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五、语法填空 (本题有10小题, 每小题l分, 共计10分)

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的词。或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 An old man went to India. When he got山ere, he saw some fruit for sale, but most of it was very cheap. The (51) (cheap) thing was a basket of red fruit. \ (52) ( ask).

\rupees (卢比) ,\the shopkeeper answered. Two rupees in India is almost nothing, 53 the old man bought a whole kilogram and started eating it.

However, as soon as he started eating, his mouth began (54) (burn), his eyes began to water, and his whole face became a red (55) the fruit. As he coughed and struggled to breathe, he jumped up and (56) , screaming:“Ah! Ah! Ah! ”

And yet he continued to eat the fruit. Some people who were looking at him shook their __(57) (head) and said, \are crazy? Those are chili peppers (辣椒) ! You can't just eat them by the handful!”

The old man said to (58) (he), \

This old man seemed pretty stupid. But are we so much smarter? All of us have (59)__ (spend) money and time on something一maybe a relationship, or a business, or a job一and sometimes, even if we know there's no hope that things will change, we still continue with it. What we can learn (60) the old man is this; if you've Lost a lot over something that doesn’t

work, let it go and move on. It's better than continuing to lose.

五、语法填空〔本题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共计10分〕

51. cheapest 52. asked 53. so 54. to burn/ burning 55. as 56. dawn 57. heads 58. himself 59. spent 60. from


五、语法填空(本题有10小题 , 每小题l分 , 共计10分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Once upon a time, an eagle( 老鹰) was flying in the sky when he suddenly saw a beautiful hen. The eagle came near the hen and said, \ (I) wife?\

The hen was scared for the eagle was so strong. Her husband, the cock had gone out to look for food and her kids had gone away somewhere lo play with other _ 52 (child). The hen quickly answered, \ 53 high as you. \订婚). Tie it around your neck till I return.\

The hen agreed 54 (do) so, and the eagle flew away.

When the cock met the hen the next day , he was very 55 _ (surprise) to see the ring around her neck. He said, \

The hen did this and the cock was cheerful I again. But at the weekend, the eagle came56 . The frightened hen hid herself behind her door but the eagle soon found her out. Suddenly he cried, \ 57 (be) the ring that I gave you? Why are you not wearing it?\

The hen was very scared and said, \me l I lost it yesterday. I was walking in the garden when I met a large snake. I was 58 frightened that I ran fast. When I got home, I couldn't find it. \

The eagle looked al the hen _ 59 _ (angry) and said, \I will punish you. 60 you don't marry me, I will snatch( 抓)away all your chickens from you. But I will promise to forgive you only if you find my ring. Good-bye! \

Ever since, all the hens in the world have been scratching( 轻抓) the ground to find the eagle's ring.

五、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题 l 分,共计10 分) 51. my 52. children 53.as 54. to do 55. surprised 56. back/again 57. is 58. so 59. angrily 60. If




