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of imagination among Chinese children is a matter of concern for the scientific world. The examination system in China has severely restricted students imagination and creativity, and the reform of China ’educations system should start with the liberation of children’s curiosity. Unit5:

自去年 11 月以来,中国的通货膨胀持续上扬。据NBS( 国家数据局 National Bureau of Statistics )表明, 由于寒冬的影响, 食品价格的上涨是推动一月份CPI 上涨 1.5%的主因。 因为近年来人们的饮食和消费习惯发生了极大的改变,专家认为, 为了更清晰实时地反映居民的生活总支出和经济压力的状况,CPI 评估标准需要做出与实际情况相符的调整(modification)。由于房屋支出占收入的比重越来越大,因此相应的调整似乎是有必要,同时, 政策的制定者要正确解读 CPI 及其他指标 (metrics) 以判断经济运行的状况(economic performance)。

China’s inflations have continued to rise since November last year. Its CPI rose 1.5 percent in January, mainly boosted by food price increases due to the cold winter weather, according to the NBS (National Bureau of Statistics). Since people and consumption’s eating habits have changed greatly in recent years, experts held that the criteria for evaluating CPI needed modification in line with actual conditions to give a clearer and real-time picture of the general living costs and financial

pressure of the citizens. Housing costs occupy an increasingly bigger share of incomes, so corresponding modifications seem to be necessary, as policy-makers will read CPI and other metrics for judging economic performance.



