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Lesson 1 Do you have a lucky number? 你有一个幸运号码吗? Today, there’s a school raffle. The first prize is a bike. 今天,有一个学校抽奖活动。一等奖是一辆自行车。 Close your eyes and take a number. 闭上眼睛,拿一个号码。 Do you have a lucky number? 你有一个幸运号码吗? Yes,I do. 是的,我有。

The winner is...number four. Who has number four? 获胜者是……四号。谁有四号吗? I don't. 我不。

I have number four! 我有四号!

You're the winner, Pete. 你是赢家,皮特。

Does he have any nails? Yes, he does. 他是否有钉子吗?是的,他有。

Does the have a hammer? No, he doesn't. 是否有一个锤子?不,他没有。

nails a hammer glue a piece of paper cookies an apple butter a piece of bread

钉子,锤子,胶,一张纸,饼干,一个苹果,黄油,一片面包 Losson 2 They had some eggs. 他们有一些鸡蛋。

Go and buy me some eggs and some matches,please. ,请去给我买一些鸡蛋和一些火柴。

Can I have some eggs and some matches,please? 给我一些鸡蛋和一些火柴,好吗?

Sorry.I have some eggs,but I don't have any matches. 对不起。我有一些鸡蛋,但我没有任何火柴 。

They had some eggs,but they didn't have any matches. 他们有一些鸡蛋,但是他们没有任何火 柴

Where are the eggs? 鸡蛋在哪里? They're in my pocket. 在我的口袋里。

Oh,dear.They were in my pocket! 哦,亲爱的。他们在我的口袋里! Did they have any cheese or eggs? They had some cheese, but they didn't have any eggs. 他们是否有任何奶酪和鸡蛋吗?他们有一些奶酪,但是他们没有任何鸡蛋。

Have-had cheese eggs butter honey oranges strawberries beans carrots glue paper有,芝士,蛋,黄油,蜂蜜,橙子,草莓,豆子,胡萝卜,胶水,纸

Lesson 3 Mom and Katie had chicken. 妈妈和凯蒂吃鸡肉 Last week,the Clarks had lunch at a restaurant. 上周,克拉克一家在餐馆吃的午饭。

First,Mom,Dad and Katie had soup. 首先,妈妈,爸爸和凯蒂喝汤。 Then,Mom and Katie had chicken.Dad and Dan had steak. 然后,妈妈和凯蒂吃鸡肉。爸爸和丹吃 牛排。

Finally,they had dessert. 最后,他们吃甜点。

They all had strawberries and cream. 他们都吃了草莓和奶油。 Thanks,Mom and Dad.That was delicious. 谢谢,妈妈和爸爸。那是美味的。

Did the dog have a bone yesterday? Yes,it did.狗有吃骨头吗昨天?是的,它有。

Did the dog have a biscuit yesterday?No,it didn't. 狗有吃饼干吗昨天? 不,它没有。

Yesterday a bone/a biscuit/a carrot昨天一个骨头/饼干/一个胡萝卜

today breakfast/lunch/dinner今天早餐/午餐/晚餐

last week the measles/the flu/a toothache上周,麻疹/流感/牙痛 Lesson 4 They arrived at five o'clock. 他们五点钟到达。 Grandma and Grandpa are staying with the Clarks.They arrived on Saturday. 奶奶和爷爷住


Dan and Katie waited for them at the station. 丹和凯蒂在车站等候他们。

They arrived at five o'clock. 他们五点钟到达。

They had presents for Dan and Katie. 他们给丹和凯蒂带了礼物。 Here you are. 给你这个 Thank you! 谢谢你们! A flute! 一个长笛! A squirt gun! 一个水枪!

Dan and Katie liked their presents,but Mom didn't. 丹和凯蒂喜欢他们的礼物,但是妈妈没有。

What did you do this morning?I brushed my teeth. 今天上午你做什么了?我刷我的牙齿。

This morning brushed my teeth/mailed a package今天早上刷完牙/寄一个包

yesterday evening stayed at home/played my flute昨天晚上呆在家里/吹我的笛子

yesterday morning waited for a train/listened to the radio昨天早上等待火车/听收音机

Lesson 5 The cars stopped,too! 汽车也停了!

On Sunday,Grandpa and Katie walked into town. 星期天,爷爷和凯蒂走进小镇。



