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Unit 1 lash vt.

hit violently or suddenly

e.g. The farmer lashed the mules with a stick.

The waves lashed the shore.

Collocation: lash out (at / against sb. / sth.) make a sudden violent attack with blows or words

Synonym: whip, beat

scoff vi. laugh (at)

e.g. All the students scoffed at the poor boy’s clothes.

The disabled people are often scoffed. Derivation: scoffer n. Synonym: jeer, mock

sway vi.

move or swing from side to side

e.g. He swayed slightly, as if about to fall. 他身子一歪,像要倒下。 Synonym: swing, wave


1. 那棵苹果树在风中摇曳。 The apple tree sways in the wind. 2.她演讲时优雅地摆动着手。

She swayed her hands gracefully as she gave lectures.

illusion n.

sth. that deceives a person by seeming to be real

e.g. The mirrors all round the walls give an illusion of greater space.

I have no illusions about my ability.我对自己的能力如何颇有自知之明。 Derivation:illusive a.

illusively ad.

Collocation:be under the illusion that believe wrongly

e.g. I was under the illusion that he was honest until he was caught stealing some money.他偷钱当场被人抓住,在此之前我一直误以为他是个老实人。

devastating a.

completely destructive

e.g.It is the most devastating flood in 100 years.

Derivation:devastate vt.

devastation n.

Synonym:disastrous, destructive

glance at

look at sb. or sth. quickly, esp. by raising your eyes and then lowering them again e.g. The president glanced at the clock and announced that the meeting started. Comparison: gaze at, stare at, glare at, gape at

? gaze at :look at sth. or sb. for a long time, for example, because they are

beautiful or interesting, esp. without realizing that you are doing it

e.g. The poet lay down and gazed at the bright moon, missing his hometown.

? stare at :deliberately look at sb. or sth. for a long time without moving your

eyes, for example, because you are angry, shocked, or very interested e.g. Don’t stare at people; it’s very rude.

? glare at :look angrily at sb. for a long time without moving your eyes e.g. The heroine stepped forward bravely and glared at the enemy.


? gape at :look at sb. or sth. for a long time, esp. with your mouth open,

because you are very surprised or shocked

e.g. His father stood there gaping at him, too astonished to say anything.

purgatory n.

a place or condition of great suffering

e.g. The devastating earthquake changed people’s home into a purgatory. Synonym:torture, plague Derivation:purgatorial a.

dilemma n.

a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do, because all of the possible courses of action seem equally good or equally bad

e.g. The only way out of this dilemma is to cooperate within the group.

面对这样的两难境地,唯一的出路就是在团队内合作。 Collocation:in a dilemma

e.g. Mary was in a dilemma whether to marry or continue her study. Synonym: quandary, predicament

confusion n.

a very disorganized situation usually with lots of noise, in which a lot of things are happening at the same time, so that it is difficult to understand or control e.g. The enemy’s unexpected attack threw them into total confusion. 敌人的突然进攻使他们完全不知所措。 Comparison:disorder, chaos

? disorder n.:a situation in which things or people are not in the correct

position, place, or order, so that they are unable to control or organize



