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Module 5 Cloning

三言 两语 1.毫无疑问,现代科技给我们的生活带来方便和1.With the rapid development of 舒适。 science and technology, a variety It goes without saying that modern of high-tech products have spilled technology brings_us_convenience_and_ over into each field in living. comfort in life. 2.When a new product comes into 2.学习对每个人来说都非常重要,因为为了跟being, it must be tested out before 上科技的快速发展,我们必须获得新的、先进的it is put into use. 知识。 3.In the last decades, advances in Study is very important for every individual medical technology have made it because we have to acquire_new_and_ possible for people to live longer advanced_knowledge to keep_pace_with_ than in the past. the_rapid_development_of science and technology.

[单词 拼写应用]


1.murder v.谋杀 2.refuse v.拒绝 3.contrast v.对照 4.rush v.冲,猛冲 5.cure v.治愈

6.regulation n.法规,条例 7.suspect n.嫌疑人 v.怀疑 8.spit v.吐出(唾液) 9.absorb v.吸收

10.arise v.(问题、困难等)发生,出现 [语境运用] 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.I refused(refuse) his invitation yesterday because I didn't feel very well.

2.Misunderstandings arising(arise) from lack of social communication may lead to serious problems.

3.Nobody wants to make friends with the boy suspected(suspect) of having stolen money.

4.The children rushed(rush) out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. 5.Nobody knows how he was_murdered(murder), but a great many people behind the scenes can guess why.


1.terrify v.使惊恐,使受惊吓→terrified adj.恐惧的→terrifying adj.令人恐惧的

2.wrinkle v.& n.(使脸上)起皱纹;皱纹→wrinkled adj.(皮肤等)布满皱纹的,具有皱褶的

3.disgust v.使觉得恶心;使厌烦→disgusted adj.厌恶的;反感的→disgusting adj.令人反感的

4.breath n.呼吸→breathe v.呼吸

5.fear v.& n.害怕,恐惧→fearful adj.可怕的,害怕的→fearless adj.无畏的 6.benefit n.好处,利益 v.有益于→beneficial adj. 有益的,有用的

7.resist v.抵抗,忍耐,抵制→resistant adj.有抵抗力的,抵抗的→resistance n.抵抗

8.analyse v.分析→analysis n.分析

9.company n.陪同,陪伴→accompany v.陪同,陪伴→companion n.伙伴,同伴 10.violent adj.猛烈的,激烈的→violence n.暴力 [语境运用] 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.When they saw the terrifying scene, everyone on the spot felt terrified and couldn't say a word.(terrify)

2.The new railway benefits this area in many ways.It is beneficial to the people living in this area.For the benefit of more people,we should build more railways. (benefit)

3.The dog is a good companion and it keeps the little girl company all the time, and even accompanies her to school.(company)

4.He took a deep breath to breathe the fresh air.(breathe)

5.Analyse the maths problem carefully and your careful analysis will help you find the solution to it.(analyse)

6.We were all surprised at his acts of violence.Maybe he was exposed to too

many violent scenes in the films.(violent)

阅读单词 1.clone v.克隆

2.chase v.追逐,追赶;追踪 3.wing n.翅膀

4.emotion n.感情;情绪 5.nightmare n.噩梦 6.transparent adj.透明的 7.twisting adj.扭曲的,弯曲的

8.fundamental adj.基本的,不可或缺的,重要的 9.component n.成分 10.procedure n.程序 11.insert v.植入,插入 12.controversial adj.有争议的 13.valid adj.有确实根据的,有效的 14.optional adj.可选择的_ 15.reproduce v.复制,使再现

16.contradictory adj.互相矛盾的,相反的,对立的 17.vice n.缺点,弱点

18.virtue v.道德上的优点,善行 19.flexible adj.易适应的 20.compulsory adj.强制的,强迫的 21.handy adj.方便的,便利的

1.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back.I don't teach.使专心

2.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)Today, people still come and go — to see where the Canadian gold rush happened.高峰期

3.(2015·广东卷)While watching TV, children do not merely absorb words and images (影像).理解,掌握

[短语 多维应用]



