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【1】 Jane: Hello Sally. Fancy meeting you here!

Sally: Hello, Jane. Haven’t seen you for a long time. You’ve got married, haven’t you’

Jane: Yes, I have. I got married four years ago. Sally:_________.

A: Oh, really? Enjoy yourself B: Oh, wish you happiness C: Oh, my congratulations D: Oh, is it? Have a happy life 答案: C

【2】 Guest: Well, I have to be off. Thank you for your wonderful dinner. Host: ______

A: Thank you for your invitation B: I'm glad you enjoyed it. C: You're very kind to come. D: Take care. 答案: B

【3】 Joe: We haven’t got together for a long time. How about lunch

next week?

Nancy: I’m pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today? ______________________ Joe: O. K. Wednesday in two weeks. A: I can assure it on that Wednesday. B: I can get it on that Wednesday. C: I can reach it on that Wednesday. D: I can make it on that Wednesday. 答案: D

【4】 Shop assistant: Good morning. Can I help you? Customer: _________.I’m just looking round A: No, you can’t B: Yes, thank you C: Yes, please

D: Not at the moment, thanks 答案: D

【5】 Tom: I see in the paper they’re sending more equipment to space. And we might have to live there someday. John: ____! I’m staying right here! A: Never I B: None me C: Not me



