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Fix yourself£¬ don't attempt to correct others¡£ 2¡¢Èç¹ûÄãÏëÅʵÇ**£¬ÇÐĪ°Ñ²Êºçµ±×÷ÌÝ×Ó¡£
If you want to climb£¬ don't put the rainbow as a ladder¡£ 3¡¢Ö»ÒªÄãÏàÐÅ£¬Ææ¼£Ò»¶¨»áʵÏÖ¡£
As long as you believe£¬ miracle will be implemented¡£ 4¡¢Å¬Á¦²»Ò»¶¨³É¹¦£¬·ÅÆú¿Ï¶¨Ê§°Ü¡£
Effort is not necessarily succeed£¬ give up surely fail¡£ 5¡¢Ã»ÓÐÒ»¿ÅÕäÖéµÄÉÁ¹â£¬ÊÇ¿¿±ðÈËͿĨÉÏÈ¥µÄ¡£
No spark of a pearl£¬ is to rely on others to apply¡£ 6¡¢ÃüÔËÖ®Éñ¹ØÉÏÒ»µÀÃÅ£¬±Ø¶¨»á´ò¿ªÁíÒ»ÉÈ´°¡£ Fate god closes a door£¬ will open another window¡£ 7¡¢Á¢Ö¾ÊÇÊÂÒµµÄ´óÃÅ£¬¹¤×÷ÊǵÇÃÅÈëÊÒµÄÂó̡£
Aspire to is the cause of the gate£¬ the work is their journey home¡£ 8¡¢Ö»Òª¾«Éñ²»»¬Æ£¬°ì·¨×ܱÈÀ§ÄѶࡣ
As long as the spirit not landslide£¬ way better than more difficult¡£ 9¡¢ÓоöÐÄ£¬¾ÍÓÐÁ¦Á¿;ÓÐÒãÁ¦£¬¾Í»á³É¹¦!
Willed it; I have strength; Has the perseverance£¬ you will succeed! 10¡¢ËùνǿÕߣ¬ÊǼÈÓÐÒâÖ¾£¬ÓÖÄÜ´´Ôìʱ»úµÄÈË¡£
The so-called strong£¬ is both a will and can create the opportunity¡£ 11¡¢½Å²½ÔõÑù²ÅÄܲ»¶Ïǰʱ?°Ñ½ÅÓ¡ÁôÔÚÉíºó¡£
Steps how to continually before? The footprints left behind¡£ 12¡¢ÓµÓÐÃÎÏëÖ»ÊÇÒ»ÖÖÖÇÁ¦£¬ÊµÏÖÃÎÏë²ÅÊÇÒ»ÖÖÄÜÁ¦¡£
Dream is a kind of intelligence£¬ realize the dream is a kind of ability¡£ 13¡¢²×º£¿ÉÌîɽ¿ÉÒÆ£¬ÄжùÖ¾Æøµ±Èç˹¡£
The sea can fill in the mountain can be moved£¬ ambition when Ruth¡£ 14¡¢ÓÐÖ¾Õß×ÔÓÐǧ¼ÆÍò¼Æ£¬ÎÞÖ¾ÕßÖ»¸ÐǧÄÑÍòÄÑ¡£
Aspirants have thousands thousands£¬ no minds only feeling extremely difficult¡£
Facial stimulation£¬ not really enjoy¡£ Inner peace£¬ is laid hands on him¡£
Efforts may fail£¬ but to give up means that can never be successful¡£ 17¡¢ÏëҪʲô£¬ÏëÇå³þ£¬Ñ¡Ôñ£¬Õäϧ£¬Ò»Èç¶ÔÄãµÄ»éÒö¡£
What do you want£¬ want to know£¬ to choose£¬ to cherish£¬ as for your marriage¡£
If life is like a mirror£¬ you smile to her£¬ she will smile to you¡£ 19¡¢ÖÇÕßµÄÃÎÔÙÃÀ£¬Ò²²»ÈçÓÞÈËʵ¸ÉµÄ½ÅÓ¡¡£
The dream of the wise again beautiful£¬ also is better than a fool pragmatic footprints¡£
Lost can also save money£¬ once lost credibility is hard to recover¡£ 21¡¢Óöµ½À§ÄÑʱ²»Òª·ÅÆú£¬Òª¼Çס£¬¼á³Öµ½µ×¾ÍÊÇʤÀû¡£
