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人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 5 【单元测试卷】 (附答案)

单项选择 (每小题 1分, 共 15分)

从 A 、B、C、 D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 21. Ann was not at home at that time and her mother wasn

A. too B. either C. also D. neither

( ) 22. — ________ were you at the time of the heavy rain?

— In the supermarket.

A. What B. Where C. How D. Which

( ) 23. During our trip, my brother _______ felt ill.

A. suddenly B. completely C. recently D. quietly

( ) 24. I wonder what happened last night. Please tell me the _______ .

A. dream B. plan C. decision D. truth

( ) 25. Peter ________ speaking English at 8:30 yesterday evening.

A. is practicing B. practices C. was practicing

( ) 26. The sun ________ in the east and sets in the west.

A. rises

B. travels

C. climbs

D. runs

D. will practice

' t ________

( ) 27. While Alice _______ , her sister was playing the piano.

A. cooked B. was cooking

C. is cooking D. cooks

( ) 28. That ' s ________ t_he f—ront door is open. Who did it?

A. boring B. useful C. strange D. early

( ) 29. I was lying on the beach when Susan ________ me.

A. will call

B. is calling

C. called D. calls

第 1 页 共 10 页

()30. — Do you know what _________ to him?

—Yes. He fell dow n and broke his leg. A. happe ned B. is happe ning

C. happe ns

D. was happe ning

()31. Dale was so tired that he lay dow n and _________ quickly.

A. fell ill

B. stayed up C. got up D. fell asleep

()32. — Were you in the library at 9:30 this morni ng?

— _______ . I was readi ng a book about how to save the earth. A. Yes, I did B. No, I wasn 't C. Yes, I was

()33. After I came back from shopp in g, I _________ I lost my wallet.

A. watched B. realized

C. hoped D. remembered

D. No, I didn


()34. Mom, __________ the wi ndow. There is a pla ne flyi ng.

A. look out B. look for

C. look after D. look at

()35. — I met two America n tee nagers in our school and took photos with them yesterday.

— ________ !

A. Good luck B. Good idea C. Have a good time D. You ' re kidding



A terrible storm swept through two villages on December 21,2012. It started at around 2:00 p.m. and lasted 持续)for only 30 minu tes 36 it caused a lot of damage 损失).

The houses of more than 32 families fell down. The windows of 20 homes were broken and there were 37 holes on the top of the houses. 38 , one pers on was killed and several were badly hurt and taken to hospital. Over two hundred people were 39 after the storm. My family were in them; we also lost our home. 第2页共10页

I still 40 that I was hav ing dinner with my pare nts whe n I heard a stra nge and loud no ise 声音).A few mi nu tes later, our house 41 on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but the n I could n 42 my mother. So I went back in side quickly and found her and came out.

I looked around outside and found the village in a(n) 43 . Falle n trees, broke n win dows and rubbish were everywhere. Just the n I 44 my n eighbor Mr. Wang un der his falle n house. My father and I ran to save him. Soon, the 45 was dying dow n, and all the n eighbors started to help each other. Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought people closer together. ()36. A. because ()37. A. few ()38. A. U nluckily ()39. A. homeless ()40. A. lear n ()41. A. wen t off ()42. A. forget ()43. A. mess ()44. A. believed ()45. A. light

B. but B. fewer B. Sudde nly B. hungry B. tell B. set up B. find B. order B. realized B. bell

C. or C. many C. Heavily C. bored C. feel

D. while D. more D. Rece ntly D. l on ely D. remember

C. fell dow n D. worked out C. take C. place

D. n ame

C. reported

D. saw

C. storm

D. snow D. un dersta nd

共20分) 阅读理解(每小题2分,

Jamie got a new camera 照相机)for her birthday. She liked tak ing pictures, but this time, she wan ted to do someth ing special. She was going on a trip with her family to Wash ington D.C. Along the way, she wan ted to take pictures to remember her trip.

The first place they stopped along the way was a beach in North Carolina. The sky was blue and the water was clear. She took great pictures of the sky and the sea. She really enjoyed swimming in the salty sea water, too.


Next, they moved along to Washington D.C. There were lots of things to see. There were museums and all kinds of buildings. She took many pictures of the buildings.

With only a few quick stops in museums and at a few parks on the way home, Jamie filled her camera completely. Finally, it was time to go home. It was hard to go, but she knew there would be more trips to wonderful places like Washington D.C.

Next year she hopes to go to the West. She wants to see the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. Maybe she could see some of the Rocky Mountains. With a camera, there will be no end to what she wants to see, because each trip and each place is a new set of pictures! 根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。

46. With whom did Jamie go to Washington D.C.?

47. Where did Jamie take pictures first along her trip?

48. What pictures did Jamie take according to Paragraph 3?

49. Did Jamie spend much time visiting museums?

50. When does Jamie hope to go to the West?


As Bobby was gett ing ready for bed, he heard a loud no ise coming from the barn 仓房)outside. Bobby did not know what was making such a loud noise, and he had trouble falling asleep that night. He was scared that there might be a monster (怪物) in the barn. When Bobby woke up the next morning, he went to the barn. Bobby was nervous because he could not find out what would make such a noise. That night after dinner, Bobby got a flashlight and went to the barn again.

第 4 页 共 10 页

“ Where are you going? ” asked Bobby ' s father.

“ I am going to find the monster in the barn. It made a loud noise last night, ” replied

“ If you are going to look for a monster, you might need some help, ” said Bobby ' s da with Bobby out to the barn.

Bobby sho ne 把 .. 照向)his flashlight into the dark barn but did not see anything. “What did that monster sound like?

” asked Bobby 's dad.

“It was loud, ” said Bobby, “and it was coming from the barn.

Bobby's dad began to laugh and he took the flashlight from Bobby. Shining the flashlight up, Bobby and his dad saw a small brown owl 猫( 头鹰 ).

“It was only an owl, ” said Bobby 's dad.

Bobby was happy that it wasn 't a monster, and he thanked his dad as they walked back to the house. Just then they heard a loud noise and looked up to see the owl flying away into the night sky. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

( ) 51. What can we learn from the first paragraph? A. Bobby saw a small owl. B. Bobby heard a strange noise. C. Bobby and his dad looked in the barn.

D. Bobby 's dad told him what the strange noise was.

( ) 52. Bobby felt ____ after he went to the barn the next morning. A. surprised

B. sad

C. nervous

D. excited

( ) 53. How many times did Bobby go to the barn to look for a monster? A. Once. B. Twice.

C. Three times.

D. Four times.

( ) 54. How did Bobby's dad help him look for a monster?

第 5 页 共 10 页



