welcome to yunnan, welcome to tengchong! it’s my honor to be your guide. today we are going to visit the volcanoes and hot springs in tengchong, which are the most famous here.
as we will get there in a few minutes, first allow me to give you a brief intoduction of tengchong. tengchong is located in the southwest of china and occupies an area of 5800 square
kilometers. there are 23 nationalities here, such as 汉、傣、回、白 nationalities and so on. when we mentioned tengchong, three things will come into mind, which are: the volcanoes and hot springs having 10,000 years, the border city having 1,000 years and the fair of jade having 100 years. later we will get to the volcanoes and the hot spring, so now i can tell you
something about the latter two ones. they all can reflect the long history tengchong has. tengchong is a city on boarder. and because of its location, it has been an important place for military reasons. and that’s a part of its history. it’s also
regarded as the county of manners, and it is the hometown of so many famous people. and another part of its history is that tengchong is one
trade center of jade between china and burma. so don’t forget to get a round to the jade fair. i think you will feel interested. ok, everyone, here is the library of the volcanoes. now let’s
have a look at .the volcanoes in tengchong are famous in china, and it’s
one of the four groups of volcanoes in china. the strong
and now let’s go to see the youngest volcano in tengchong, we called it “打鹰” mountain, which means hunting eagles. this volcano lies in the center of the whole place and stands in a height of more than 2600 meters. it looks sheer, tall and straight, just like the famous fuji in japan. and we always consider it to be fuji second.
everyone, pay attention to this kind of special stone. it looks like a very big stone, maybe it’s too heavy to carry. and now look at me, i can hold it easily. aha, it’s light, lighter than i think.
this kind of stone we call it “浮石”, which means a kind of
stone can float on the water. it’s formed by the erupting of the volcanoes. everyone, please follow me. now we will go to see the hot springs. there are all kinds of hot springs in tengchong, which occupy a vast land. when you go there you can see a vaporous world just like a
wonderland. the temperature of the water is very high. if you put an
云南导游词大全 云南丽江古城导游词 人气:1393 各位嘉宾,现在小黎将要带大家去游览下一个景点, 也是丽江最著名的景点-丽江古城。 刚从象山山麓澄碧如玉的玉泉公园出来,我们要顺着从古城西北端悠悠流至城南的玉泉水来到被称作为“高原姑苏”“东方威尼斯”的丽江古城。 在此各位嘉宾就会想, 阅读全文. 2009-11-21 22:27:13 2009年云南省导游考试口试景区讲解: 石林风景区导游词人气:735 各位游客大家好: 石林位于昆明市东,是世界罕风的风景名胜, 是大自然鬼斧神工杰作。 在路南广达400平方公里的区域内,遍布着上百个黑色大森林一般的巨石群。 有的独立成景,有的纵横交错,连成一片,占地数十亩, 上百亩不等。 只见奇石拔地而起,参差峥嵘,千姿百态 阅读全文. 2009-11-21 22:26:33 2009年云南省导游考试口试景区讲解: 昆明世博园导游词 人气:542 各位团友大家好,今天我将带大家游览的是享誉全国, 闻名世界的世博园。 世博园是昆明99世界园艺博览会的简称,说到这呢, 我就把世博会的有关内容给大家介绍一下。 世博会是一项由主办国政府主办或由政府委托有关部门举办的科学技术成就展览活动, 是一项历史悠久 阅读全文. 2009-06-10 23:43:55 万种风情云南民族村导游词 人气:707 云南民族村,位于云南省昆明市南部的滇池之滨, 距市区8公里,占地面积1250亩,是云南省新兴旅游基地展示云南各民族文化风情的窗口。 这里四季如春,气候宜人,鸟语花香,自然人文景观与民族风情和谐地融为一体。 云南民族村拟建25个少数民族村寨。 同时还建有民族 阅读全文. 2008-11-30 22:38:03 云南大理苍山洱海导游词 人气: 973 各位朋友: 大家好!游览了大理古城,初步感受了此地人文景观的深邃; 现在我们去观赏苍山洱海,领略大理的山水之美。 首先,我们乘游艇去洱海公园。 洱海公园又名团山公园,位于下关城区东北2公里 阅读全文... 2008-11-30 22:37:16 云南丽江古城导游词 人
气: 1546 各位嘉宾,现在小黎将要带大家去游览下一个景点, 也是丽江最著名的景点-丽江古城。 刚从象山山麓澄碧如玉的玉泉公园出来,我们要顺着从古城西北端悠悠流至城南的玉泉水来到被称作为“高原姑苏”“东方威尼斯”的丽江古城。 在此各位嘉 阅读全文. 2008-11-30 22:35:43 云南丽江沿途导游词 人气:569 各位来宾朋友: 大家好! 首先我代表我所在旅行社,衷心的欢迎诸位来到丽江观光旅游。 我姓和,和气的和,大家叫我小和就可以了;驾车的司机姓木, 树木的木。在云南,凡是姓和、姓木的,绝大部分是丽江纳西族。 今天,我非常高兴能为 阅读全文. 2008-11-30 22:34:43 云南昆明世博园导游词 人气: 394 各位团友大家好,今天我将带大家游览的是享誉全国, 闻名世界的世博园。 世博园是昆明99世界园艺博览会的简称,说到这呢, 我就把世博会的有关内容给大家介绍一下。 世博会是一项由主办国政府主办或由政府委托有关部门举办的科学技术成就展览活动, 是一项历史悠久、影 阅读全文. 2008-11-30 22:33:56 迪庆香格里拉导游词 人气: 485 各位朋友: 大家好!今天来,我怀着愉快的心情,以当地主人的身份, 欢迎远道而来的客人到我们迪庆旅游、参观、考察, 祝愿各位能在这里度过一段美好的时光! 各位启程来迪庆之前,一定已经听说我们 阅读全文. 2008-11-30 22:33:17 云南丽江泸沽湖导游词 人气: 385 各位朋友,今天我将带您离开喧嚣的城市,到一个充满自然气息与人情味的地方, 那里是人们心目中的理想圣地,到过那里的老人们说那是一个让人眷恋的地方; 年轻人说那是一个让人对美好生活充满憧憬的地方; 我说那是一个让人品味人生的地
dear visitors: hello, welcome you to the famous scenic spots in yunnan dali three pagodas, ok, now let me introduce you to start the general situation in temple worship it! please follow me
