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Subtitle Translation in The Flowers of War from the Perspective of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
【Abstract】Nowadays, we are at an information age, the single language model is not the only method to express the meaning, image, sound, color all can be regarded as the methods to express the meaning. In this paper, we attempt to analyze the subtitle translation from the aspects of its expression, content level, context, and cultural level, moreover, try to discuss some proper translation methods of subtitles, hoping it can give some enlightenment to the study of subtitle translation.
【Key words】multimodal discourse analysis; subtitles translation; translation strategies 【作者簡介】乔珂(1995.09.01-),女,汉族,陕西西安人,西北大学,研究方向:翻译。
1. Introduction
With the deepening of the translation work and the development of technology, we are already at digital and information age, the single language model can not be the only method to express the meaning. Therefore, a new method is born at the right moment, scholars called this as multimodality. From the perspective of multimodal discourse analysis, we can pose some significance to strengthen the communication and development in the level of culture. 2. Analysis of Movie Subtitle Translation from the Perspective of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
This part mainly focuses on the subtitle translation,which deals with foreign language material under the guidance of multimodal discourse analysis. According to the theoretical framework proposed by Zhang, we analyze subtitle translation which based on some examples from the perspective of expression, content, contextual, and cultural these four levels. 2.1 Expression level
The transmission of character’s emotion as the auxiliary role in the movies, it plays an instructive role. The structure of the subtitles, the sound and the strong emotion all these factors including in the movies. In a word, during the process of the information and context of the