Encounter difficulties don't give up£¬ remember£¬ stick to it is victory¡£
Life requires patience£¬ need courage£¬ need passion£¬ need more confidence¡£
23¡¢Ò»¸öÈËÈç¹ûÐØÎÞ´óÖ¾£¬¼´Ê¹ÔÙÓÐ׳ÀöµÄ¾Ù¶¯Ò²³Æ²»ÉÏÊÇΰÈË¡£ If a person heart and even more magnificent move is not great¡£ 24¡¢ÔÚÎÞÈ˺ȲʵÄʱºò£¬ÎÒÃDz»Òª·ÅÆúŬÁ¦£¬ÒªÑ§»áΪ×Ô¼º¹ÄÕÆ¡£ When nobody£¬ don't give up our efforts£¬ to learn to applaud for
2 ¡ª¡ªÎÄÕÂÀ´Ô´ÍøÂ磬½ö¹©²Î¿¼
25¡¢Ëæʱ±£³Ö×ÔÐÅ£¬ÈÏʶ×Ô¼ºµÄ¼ÛÖµ£¬×öÒ»¸öÄÜÕæÕý¼á¶¨×Ô¼ºµÄÕ䱦ÉÌ¡£ Keep confident£¬ know your value£¬ can be a really determined their own treasure¡£
Ambition is always accompanied£¬ and poverty is the world common them together¡£
27¡¢ÈÃ×Ô¼ºµÄÄÚÐIJØ×ÅÒ»Ìõ¾ÞÁú£¬¼ÈÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¿àÐÌ£¬Ò²ÊÇÒ»ÖÖÀÖȤ¡£ Let oneself heart hiding a dragon£¬ is a kind of torture£¬ is also a kind of fun¡£
Children have ambition£¬ it doesn't matter£¬ but adults are not the heart¡£
Only self-improvement£¬ self-reliance£¬ self-confidence£¬ you can afford to pay the bill of life¡£
30¡¢Ñ¡ÔñÒ»ÌõÊʺÏ×Ô¼ºµÄ·¼á³Ö×ßÏÂÈ¥£¬Ö»Òª¼á³Ö£¬¾Í»áÈ¡µÃ³É¹¦¡£ Choose a suitable own way adhere to the bottom go to£¬ as long as insist£¬ will succeed¡£
In the face of the hardships of life£¬ please use your willpower to create the miracle of life!
Fear hardship£¬ bitter for a lifetime£¬ does not fear endures hardship people bitter for a while¡£
33¡¢ËùÓеijɹ¦¶¼À´×ÔÓÚÐж¯£¬Ö»Óи¶ÖîÐж¯£¬²ÅÄÜÒ»²½²½×ßÏò³É¹¦¡£ All success comes from the action£¬ only action£¬ to step by step to success¡£
3 ¡ª¡ªÎÄÕÂÀ´Ô´ÍøÂ磬½ö¹©²Î¿¼
Success is with courage and hard work£¬ constantly transcend yourself£¬ do your best¡£
35¡¢Èç¹ûÄãÏëÓÐËù×÷Ϊ£¬ÄÇôÈÏ×¼·½Ïòºó¾Í±ØÐë¼á³Öµ½µ×£¬ÓÐʼÓÐÖÕ¡£ If you want to do something£¬ then look for direction must stick to it£¬ after finish¡£
36¡¢ÒªÏë»ñµÃ³É¹¦£¬±ØÐë¿Ï×êÑС£Ö»ÓÐÒ»ÑùÄÜÄóöµÄÊÖ£¬ÄÇôÄã¾ÍÊdzɹ¦ÈË¡£ To succeed£¬ must be willing to study¡£ Only one out of hand£¬ then you are successful¡£
Even in hard study and life£¬ also want to ache£¬ laughed£¬ and a pretty face to life¡£
38¡¢ÉÆ´ýÈËÉúµÄÿ¸öÃÎÏ룬¸ø×Ô¼ºÐÅÐÄ£¬ÒªÖªµÀÄãÓÐÄÜÁ¦ÊµÏÖËü¡£ Treat every dream of life£¬ confidence to oneself£¬ to know that you have the ability to achieve it¡£
