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Sunshine on a Rainy Day

壹. Have you ever had a day when everything seemed to go wrong, and nothing seemed to go right? Not too long

16 . I was discouraged, tired and sad. My focus ( 中心 ) was on me, me, me. After all,

ago I was having one of those

no one else was experiencing the same sufferings as I was.

I 17 my sad state to my mother, hoping for some pity. 18 , she said,“ I heard Jamie was having a difficult day too. Why don ’tyou make her some cookies and we ’ll take them to her this afternoon? ”I didn ’treally want


19 decided that I didn ’twant to go back to my other problems just yet. I

22 24

my friend ’s house, I went to the door and


20 the cookies and arranged 21

words. “I 25

them on a little plate. Then I made a card with a sunflower on it and wrote a small note of

That afternoon we

door and looked at me was


the bell. Soon Jamie came to the

you were

for the unexpected visit. Before she could say anything, I rushed,


29 .

having a hard day and decided to bring you 26 . I hope your day goes better. ”The look that came over Jamie ’s face

a darkened sky was suddenly lit with the golden rays of

that I could never put into words. It was

the sun; it was as if in that small act, her day was

I got back into the car and for some amazing reason, I felt a lot better myself. That day I experienced the truth that


James Barrie attempted to describe. “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of themselves.” 16. A. moments 17. A .hated 18. A. In fact 19. A. but 20. A. did


keep it off from

B. days B. bored B. Instead B. and B. had

B. encouraging B. called off B. hit

B. with delight B. heard B. something B. that B. even if B. spent

C. years C. enjoyed C. Besides C. so

D. months D. Also D. or D. made D. striking D. called on D. fetched D. knew D. a thing D. none D. as

D. expressed

C. brought C. moving C. dropped by C. touched

C. with satisfaction C. imagined C. anything C. one

21. A. exciting 22. A. dropped on 23. A. rang

24. A. with pride 25. A. guessed 26. A. everything 27. A. it 28. A. as if

D. in surprise

C. even though C. shared

29. A. enjoyed D. brightened

B. won ’t C. mustn’t 30.D. should not A. cannot

贰. When I was in elementary school, I got into a major 16 with a boy in my class. I have forgotten what the

argument was about, but I have never forgotten the

I was convinced that

17 I learned that day.

“ I ” was wrong and

“ I ” was right and


“ he” andwas hewrong18 — that


The teacher it was black.

19 to teach us a very lesson. She brought us up to the front of the class and 21 22

him on see that

one side of her desk and me on the other. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object. I could

She asked the boy what color the object was. I couldn t believe’ he said the object was white, The teacher


he“ White,23 . ”

24 it was obviously black! Another 25 started between

my classmate and me, this time about the colour of the object.

me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We

“ White. ”


colored sides, and from his


it was white. Only from my side was it

changed 27 , and now she asked me what the color of the object was. I had to answer,

It was an object with two

black. My teacher taught me a very unforgettable lesson that day: You must stand in the other per son ’ s shoes and look at the 30 through their eyes in order to understand their experiences and feelings truly.

16. A. quarrel 17. A. truth

B. argument B. lesson

C. debate C. fact


D. trouble D. reality


18. A. believed 19. A. decided 20. A. difficult 21. A. placed 22. A. clearly 23. A. guessed 24. A. unless 25. A. discussion 26. A. told 27. A. seats 28. A. strangely 29. A. desk 30. A. situation

B. complained B. offered B. different B. told

B. differently B. suggested B. when B. argument B. forced B. opinions B. differently B. side B. shoes 36

C. proved C. explained C. important C. asked C. closely C. insisted C. though C. quarrel C. had C. roles C. clearly C. book C. object

D. argued D. promised D. famous D. held D. hardly D. answered D. if D. quiz D. made D. places D. obviously D. view D. lesson

as large as Microsoft. ” the question carefully.

