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Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal , there is no secure direction ; without direction , there is no




第一单元 短语:

go to Beijing 去北京 at the train station 在火车站 want to 想要

sit down 坐下 stand up 起立 go straight 直走 ride bike 骑车 look out of 向外看 on the train在火车look at 看见 draw a picture 画画 read. a book读书 sing a song 唱歌 have breakfast吃早点fly a kite 放风筝 here you are 给你 read the newspaper 读报 have fun 玩得高兴 play with 跟…玩 play cads 打牌 go on a trip to Beijing去北京旅行 get the tickets 买票 how much 多少钱have a good trip一次美妙的旅行 listen to music 听音乐 句子:

1.Please don‘t jump!不要跳

2.A:What are you doing ?你在干什么?B:I’m reading a book.我正在读书。 3.A:Who is singing ?谁在唱歌?B:The girl is singing。这个女孩在唱歌。 4.A:Who is hungry ?谁饿了?B:I’m hungry.我饿了。

5.A:Would you like some fruit? 你想要点水果吗?B:Yes,please/No,thanks. 6.A:What would you like? 你想要点什么?B:I’d like some candy.我想要点糖果。 7. A:What is the baby doing ?这个婴儿在干什么?B:The baby is crying.这个婴儿在哭。 第二单元 短语:

arrive in到达in the afternoon在下午 on the way 在路上in the park 在公园 play football 踢足球 do Tai Chi 打太极 take a picture 照相 Don’t worry 别担心

look in 向里看 be careful 小心 need to 需要 far from远离 on the way back回去的路上 go for a walk去散步 too many 太多 be afraid 害怕 on the street 在街上 buy …for买…给 how old 多少岁 how long多长 be going to 将要 more than 超出 go on 继续 on the Great Wall 在长城 句子:

1.There are many people in the park.有许多人在公园。 2.Some children are playing football。一些孩子在踢足球。 3.A:How old is the PalaceMuseum?故宫博物馆有多久历史? B:It’s about six hundred years old.

4.Jenny buys a kite for her sister.詹妮给她的妹妹买了一个风筝。 5.A:May I take your picture?我可以给你拍照吗?Sure .

6.What time is it?=What`s the time? It`s 2:30现在几点了?现在2:30。 第三单元 短语:

a picture of the Palace Museum 一张故宫的图片 send…to 寄……给 on the left/right在左/右边 on a computer在电脑上 excuse me 打扰了 turn left 左转 at the traffic lights 在交通灯处 at the post office在邮局 write…to…给某人写什么 good idea 好主意 go back home 回家 see you soon 回头见 at the end 最后 all the best 万事如意 a very big city一个非常大的城市 on February 8在二月八号 time to go home该回家了 go back to Canada= come home to Canada回加拿大



