Numerical Simulation of the Whole Three—Dimensional Flow in a Stirred Tank with Anisotro
Numerical Simulation of the Whole Three—Dimensional Flow in a Stirred Tank with Anisotropic Algebraic Stress Model
【期刊名称】《中国化学工程学报:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2002(010)001
【摘要】In accordance to the anisotropic feature of turbulent flow, an anisotropic algebraic stress model is adopted to predict the turbulent flow field and turbulent characteristics generated by a Rushton disc turbine with the improved inner-outer iterative procedure. The predicted turbulent flow is compared with experimental data and the simulation by the standard κ-ε turbulence model. The anisotropic algebraic stress model is found to give better prediction than the standard κ-ε turbulence model. The predicted turbulent flow field is in accordance to experimental data and the trend of the turbulence intensity can be effectively reflected in the simulation. The distribution of turbulent shear rate in the stirred tanks was simulated with the established numerical procedure. 【总页数】10页(P.15-24)
【关键词】各向异性代数应力模型;数值模拟;湍流槽;三维流动 【作者】SUNHaiyan;WANGWeijing;等 【
Numerical Simulation of the Whole Three—Dimensional Flow in a Stirred Tank with Anisotro