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A city public service facilities construction problems and countermeasures analysis

Abstract: the allocation indexes and standards of public service facilities in urban residential areas with strong regional characteristics formulated in various parts of China are all based on the residential area code and revised in accordance with local development characteristics. Local revisions have three obvious characteristics. First, the public welfare facilities are clearly defined and strict index control is proposed. Second, according to the characteristics of population distribution, each region

re-formulated the grading system and scale; Thirdly, analyze the economic level and social development, and optimize and adjust the indicators of facilities. At present, with the development of society, people's quality of life has been significantly

improved, and the diversified demands of each household for public service facilities are constantly changing, without a very stable trend. Sanming city also has this demand and problem in the construction of public service facilities. In view of this, this paper first expounds the concept and connotation of public service facilities, then analyzes the current situation and problems of sanming city public service facilities construction, and finally puts forward the countermeasures and directions of sanming city public service facilities construction

Key words: public facilities construction; Culture; service

目 录

1 公共服务设施相关概念界定.......................................... 4

1.1 公共服务设施 ................................................ 4 1.2 公共服务设施用地 ............................................ 4 2 A市公共服务设施建设现状 .......................................... 5

2.1 文化设施 .................................................... 5 2.2 体育设施 .................................................... 5 2.3 医疗设施 .................................................... 5 2.4 教育设施 .................................................... 6 3 A市公共服务设施建设问题 .......................................... 6

3.1 供给规模不足 ................................................ 6 3.2 布局层次缺失 ................................................ 6 3.3 特色定位模糊 ................................................ 7 3.4 设施的后续管理缺位较多 ...................................... 7 4 其他城市先进经验借鉴.............................................. 8

4.1 包头市公共文化设施建设与管理的先进经验 ...................... 8 4.2 宁波市勤州区公共文化设施建设与管理的先进经验 ................ 9 4 A市公共服务设施建设对策 ......................................... 10

4.1 设施建设需适应未来发展 ..................................... 10 4.2 适应地区发展的配置指标弹性控制原则 ......................... 10 4.3 按区域划分制定不同配置指标 ................................. 11 4.4 设施共享设施 ............................................... 11 结论............................................................... 13 参考文献........................................................... 14 致谢................................................ 错误!未定义书签。



