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浙江省 2015 年选拔优秀高职高专毕业生进入本科学习统一考试

英 语

题号 一 二 三 四 得分 核分人





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Part I Reading Comprehension (60 marks, 60 minutes)


FormatⅠ(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.

Passage one

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

Karen Christiansen Madison,Wisconsin,is licking stamps and addressing ,she and her future husband will be sending out invitations for their June ,on the other side of the world,Wei Yashung is at the hairdresser’s in Shanghai, knows she will have a long wait---maybe four ’s May 18th,the most popular day to get married in room is filled with brides preparing for their special day.

Weddings are a special event in every begin new lives together and families are joined together. “Everyone feels very emotional at this are a lot of rituals and superstitions at weddings,”says Maxine Rowe,an anthropologist.

As Kerry plans her wedding,her aunt and sisters help her check off the things she needs,according to an old read the traditional poem, “Something old,something new,something borrowed,and something blue”Female friends and relatives gather the bride for the ceremony.

Many wedding traditions in western cultures were designed to protect the couple from bad luck. “The wedding veil is a Greek custom,to hide the bride from evil


spirits,”says Maxine. “The Romans developed the custom of bridesmaids. women dressed like the bride) to confuse the ,some wedding flowers have a strong smell to scare away the evil spirits.”

In China,thousands of couples that have chosen May 18th for their wedding day. “In the past,Chinese couples consulted a special book to find lucky and unlucky days for getting married ” explains Maxine. “But in modern times,a new tradition is being formed.” The eighteenth day of the fifth month,five-one-eight or “ wu yao ba ” as it is called in China,sounds very close to “ wo yao fa ” or “I will get rich.” This is considered a omen for any couples getting married on this day.

Some people don’t think it is a good idea for everyone to get married on the same day. “It’s silly and superstitious,” a newspaper reporter ,and owners of flower stores,restaurants and car services say it’s the best day of the can raise their prices for this one day and their services will still be fully they are the ones who should be saying, “I will get rich.”

overall structure of this passage can be called ________ A. comparison and contrast

B. description of events in order of time C. details leading to conclusion

D. generalization followed by details

2. An anthropologist in P2 studies _______ A. hairstyle B. jewels C. almanacs D. customs

3. Why do Karen’s friends and relatives contribute a cousin’s wedding veil

A. It is something old. B. It is something C. It is something

new. D. It is


something blue.4. The word omen in P5 means________. A. a sign of star B. a sign of present C. a sign of past D. a sign of future

5. What is the writer’s tone in the last sentence “Maybe they are the ones who should be saying, “I will get rich.””

A. Humorous B. Tolerant C. Matter-of-fact D. Furious Passage Two

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

The easiest and least complicated way to motivate somebody is quite simply to pay them you say is not particularly important,nor necessarily is how long you spend saying it,as long as it’s something. “Nice weather” or “How are you ” will do.

People just love attention,adults and love attention so much that they will do anything to get fact,if children are not getting

enough attention,they would rather be naughty and get told off than be “good” and be interesting time in most households with young children is


dinnertime--it’s the end of the day,everybody is tired,the house is in a mess and Johnny doesn’t like carrots and is refusing to eat his ,the easy trap to fall into is to start getting cross with Johnny and getting into a big argument about his ,he’s getting the attention he desires;even if it’s not the best sort of attention,it’s better than ’s fascinating if you are able to stand back from the situation and instead focus attention and praise on Johnny’s brother who is eating his food---after all,he is one that is doing what you want him to five or ten minutes or so of being ignored








quickly(usually) Johnny sees sense and ’ve watched my own children in this situation go from screaming from behind the sofa,saying “Mummy,aren’t I doing good dinner eating ”---all without having one word a spoken to them by their parents,who are busily paying attention to their brothers.

This fundamental need for attention,and doing whatever it takes to get it,doesn’t disappear when we turn into ,there are people who are “ real attention seekers ” in a loud and extravert ( 外向的) way,and there are the shy,retiring types who don’t want attention in such a “ sociable ” everybody still wants to be recognized and seen worthwhile.

will children probably do to get parents attention will get quiet for a long time. will ignore their parents. will behave naughtily. D. They will get crossly easily.

does the phrase “ the easy trap to fall into ” means A. A set-up situation parents are likely to go into. B. The household work that parents can not avoid. C. Some tempting food children easily love to eat. D. A bad habit children easily develop.

8. An effective way to make children behave themselves may to be A. Scold them severely B. Teach them what to do C. Give them total freedom D. Praise their sisters or brothers 9. “ Real attention seekers ” in the last paragraph are probably those ______

A. motivate others to learn B. associate with shy types

C. reply on negative attention D. arouse others’ attention openly point does the author make by relating to children’s behavior ’s upbringing needs parents’ constant care.

are usually extravert while adults are sociable. children and adults need to be seen as worthwhile. motivation of children differs greatly from that of adults.




