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The goal is to plan and prepare for the employee’s arrival so that the employee does not arrive to chaos, but to an organized prepared work

place. This checklist is designed to assist with the department’s orie ntation process. Onboarding is a long-term process that begins before an

employee’s start date and continues for at least six months. This Checklist is organized by responsible department to initiate each task at different timeline. It also helps hiring managers prepare for the arrival of new

employees. Once an employee starts, he/she can work together with the hiring manager and an on boarding.



A. Prior to First Day 入职前 HUMAN RESOURCES 人力资源

1. Print out New Employee Onboarding Checklist, review and customize 打印新员工入职清单,审核并定制

2. Complete two reference checks and collect documents (as per Pre-Employment Checklist)from

new employee before making an official offer


3. Send offer confirmation acceptance email to IT, HR, Hiring Manager, Admin and start date


4. Call the new employee to welcome him or her a few days before the start date. Remind him/her to

bring completed paperwork and identification on the first day. If a foreigner, send the work permit application check list with all the necessary forms and procedures

to complete.



5. Notify employee to do Medical Check Up 通知员工体检

6. Provide new employee with a contact in the event of a question or issue

提供给新员工联系方式以便有需要时联系。 7. Prepare on-boarding materials: 准备入职资料:

a. Organization structure 组织架构

b. Job description (sent together with offer letter) 工作说明书(与录用通知书一起发送)

c. New Hire Form 新雇员工报到表 d. Individual Form 个人资料表

e. Letter of Commitment – Code of Ethics (sent together with offer letter) 职业道德承诺书(与录用通知书一起发送) f. Memo on code of conduct & corporate value 行为准则和企业价值观文件 g. Labour Contract 劳动合同

h. Attendance and Leave Management Acknowledgement 《考勤管理制度》确认书

i. Disciplinary Acknowledgement 《公司奖惩管理制度》确认书 j. Personal File Storage 档案存放地

k. Household (Hukou) Registration 户口本户主及本人页复印件 l. Medical benefits Handbook 医疗福利手册

m. Employee Handbook Acknowledgement《员工手册》签阅

8. Schedule employee for New Employee Orientation Session 入职培训Date日期:_____

9. Check with IT on the email and extension. Updated the new employee’s detail in the Global and local



10. If Foreigner and GM level, arrange for airport pick-up and hotel arrangement

如果是外籍员工及来自异地的高级经理,安排机场接机和酒店预订ADMIN 行政

11. Assign Work Station 分配工位

12. Order furniture (when needed) 订家具(如果需要)

13. Order Office Supplies e.g. keys, stationaries 订办公用品,例如:钥匙,文具

14. Order business cards (when needed) 订名片(如果需要)

15. Acquire building and floor access cards or employee ID 获取大厦或楼层的出入许可证或员工ID


16. Establish Computer/Laptop, corporate phone, network (includes set up of software and hardware and

network login


17. Establish telephone access including extension and photocopier machine

接入通讯,包括电话分机和复印机 18. Ensure email setup (with access or password):_________________________


19. Ensure email and extension is updated in the Global and local directory



20. Ensure email and extension is updated in the Global and local directory

确保邮箱和电话分机号已在全球和当地目录上更新 HIRING MANAGER 用人经理

21. Schedule times for the new employee to meet with key staff members


22. Assign a buddy as an immediate resource for any questions and to help guide the employe e’s

relationship building, knowledge attainment, and problem solving 为新员工安排一位工作伙伴,帮助指导新员工建立关系,获取知识和解决问题

Buddy Name:__________________________________ 工作伙伴姓名:

23. Discuss the responsibilities of mentor with selected candidate to ensure understanding of the role

(choose mentors who are interested, positive, knowledgeable, and personable)


24. Gather job specific resource information (i.e. job description, reference materials, manual, etc)


25. Create a training schedule for the employee’s first week or longer 为新员工制定第一周或之后更长周期的培训时间表