39¡¢ÈκÎÊÂÇéÒªÏëÈ¡µÃ³É¹¦£¬±ØÐë¿ÏÏ¿๦£¬²¢Óмá³Öµ½µ×µÄÒãÁ¦¡£ Anything you want to succeed£¬ must be willing to hard work£¬ and hold on to the end of perseverance¡£
40¡¢ÃÀÀöµÄ¿ÕÏë±È²»ÉÏ̤ʵµØ×öÊ£¬Ö»Òª¿ªÊ¼Ðж¯£¬¾ÍËãÔÙÍíÒ²²»³Ù¡£ Beautiful fantasy than steadfastly doing things£¬ as long as the start£¬ even if it's late again later¡£
41¡¢ÊÇ·ÇÒÔ²»±çΪ½âÍÑ£¬·³ÄÕÒÔÈÌÈèΪÖǻۣ¬°ìÊÂÒÔ¾¡Á¦ÎªÓй¦¡£ Is not to argue for relief£¬ troubles in shame£¬ for wisdom£¬ handle affairs to do our best to active¡£
42¡¢ÈÃ×Ô¼ºÒ»±ß³ÉÊ죬һ±ßÑ°ÕÒʱ»ú¡£µÈʱ»ú³ÉÊìʱ£¬ÀíÏë¾Í¿ÉÒÔʵÏÖÁË¡£ Let oneself mature£¬ while looking for opportunity¡£ Such as the time is right£¬ the ideal can be realized¡£
43¡¢Ã»ÓÐÈËÄÜԤ֪δÀ´µÄÃüÔË£¬µ«ÎÒÃÇ¿ÉÒÔÓÃÓäÔõıíÇéÃæ¶ÔÃüÔË¡£ No one can predict the future destiny£¬ but we can use the joyful
4 ¡ª¡ªÎÄÕÂÀ´Ô´ÍøÂ磬½ö¹©²Î¿¼
expression in the face of fate¡£
44¡¢Ö»ÒªÒÀ¿¿×Ô¼ºµÄÁ¦Á¿È¥×öÊÂÇ飬 ¼´Ê¹Ìõ¼þºÜ²î£¬Ò²ÄÜÈ¡µÃ³É¹¦¡£ As long as rely on their own strength to do things£¬ even if the condition is very poor£¬ also can succeed¡£
In the journey of life£¬ must learn to save themselves£¬ so as to forge forward in adversity¡£
46¡¢¼Çס£¬±ðÇáÒ׵طÅÆúßµÃÅ£¬³É¹¦»áÔÚÄãÏÂÒ»´ÎßµÃÅʱ£¬Î¢Ð¦×ÅÓ½ÓÄãµÄ¡£ Remember£¬ don't give up easily knock£¬ success will be in the next time you knock£¬ with a smile to greet you¡£
47¡¢×öÈκÎʶ¼Òª¾ÊܵôìÕÛ£¬ÒªÓкãÐĺÍÒãÁ¦£¬Âú»³ÐÅÐļá³Öµ½µ×¡£ Doing everything to withstand setbacks£¬ must have the perseverance and perseverance£¬ full of confidence to hold on to the end¡£
48¡¢×¼±¸ÖÖ×Ó£¬¾ÍÊÕ»ñ¹ûʵ;×¼±¸Å¬Á¦£¬¾ÍÊÕ»ñ³É¹¦;×¼±¸½ñÌ죬¾ÍÊÕ»ñÃ÷Ìì¡£ To prepare seed£¬ we harvest the fruit; Ready to work hard£¬ there is harvest success; Prepare today£¬ harvest tomorrow¡£
Most easy thing in the world is insist£¬ the most difficult thing is persistence¡£ Remember£¬ stick to it is victory¡£
In the face of difficulties£¬ many people take a magnifying glass£¬ but and difficult struggle£¬ you will feel difficult¡£
Don't think too far successful£¬ sometimes£¬ it is quite near to us£¬ just because of our negligence with it¡£
5 ¡ª¡ªÎÄÕÂÀ´Ô´ÍøÂ磬½ö¹©²Î¿¼