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新外研版八年级英语下 Module6 Unit1 课程教学设计

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新外研版八年级英语下册 module 6 unit1 教学设计


本课的教学内容为义务教育教科书八年级英语下册Module6,Unit1( Do you collect anything?),分为Listening and vocabulary和 Pronunciation and speaking两大板块,其中以前一板块的内容为重点,对话部分作为第一单元的核心教学任务,涉及有词汇、句型和语法知识点,为必须掌握的学习内容,同时由此引出的听、说、读、写等练习,要求能很好地完成。 二.学情分析

本单元以爱好为话题,层层展开,内容主要谈论个人兴趣和爱好及其原因,表达喜欢和不喜欢,对各类爱好的归类选择和简单评价。所选用的对话和短文都是学生的爱好,贴近学生的生活实际,易于激发学生的兴趣,拓展视野。教师可以根据学生的不同爱好, 组织开展各种活动,也可以组织学生开展有关爱好的问卷调查,引导学生理性认识所见各种爱好并做必要的取舍,开展活动性学习,自主性学习,反思性学习。

三. 教学目标

1) 语言知识:

语音 能够正确使用语调,正确朗读一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。

词汇 collect, collection, tidy, as, dollar, fan, stamp, untidy shelf, coin,note, pound, must, vahuable, value, with, just

词组 have a look, tidy up,take up, as much as, something important, all over the world, enjoy collecting, as well as, as a result

语法 能正确感知句子的基本成份;掌握简单句的五种基本句型和There be 句型。 话题 以“兴趣与爱好”为话题。 2) 语言技能:

听 能听懂有关表达个人兴趣爱好的话语,分辩和抓住话语中的细节信息。 说 能够询问并表达个人的兴趣爱好。

演示与表达 能正确使用简单句的基本句型来表达个人兴趣爱好。

四. 教学重难点 重点:

词汇: collect, collection, tidy, untidy, fan, stamp, shelf, as, coin,note, pound, dollar, must, vahuable, value, with, just

词组: have a look, tidy up, as much as, something important, all over the world, enjoy collecting, as well as, as a result

难点: 能正确使用简单句的基本句型来表达个人兴趣爱好。 五.课前准备

1,教师准备:听力磁带,录音机,多媒体课件,实物 2,学生准备:预习词汇表中单词

六. 教学方法

Communicative approach, Interactive approach, Formal instruction, Grammar practice and application

七. 教学过程

Step 1 Warming up and lead in (2’) 1. Greeting and free talk . I like playing basketball. Lucy likes playing the piano. Are you interested in …? What is your hobby?

What does your father/ mother often do ? Does he / she do it all the time? So his / her hobby is to ….

设计意图:从学生、家庭成员的兴趣入手,逐步导入主题。 Step 2 Listening (5’)

1. Guess what hobbies Lingling, Betty ,Tony have. In this way show the new words “collect, collection, tidy, fan, stamp, untidy shelf, as, coin, note, pound, dollar, must, valuable, value, with, just”

2. Talk about the hobbies: Which hobby is expensive?

Which hobby takes up the least space? Which hobby is good for us students? Which hobby do you like best?

设计意图:通过列举同伴和猜测教师的兴趣爱好,完成新单词的教学。 Step 3 Listening (5’)

1. Read the chart and predict Tony’s hobbies. 2. Listen and complete the chart.

3. Listen to the tape again and answer the questions about the tape. Why does Tony’s mum want him to tidy up his room? Whose hobby is expressive?

Which hobby do you think takes up the least space? 4. Call back the answers from the whole class.

设计意图:在常规听力练习中进一步提高学生听的能力。 Step 4 Listen and read (13’) 1. Show the following.

Betty’s hobby:collect coins and notes Lingling’s hobby:collect fans Tony’s hobby: collect tickets

2. Listen to the tape of the conversation and match. (Activity 4) 3. Listen and repeat the conversation.

4. Get to write down the answers in Activity 4. Step 5 Games

Who’s who? (10’)

1. Ask the Ss to choose a character from the conversation.

2. Work in pairs, get each of them to find out which character his / her partner selects. A: What is your hobby?

B: My hobby always takes up a large space. A: You must be Sally. A: What is your hobby? C: …


. Make conversations with the ones in the group like following: A: Do you have a hobby? B: Yes, I do.

A: What’s your hobby?

B: My hobby is to read books. A: When did you start doing it?

B: I started doing it when I was seven years old. A: …


Step 6 Class closing(5’)

通过幻灯片闪现新学的单词和短语,让学生抢读。 依据黑板上列举的语法点,师生一起回顾知识点


Step7 Practice (多媒体展示----根据句意和首字母提示完成单词)(5’) Step8 Homework

1. Write a composition about your good friend. 2. Oral work: Read the conversation of Activity 3.

新外研版八年级英语下 Module6 Unit1 课程教学设计


