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1. have an implacable hatred for…对…深恶痛绝 2. it irks sb. to do sth. 某人讨厌做某事

3. at intervals间或 at long intervals间或 at short intervals常常 4. nip the idea in the bud扼杀在萌芽中

5. irreconcilable with/to 与…势不两立;与…不可调和 6. quail at…因…而颤抖

7. dissolve away 溶解掉 dissolve in溶解入… dissolve into溶解到…溶解成… 8. at the cost of付出…的代价 at all costs不惜一切代价 9. defer to…听从 (to是介词) 10. align oneself with 与…结盟 11. regress to 退回到…

12. with(a)bad grace 很不情愿地 with(a)good trace in the good/bad graces of 为人所喜爱/厌恶 13. beat the rap开脱罪名 take the rap 背黑锅 14. contingent on/upon 视….情况或条件而定 15. differentiate between 区分…与…之间的差别 16. in progress在进行中

17. in a huff生气的(地)put sb. into a huff 触犯某人,使某人生气 take huff见怪;生气

18. gratify one’s vanity 满足人的虚荣心 be gratified with sth./sb. be gratified to do sth.

19. muster up 集合,聚集;鼓起(勇气等),振作 20. tamper with 篡改,干涉

21. be in a good temper心情好 lose one’s temper 发脾气 get into a temper 发怒

22. contest with/against/for 争辩;竞争,争夺

23. at discretion 随意 at the discretion of 听凭处置 with discretion慎重地 24. numb with 冻僵

25. in the light of 鉴于 throw light on 阐明 make light of 轻视,视…微不足道 26. transfer…from…从…调拨来,从…转移过来 27. balk at doing sth.做某事犹豫不决

28. at a disadvantage 不利地位 to the disadvantage of sb./to one’s disadvantage 吃亏

29. snarl at 朝…咆哮

30. be tantamount to 相等于…相当于

31. off limits禁止进入to someplace within limits适度地,在合理的范围内 32. make a plea for 主张,请求 33. in haste 匆忙 make haste 快点

34. play havoc with/wreak havoc on 对…造成破坏

play/raise…havoc with/among 对…造成严重破坏,使…陷入大混乱 35. the operative word 最为关键的词

36. bring to a halt 停顿下来 call a halt 暂停

37. attribute to 把…归功于 38. a raft of 众多

39. shirk responsibility/duty/obligation 逃避责任 40. interfere in干涉 interfere with 妨碍,打扰

41. give full/free rein to 给予自由 keep a tight rein on 对…严加控制、约束 42. make headway取得进展

43. be obsessed by/with 被…附上(缠住、迷住心窍)

44. in one’s element 擅长所在 out of one’s element局促不安、很不适应 45. hobble along/about 蹒跚而行 46. all and sundry 不同的,各种的 47. harness a horse to a carriage

48. have sth.at one’s fingertips了如指掌 to one’s fingers 各方面,完全,彻底 49. empower sb. to do sth.授权…做事 50. quibble about/over 为了….争辩

51. muddle through混过去,应付过去 muddle up/together 搞乱,搞错 in a muddle 杂乱无章,一塌糊涂

52. be aggrieved at/over 对…感到痛心,由于…感到委屈

53. undercharge sb. some money for sth./undercharge sb. for sth. by some money买…少收…钱

54. be wary of留意,谨防

55. muse on/upon沉思,考虑 muse over 仔细回忆,品味 56. communicate传达(意见、消息等),传播;传染(疾病);(房间)相连 communication 通信,通讯;传达的信息 communicative 健谈的,爱说话的;交际的 communications 通讯系统;交通,交通工具 communion(信仰、思想、感情等的)交流,共享;圣餐 57. bombard sb. with questions向…连续提出问题 58. defect to 叛逃到…defect from背叛了

59. peek in/out through a hole从小孔里向内(向外)偷看get/take a peek at 偷看一下

60. incite sb. to sth./to do sth.煽动某人做某事 61. drone on唠唠叨叨的说

62. sketch out打草稿,画草图;概述

63. shanghai sb.into(doing)sth.诱骗某人做… 64. persevere in 坚持

65. detest doing sth.讨厌做某事

66. by accident 偶然 without accident平安无事 67. cast out 驱逐

68. evolve from由…进化而来 evolve into 进化为 69. an acute angle 锐角

70. implore sb. to do sth.恳求某人做某事

71. avert one’s eyes/gaze from将眼光从…上移开 72. invulnerable to…不受…的伤害、影响等 73. on the lurk暗中窥视,偷偷侦查 74. defraud sb. of sth.诈骗某人某物

75. have a bash at 尝试

76. wallow in 在…中打滚;沉溺于…

77. have one’s own knack in 对…有独到之处 have a knack of doing sth.有做…的本事,惯于做…

78. apart from 远离某人/某物;且某说,撇开…不说 79. abide by遵守(法律等),信守(诺言等)

80. make sense 有意义 out of one’s senses 心智不健全的,癫狂的 in a sense从某种意义上说

81. at this juncture此刻,在这个当口,在这个节骨眼上 82. implicit in 内含的,固有的 83. let alone 更别提 let off 燃放

84. beat about the bush 绕弯子 beat off 击败 beat up sb.痛打某人 beat time打拍子

85. occasional rustle of paper 偶尔的纸张沙沙声 86. at the zenith of 达到…的顶点,在….的顶峰 87. a hot-blooded crime of passion一时冲动

88. pay heed to 注意…,把…放在心上 take heed of 当心 89. coexist with与…共存

90. abstain from sth.戒(酒、烟);放弃(投票等) 91. as nimble as a squirrel 92. make mischief 挑拨离间

93. degrade oneself by doing sth.做某事降低身份 94. keel over (船)倾覆,翻身

95. above one’s breath 高声 below/under one’s breath低声 catch one’s breath 喘息 hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气 waste one’s breath 浪费口舌

96. in essence 本质上,大体上;其实

97. go haywire 计划等变得混乱不堪;发生故障

98. at a low ebb处于低潮期 the ebb and flow 潮水涨落 on the ebb 每况愈下 99. seep into 渗入…

100.partake in/of 参与;分享



