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GW-Asia-Europe Science and Technology Meeting

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Asia-Europe Science and Technology Meeting

Tentative Agenda

Tuesday, 21 Apr 2015

9:00-9:30 Opening Ceremony

- Leader Address of BMSTC (5min)

- Leader Address of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (5min)

- Official Address of Asia-Europe Foundation (5min) - Representative Address (5min)

9:30-9:40 Photo Session

9:40-11:50 Topic 1: Bilateral and Multi-lateral Science and Technology Cooperation of Asia and Europe – Keynote Speech Group I: International Science and Technology

Cooperation of EU Countries (30min)

– Keynote Speech Group II: International Science and Technology

Cooperation of ASEAN Countries (30min)

10:40-10:50 Coffee Break

– Keynote Speech Group III: International Science and Technology

Cooperation of Northeast Asian Countries (30min) – Free Discussion (30min)

11:50-14:00 Lunch

14:00 Opening Ceremony of China (Beijing) International Technology

Transfer Convention 2015

Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015 9:00-10:00 Topic 2: Prospect of Asia-Europe Innovation Cooperation in Major Scientific and Technological Fields

– Shishan Ji, President of Research Institute of Tsinghua University

in Shenzhen (5 minutes)

– Gordon Oliver, RTC North CEO (5 minutes)

– Christine, Secretary General, European Institute of Innovation and

Technology (5 minutes)

– Chairman of the International Committee of ITTN Andrew Francis

Sierakowski (5 minutes)

– Wallace Leung, Chair Professor of Innovative Products and

Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, HK Polytechnic University (5 minutes)

– David Ai, Senior Licensing Sssociate and China Specialist Office

of Technology Licensing, Stanford University (5 minutes) – Free Discussion (30min)

10:00-10:10 Coffee Break

10:10-11:30 Topic 3: Successful Experience and Cooperation Modes in 11:30-12:30 12:30

Asia-Europe Technology Transfer and Innovation Collaboration – Hongxin Tan, CEO of Coway International TechTrans Co., Ltd. (5


– Dongping Xia, President of Shanghai Technology Transfer &

Exchange (5 minutes)

– Renchen LIU, Oxford University, ISIS Innovation Ltd (5 minutes) – Péter Mogyorósi, Chairman of the Board, Laser Consult (5


– Richard DENG, Acting CEO of SPI Consulting, Portugal (5


– UPLE Technology Transfer Center, Philippine (5 minutes)

– Lode Lauwers, Vice President of Global Business Development,

IMEC Micro- and Nanoelectronics Research Center Belgium (5 minutes)

– Cengiz A.Tarhan, UCL Business PLC Managing Director (5


– Dr.Kway, Partner of Transpacific IP, Singapore (5 minutes) – Ning Li, CEO, BGI Europe (5 minutes) – Free Discussion (30min)

Topic 4: Big Asia-Europe Market and Innovation Commercialization

– Ran Xu, Partner of Beijing Office, Price Waterhouse Coopers (5


– Vasily Petrechenko, CEO of Moscow University Science and

Technology Park (5 minutes)

– Chinese Business Incubation Association, Taiwan (5 minutes) – Jun Xue, Founding Partner and Managing Director of Tuspark

Ventures (5 minutes)

– Debin Yang, Vice President of Business Development and

Technique Support, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park enterprise (5 minutes)

– Ya’ni Kong, Senior Vice President, Mandarin Capital Partners (5


– Free Discussion (30min)


GW-Asia-Europe Science and Technology Meeting