three pagodas dali documentary, a symbol of history and culture of ancient symbol of yunnan, southern china is the oldest and most magnificent buildings. march 1961 the first batch of the state council promulgated a national key cultural relics protection units of the group of buildings 14 kilometers from the shimonoseki, located 1.5 km north of dali cangshan peak should be fun, the back hills, facing erhai lake, three
pagodas by a large composed of three two small pagoda, was
kingdoms of the state, from afar, zoran graceful, toshihaya extraordinary, is one of cang-er of the attraction
well, the name suggests is a three tower, there should be three towers fishes is to, yes, you are three now tara, in the middle is the main tower - chihiro tower, 9.9 meters wide at the bottom, the existing height of 69.13 meters, 16 floors for hollow brick tower square miyan shi, is one of the highest existing towers, and large small wild goose pagoda in xian tang dynasty with a typical building, modeling and xian
pagodas are also similar to a typical tower of the tang dynasty one. tower with lime painted surface, each level has four
niches, two niches for statues relative, the other two niches for the window opening. tower equipped with a wood frame, tower and down through the vertical wall, with wooden stairs, through the staircase up to the top, from a hole in the
appreciation of outlook dali picture. tasha canopy top metal, ding, and rooster, etc., the bottom
engraved in marble inlaid with the mountain town forever, the four characters, this is the descendant of the ming qian mu ying gong sun country world order the book. the base of the tower was a square, divided into three layers, the lower side length of 33.5 meters, surrounded by a stone fence, the four corners of columns carved lions stigma; the upper side of 21 meters, the middle east a stone screen wall, yong town,
mountains and rivers four characters ascended the throne of this, 1.7 meters per word, the pen are powerful vigorous,
magnificent. look under the tower, saw the tower chu clouds, clouds moving in the tower, the trend seems to be dumping. beside the two small towers, three towers in the south and north for two towers in the main tower of the west, with the
main tower offset 70 m north-south confrontation, 97.5 m apart, were built during the five dali. two-tower system, as are 10-story, 42.4 meters high, is octagonal miyan shi hollow brick tower, decorated loft-style appearance, every angle has
columns, each grade level set square block, 4,6 there fighting chess, the top gilded tasha ding, very gorgeous. each the eaves, angle to the bend, do not beam
brackets, so as to achieve the artistic effect contour. tower quintana wiping carboniferous, like yuzhu atlas.
to the three towers three towers will want to go to the park reflection, reflection
three pagodas three pagodas park is located south of 1 km and park facing south, backed by three towers in the park lake to the reflection of three named after the majestic towers. park was built in 80 years, building area of 7 acres, the center is a pool of nearly 10 acres of pools. the planting of grevillea pool, cedar, willow, etc., surrounded by rattan frame,
marble zhuodeng, long marble bar, creeks around the lake. beiting pond west of dali, booths along the verandas over the line a few meters up to the water ripples wave booths. bo ting yang a small island south of the island, a pair of lifelike plastic crane, water, reflection, shadow people moving wave shift and yang ting exist side by side.
reflection of the water park green jade, crystal clear, waves do not panic, flat as a mirror. with different viewing angle, the reflection forms also will be different. every winter, the entire hills covered with snow, santa reflection of the more charming. well, now is free to visit the time, you can click here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, wait a minute here, we will set, what problems can also find me. 江苏师范大学 王雪峰