叁. Somebody might say, “Iwant to be a big fish,

38 39 .

as big as Bill Gates, in a big pool,


However, we all know it is Certainly no matter provide you more

for a green hand in the field. Then you have to

side you choose to take, you have your chance to succeed. Now the problem is which can


I choose to be a big fish in a small pool. A big company may provide you a

41 . During the



points and find your potentiality ( 潜力 ). What ’ s more, 45


starting point, but a small 43

yourself, recognize

company offers you opportunity to practice various your

42 , you may

so many limitations and rules in a small

48 .

company, if you are ready competent ( 有能力的 ) you have big fish (although) in a small pool, gives a green hand

chances to climb to a higher point. Finally, being a


self-confidence which is quite important for

49 , you should not be confined ( 限制,使局限 ) to your small pool, and be

with being a big fish there.

You should always dream of being a big fish in a big pool! 36. A. impossible 37. A. think 38. A. what 39. A. help 40. A. high 41. A. jobs

B. uninteresting B. recognize B. whether B. chance B. proper B. tools B. perform B. improve B. reasonable B. because of B. equal B. serious B. success B. Certainly B. proud

C. unnecessary C. weigh C. how C. advice C. rich

D. uncorrectable D. realize D. which D. money D. topics

D. practical

C. skills C. products C. impress C. strong C. no

42. A. success 43. A. increase 44. A. weak 45. A. without 46. A. less 47. A. various 48. A. future 49. A. Finally

D. process D. encourage D. amazing D. with D. more D. market

C. except for

C. precious C. boss C. relaxed

16 .

D. previous

C. Immediately

D. Generally D. regretted

50. A. satisfied

肆. If something bad happened to me among lots of strangers, I ’ d like somebody to help meAt. first, I hope there

would be somebody trying to help me even if he was not

One day, I had just finished shopping and I was leaving the

17 when a really big man around 45 years old what I was thinking, but I suddenly realized

21 22

18 , suffering from an epileptic ( 癫痫的 ) attack. I don ’ t know 19


that I was holding his head in my lap. I did it even without from biting his tongue. At that time, that immediately.

, since I saw him knocking his

against the

ground. I took off my sweater and twisted it until I made a little roll and put it between his

to prevent him

’ s all I knew23 aboutsomeone in such situations. Then I dialed 120

While doing this, I saw a large number of


24 people standing around us in the supermarket. Most of them



said a word until




were us, silently, as if we were part of an interesting movie


arrived and carried him away. I thoug ht they didn 28

’ t feel able to help him, but now I believe they were afraid of him,

to help.

However, what would happen if nobody , but I

’ m sure that I wouldn

B. satisfied B. restaurant B. fell down B. normally B. running B. chest B. fingers B. training B. excited B. thinking of B. Nobody B. guard B. rescued B. hero

29 others in these kinds of situations? When will we step in and

’ t mean to say that I

help? What if we are one of those suffering among st rangers? That man could have died. I don 30

16. A. capable 17. A. classroom 18. A. woke up 19. A. usually 20. A. speaking 21. A. head 22. A. eyes

’ t have spared myself if I saw the man lose his life without doing anything.

C. surprised C. supermarket C. turned back C. exactly C. guessing C. waist C. legs C. missing C. relaxed C. looking at C. Somebody C. relatives C. surprising C. helped C. winner

D. nervous D. hospital D. jumped out D. recently D. thinking D. arms D. teeth D. losing D. curious D. looking after D. Anybody D. family D. unwilling D. cured D. friend

’ ve ever received.

