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KCECOB/KCECEB board DIP switch setting 1 2 GENERAL: ....................................................................................................................................................... 2SETTING: ......................................................................................................................................................... 22.12.2KCECOB SETTING ...................................................................................................................................... 2KCECEB SETTING ....................................................................................................................................... 3?2010 KONE CorporationAll rights reserved 1/3 (-) 2018-04-10 KCECOB/KCECEB board DIP switch setting 1 GENERAL: This document is to describe how to set DIP switch on KCECOB/KCECEB board, Current KCECOB/KCECEB/KCECIB implemented in Signalization include following materials: KCECOB (in LCE system): KM50099220G11 KCECEB/KCECIB (in LCE system): KM50099225G11 KCECOB (in KCE system): KM50099220G21 KCECEB/KCECIB (in KCE system): KM50099225G21 2 SETTING: NOTE: KCECOB(in LCE system) and KCECOB(in KCE system) follow the same setting method, KCECEB(in LCE system) and KCECEB(in KCE system) follow the same setting method, KCECIB funtion is to achieved by DIP switch setting on KCECEB 2.1 KCECOB setting 2.1.1 KCECOB DIP Switch Bit specification and setting DIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ????function Position / OFF Position / ON Door side selection Front Door A Rear Door B Buzzer selection On-board buzzer External buzzer Special calls Off On N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A COB ID bit2 COB ID bit1 COB ID bit0 Buzzer selection: Default on OFF position if no external buzzerSpecial calls: Default on OFF positionBit 4 and Bit 5 default on OFF positionLast 3 bits setting method in 2.1.2

?2010 KONE CorporationAll rights reserved 2/3 (-) 2018-04-10 KCECOB/KCECEB board DIP switch setting 2.1.2 Last 3 bits setting in KCECOB The last three bits are combined to define COB ID, (this is different from LCECOB,), definition as below: COB Bit2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2.1.3 COB Bit1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 COB Bit0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 COB ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setting example a.One COP(FH COP, Swing COP) in a elevator: KCECOB DIP setting is 0000 0000,b.Two COP in SEC car(FH COP+ FH COP, Swing COP + Swing COP, or FH COP+Handicap COP),main COP KCBCOB is 0000 0000, second is 0000 0001,c.Two COP in TTC car, select TTC CON (one set of buttons in two COP, non-selective door control),first COP setting is 0000 0000, second is 0000 0001,d.Two COP in TTC car, select TTC CTS on two COP (the first COP control A side door, the secondCOP control B side door), first COP setting is 0000 0000, second is 1000 0001,e.TTC CTS on one COP, setting method is same as d item.2.2 KCECEB setting 2.2.1 KCECEB DIP Switch Bit specification and setting DIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ????function Position / OFF Position / ON Door side selection Front Door A Rear Door B Car Call lock Car call Car call lock feature Deck selection Deck A / single deck Deck B Floor bit4 Floor bit3 Floor bit2 Floor bit1 Floor bit0 Car Call lock is default on OFFDeck selection is default on OFFLast four bits is to define KCECIB and KCECEB IDFloor bit 4 is default on OFF?2010 KONE CorporationAll rights reserved 3/3 (-) 2018-04-10 KCECOB/KCECEB board DIP switch setting 2.2.2 Last 4 bits setting in KCECEB Car calls (lock dipsw=0) LCECIB 9-1617--24 25--32 33--40 41--48 49--56 57--64 65--72 73--80 81--88 89--96 97--104 105--112 113--120 121--128 Locks (lock dipsw=1) 1-89-1617--24 25--32 33--40 41--48 49--56 57--64 65--72 73--80 81--88 89--96 97--104 105--112 113--120 121--128 CEB Bit3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CEB Bit2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 CEB Bit1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 CEB Bit0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 CEB ‘n’ value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2.2.3 Setting example a.KCECIB in A side: 0000 0000b.First KCECEB board on A side: 0000 0001, second KCECEB board on A side: 0000 0010?2010 KONE CorporationAll rights reserved 4/3 (-) 2018-04-10



