碳纤维加热育苗中膜下温度、水池温度、基质中温度、浮盘上温度高于常规育苗.试验中,基质中温度>浮盘上温度>外界温度.在碳纤维加热和常规育苗试验中,膜下、水池、基质中、浮盘上和外界温度相互之间都呈极显著正相关.碳纤维加热育苗生育期比常规育苗提前,碳纤维加热育苗总费用比常规育苗高出382.35元/hm2.[结论]该研究可为碳纤维加热研究提供科学依据,有利于选择出合适的育苗方法.%[ Objective] The aim was to study effects of carbon fibers heating on raising seedling of flue-cured tobacco. [ Method] The flue-cured tobacco K326 was chose as material to study effects of carbon fibers heating in greenhouse in 2011. The temperature and light intensity were recorded once every five days, and 5-leaf stage, seven-leaf stage, and becoming seedling stage were recorded. [Result] Under carbon fiber heating, the temperature of under the membrane, pool, inside of matrix, above of floating disk was higher than the conventional floating disk nursery. During the test, the temperature of different position was matrix temperature > floating disk temperature > outside temperature. In the
carbon fiber heating and conventional breeding trials, the temperature of under the membrane, pool, inside of matrix, above of floating disk and outside had significant positive correlation each other. The seedling growth period of carbon fiber heating was earlier than conventional breeding, and the total cost of carbon fiber heating was higher 382. 35 yuan/hm2 than conventional breeding. [ Conclusion] The study provides a scientific basis for carbon fiber heating research, and is in favour of choosing the right nursery methods. 【总页数】4页(22230-22232,22379)
【关键词】碳纤维加热;常规育苗;温度;光照强度;费用 【作者】赵辉;刘国权;宋光龙;王江平
【作者单位】贵州省烟草公司思南县分公司,贵州思南565100;贵州省烟草公司思南县分公司,贵州思南565100;贵州省烟草公司思南县分公司,贵州思南565100;贵州省烟草公司思南县分公司,贵州思南565100 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】S435.72 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-anhui-agricultural-sciences_thesis/020121989819.html 【相关文献】
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