23. A. treating 24. A. worried 25. A. pointing to 26. A. Everybody 27. A. ambulance 28. A. pleasing 29. A. carried 30. A. fool

B. frightening

That ’ s the greatest gift I 16

伍. On my 15 th birthday, I was


when my father and mother insisted that I go on a


“ mystery drive ” with

them. I though,

17 it must be something good, as it was my birthday. I didn ’realizet exactly how happy I

we pulled up in the parking lot of a huge


would be 21

supply store. I immediately knew what was coming.

out of

was going to open the doors to a new

Although I could not manage to the car and to the store without opportunity for me.

my smile, I was able to compose ( 使平静 ) myself enough to

22 . This was the day when my family

As you might have


23 , they bought me a sewing machine. This may sound nice or some may even think it a

dumb ( 笨的 ) present. I don acceptance of my

’ t only think of it as a machine, only.To me, it many’s things. For one, it my parents’ ’


and inspirations. They know that I have big plans for designing and think that I can


them. Not only that, but it is the realization that my parents no longer think of me as a child with strange and unrealistic goals. They, for one of the first times in my life, to


a lot for the machine showed me that they

me as a real adult. Plus, the knowledge that they were willing

28 me. My family think that my

creativity and


are so unique that it ’ s worth it fore tom get started on something 30 . 16. A. sorry 17. A. decided 18. A. until 19. A. washing 20. A. make 21. A. walk 22. A. singing 23. A. guessed 24. A. marks 25. A. solve 26. A. praised 27. A. miss 28. A. ask for 29. A. designs 30. A. valuable

B. proud B. found B. after B. lose B. rush B. crying B. feared

C. surprised C. discovered C. when C. sewing C. catch C. look C. seen C. dreams C. follow C. treated C. cost C. features C. real


D. frightened D. figured D. unless D. swimming D. control D. jump D. running D. heard D. present D. achieve D. supported D. charge D. believe in D. markets D. clear

B. cooking

C. whispering

B. actions B. employ B. cared B. pay B. thanks

B. look after

C. turn against

B. familiar


陆. When I was twelve years old, my family were the first black people to move into an all-white part of Grand

Rapids, Michigan. Many of our new return where we came18

16 weren ’ t very welcomingSome. of the adults said 17 that we should

. The children sometimes threw stones at me or drove me home from school.

19 took no notice of me, but not Dorothy Bean, my history teacher. Miss Bean was

20 , but she didn ’sayt this to me. Miss Bean


her respect for me by

22 to show that I was smart. Miss

24 ? She expected me to have an opinion

26 .


at first, then started

27 an eraser at me. Unbelievably, the

Most of my teachers

angry at how badly I was being

teaching me just like anyone else. Instead of being unnoticed, I was given a Bean was the first teacher who ever made me and be able to

23 myself. She insisted on knowing what I thought about difficult

questions. Was Thomas Jefferson right to buy Louisiana from France?


One day when I was not paying attention in class, Miss Bean suddenly

on the hand and

it up. Miss Bean was teaching me thinking for myself was the key to

28 my pencil flying. The whole class was

eraser hit me right

laughing. This incident became famous in school and, 16. A. friends 17. A. kindly 18. A. to 19. A. hardly 20. A. taught 21. A. kept

30 it happened to me, the students wanted to get to know

C. teachers C. angrily C. for C. never C. welcomed C. showed C. test C. work for C. Where C. put

C. friendship C. passed C. made C. moved C. because

me. So that ’ s the story of how Dorothy Bean made me her target,and how I became just another kid in school.

B. schoolmates B. surprisingly B. from B. simply

D. neighbors D. happily D. in D. only D. treated D. place D. Why D. give D. found D. sprang

B. considered B. expected B. chance B. look about B. When B. set

D. refused

22. A. question 23. A. worry about 24. A. How 25. A. back 26. A. respect 27. A. aimed 28. A. sent 29. A. excited 30. A. so

D. think for

B. education B. threw B. left

D. children

B. frightened B. then

D. shocked D. whether


16-20 BDBAD 16-20 BBAAC 36-40 ACDBA 16— 20 ACBCD 16-20 CDACD 16-20 DCBBD

21-25 BCADB 21-25 AADBB 41-45 CDBCA 21— 25 ADADC 21-25 ADACD 21-25 CBDDA

26-30 BCADA 26-30 ADBBA 46-50 DCBBA 26— 30 BADCB 26-30 CBDAC 26-30 BBADC

God helps those who help themselves.

----------- 天助自助者。




