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1、诚信是指引方向的明灯,有了诚信,才有社会进步的繁荣昌盛。 honesty is the beacon to guide the direction. only with honesty can social progress flourish. 2、小信诚则大信立。 small faith is big faith.


heaven rewards diligence, humanity rewards sincerity, diligence to establish the world, sincerity to be a man. 4、土扶可城墙,积德为厚地。

tufuke city wall, jide for thick land.


do not let evil be small, or good be small. only virtue and virtue can be subordinated to others.


if you accept people by faith, the world will believe them; if you don't, your wife will doubt it.


bullying can only be temporary, and honesty is the long-term policy. 8、良心是由人的知识和全部生活方式来决定的。

conscience is determined by man's knowledge and all his way of life. 9、遵守商业道德,信守合同之约,坚守公平竞争,恪守友好合作。 abide by business ethics, abide by the contract, adhere to fair competition, abide by friendly cooperation.


what a liar gets is that no one believes it even when he feels he's telling the truth.

11、不信不立,不诚不行。 no faith, no sincerity.



those who do not have strong aspirations do not have wisdom and those who do not believe in them fail to do so.

13、以法为度,以信为本;公平合理,优质规范;互利协作,共谋发展。 take law as the criterion, take credit as the basis; fair and reasonable, high quality and normative; mutually beneficial cooperation, and seek common development.


quiet to cultivate oneself, thrifty to cultivate morality. 15、生命不可能从谎言中开出灿烂的鲜花。 life can't blossom brilliantly from lies.

16、如果诚信是花,她必定是梅花,在生命中凌寒独开,暗香自来。 if honesty is a flower, she must be a plum blossom. in life, ling han blossoms alone, and the fragrance comes from it. 17、金钱比起一分纯洁的良心来,有算得了什么呢?

what does money count for compared to a pure conscience 18、无诚无礼,无信不立。

honesty and rudeness, no faith. 19、若有人兮天一方,忠为衣兮信为裳。

if someone is loyal to the heavenly side, he is faithful to his clothes and believes in his clothes. 20、真诚是一种心灵的开放。 sincerity is an open mind.

21、不患位之不尊,而患德之不崇;不耻禄之不伙,而耻智之不博。 no disrespect for one's position, but no respect for one's virtue; no disgrace for one's salary, and no disgrace for one's wisdom. 22、意志薄弱的人,一定不会诚实。

he who has weak will will will never be honest. 23、诚实是智慧之书的第一章。

honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. 24、使一个人值得信任的唯一方法就是信任他。


the only way to make a person trustworthy is to trust him. 25、诚信应该是人的本性,而不是道德的要求。

credit should be human nature, not moral requirement. 26、诚信讲一遍,彼此都起码觉得释放;守信对他人,你我都无疚。 honesty once said, each other at least feel released; trustworthiness to others, you and i have no guilt. 27、以诚感人者,人亦诚而应。

people respond sincerely to those who are touching by sincerity. 28、没有诚信的人,就像丢了嗅觉的狗。

a man without integrity is like a dog without sense of smell. 29、诚信是每个人心中的美德,世界因为有了诚信才更加精彩。

honesty is the virtue in everyone's heart. the world is more wonderful because of honesty.


be honest to resist the wind and believe in the world. 31、天下有大勇者,猝然临之而不惊,不故加之而不怒。

there are brave people in the world, who suddenly come without alarm, without reason and without anger. 32、奢者狼藉俭者安,一凶一吉在眼前。 luxury and frugality are at hand. 33、一言之美,贵于千金。

the beauty of a word is worth a thousand dollars. 34、诚实是一个人得以保持的最高尚的东西。 honesty is the noblest thing a man can keep. 35、诚信是一种心灵的美丽、是一种精神的魅力。

honesty is a kind of beauty of soul and a kind of spiritual charm. 36、马先驯而后求良,人先信而后求能。

horses first tame and then seek good, people first believe and then seek ability.





