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创新设计高中英语课时精练:nit Period 2北师大必修三,广东专用

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Unit 7 The Sea Period Two Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 课时精练(北




阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适 当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在标号为1~10的相应位 置上。

In my long years of teaching,I often ask my students to read the texts __1__ they can recite them,and I tell them that recitation is an important part of their homework.__2__,some of my students are __3__(tire) of doing so,thinking that it is both hard and __4__(use).They argue that it takes a long time to recite a text from memory and the text itself never appears in a test paper.

In my opinion,it naturally takes time to recite a text,but it will surely pay off in the __5__ run.When you are able to recite a text,you are sure to be familiar with the words and expressions.When you need them in reading,writing or doing exercise,they will come to your mind quickly,and so you will give quick __6__(respond) to all kinds of language situations.How can we say that it is a waste of time and energy?

__7__,many students complain that they soon forget what they were once able to recite.This is true,__8__ you don't need to worry.While you are reading and forgetting the texts,your language level is being __9__.Sure you don't remember your Chinese texts __10__ you once read in primary school,but now you are able to read novels and newspapers.So,recitation of the texts will help improve your language ability. 1. 解析 until直到……才……让学生们读课文直到会背。

答案 until

2. 解析 和上文构成转折关系。作者让学生反复读课文直到能背诵,而有些学生非


答案 However或Nevertheless

3. 解析 be tired of是固定搭配,含义为“对……感到厌烦”。句意见上题解析。

答案 tired

4. 解析 一些学生对这种做法表示厌烦,他们认为这种做法既困难又无用。此处所


答案 useless

5. 解析 in the long run“从长远来看,终究”。虽然背课文很花时间,但从长远来


答案 long

6. 解析 give response to对……做出反应。此处缺少一个名词,故用response。能


答案 response

7. 解析 含义为“而且,还有”,表示递进关系。上段讲了学生的看法之一即“背


答案 Besides

8. 解析 和上文构成转折关系。会背的东西的确很容易被忘记,但你不必担心。

答案 but

9. 解析 根据上文的level进行判断,当你在诵读并遗忘这些课文的过程中,你的


答案 raised

10.解析 关系代词连接定语从句,在定语从句中充当宾语。

答案 that或which



You've got a problem.You're going to go to university in a different town and you need somewhere to live.Or perhaps you just don't get on with your parents.What can you do?Have you ever thought of sharing a flat?

I know all about it because I've been sharing flats for the past four years,since I moved to Edinburgh to study.I must admit my first experience was a bit of a disaster.I saw an ad in the newspaper from a girl who had a flat and was looking for a flat mate.When I met her,she seemed really nice,and I noticed that she had lots of great CDs I wanted to hear and a big TV.However,I changed my mind about her a few days after I moved in.I came home from college one day and threw my books and jacket onto the living room sofa.My flat mate looked at them,looked at me and shouted:“I hope you're not going to leave those there!”It was then that I found out that she was absolutely obsessive(着魔似的)about being tidy.It was obvious that we were incompatible(合不来),as I'm definitely not the world's tidiest person.I moved out after the first month.

I then decided to try sharing a house with several people.I rented a room in a big old house,which I shared with four other girls(two Brazilians,a Russian,and an Italian).It was great because the house was always full of young people from all over the world and we had lots of parties.However,there were three problems.Firstly,it was almost impossible to do any work because the house was so noisy.Secondly,there was only one bathroom,and there was always someone in it,especially first thing in the morning when I was already late for class.But the biggest arguments we had were always the day the phone bill arrived!

After a year the foreign girls went home,and I decided to look for a new,preferably quieter flat!This time I decided to share with a friend,somebody I already knew well.We've been living here now for nearly a year and we got on really well—except for her irritating(气人的)habits of eating my yogurts(milk)and finishing the coffee!But it's great having someone else to help pay the rent,to share their dinner with you when you're too exhausted to cook,and who,unlike your parents or your partner,doesn't mind what time you get up or if you've left your bedroom in a mess(脏乱).And best of all,when

you've had a bad day or you've broken up with your boyfriend you know there's always someone to talk to.

11.Why did the writer move out again from the big old house?

A.Because she couldn't do any homework due to the noise. B.Because she was always late when she lived there. C.Because she always left the room in a mess. D.Because the foreign girls had left.

解析 从“After a year the foreign girls went home,and I decided to look for a new,preferably quieter flat!”看出,作者从the big old house搬出的原因是the foreign girls走了。

答案 D

12.What does the underlined“partner”mean?


B.Roommate. D.Parent.


解析 从“to share their dinner with you when you're too exhausted to cook,and who,unlike your parents or your partner,doesn't mind what time you get up or if you've left your bedroom in a mess(脏乱).”首先排除D项,Friend和Roommate一般不在乎你的起床时间。唯独C项的Husband/Wife在乎你的起床时间和介意你把卧室弄得脏乱。

答案 C

13.We can know from the passage that________.

A.the writer is a college student B.the writer is a foreign teacher

C.the writer can't get along well with others D.the writer doesn't like to live with her friend

解析 从文章的开头“You're going to go to university in a different town”看出,作者是个大学生。

答案 A

14.What is the intention of the author?

A.To persuade the reader not to share a flat. B.To tell us how to get along well with the flat mate. C.To show her opinion about sharing a flat. D.To tell us the university life.

解析 本文多次举例说明了作者对同租公寓的看法,包含B项的含义。 答案 C

15.What is the attitude of the writer towards flat-sharing?

A.She is against it.

B.She is for it.

D.She is worried about it.

C.She is upset with it.

解析 从最后一句“And best of all,when you've had a bad day or you've broken up with your boyfriend you know there's always someone to talk to.”看出,作者支持同租公寓。

答案 B


What is a flood and where does it happen?

A flood happens when water pours over dry land.Floods can cause very big damage when they happen unexpectedly.

Heavy rains can cause floods.If a lot of rain falls quickly,the earth is unable to soak(吸入)it up,and the water

builds up on the ground.When it runs off into the rivers,the rivers overflow their banks.

The worst floods happen where the land is flat and low-lying.These areas are known as floodplains.

What should I know if I live on a floodplain? Stay away from flood water.

Do not walk through moving water.It can knock you off your feet.If you must walk through water,walk where the water is not moving.Use a stick to test the ground in front of you.Stay away from power lines that are on the ground.You could be electrocuted(电死).

If you are scared,share your fears with an adult.Floods can be scary,but remember—the water ALWAYS goes away!

创新设计高中英语课时精练:nit Period 2北师大必修三,广东专用


