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高起专 网络教育英语三(3)考试试题及答案

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高起专 网络教育英语三(3)考试试题及答案

-CAL-FENGHAI.Network Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

College English Test for Non-English Majors of Adult Education


I. Vocabulary and Structure

There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One answer that best completes the sentence.

1. I want you to _______B_______ each sum of the money you spent. A. amount to B. account for C. aim to D. intend to

2. When you do not understand a word, you can look it ____D_____ in this dictionary. A. on B. with C. for D. up

3. My husband and I ________B______ conflicting opinions on this matter. A. make B. hold C. keep D. take

4. Why are you talking in such a strange _______B________

A. means B. manner C. matter D. measure

5. The doctors have developed a new ____C______ in heart surgery. A. technology B. technical C. technique D. technician

6. Nothing is more irritating than people who do not keep _____D_____ the point. A. on B. up C. along D. to

7. The government has announced reductions in the country’s defense ____C______. A. plan B. arrangement C. budget D. scheme 8. The news came to us at last. Her severe look _____D_____ how she really felt. A. related B. talked C. spoke D. reflected A9. While we may get used to a sleep-depriving schedule, our judgment, reaction time, and other functions are still impaired. A. affected B. damaged C. mended D. repaired

C10. Caffeine and other stimulants cannot overcome the effects of severe sleep deprivation.

A. strengthen B. submit C. defeat D. overpower

11. The manager is responsible ____C____ making sure that the shop is run properly the whole day. A. in B. to C. for D. on

12. “Do you have ____C____ experience of this type of work” The manager asked the applicant.

A. foregoing B. before C. previous D. past

13. The first ___C_____ came from Europe to America, the new land in the early 17th century.

A. emigrant B. emigration C. immigrant D. immigration


14. Big men are not ____B____ strong men; we must not suppose that men are strong merely because they are big. A. ordinarily B. commonly C. necessarily D. usually

15. The audience ____D_______ the play very much and time and again clapped loudly.

A. enforced B. engaged C. enhanced D. enjoyed

16. Did the people _____B______ large approve of the government policy?

A. in B. at C. on D. for

17. There was a long _____C______ before he answered the telephone. A. stop B. break C. interval D. occasion

18. I’m not particular _____C_______ my clothes; I don’t mind what I wear. A. in B. with C. about D. for

19. Will you meet me C we were last night?

A. there B. when C. where D. then

20. How soon can I be B as a member of the school football team?

A. received B. admitted C. allowed D. permitted 21. Some airplanes are _____D_____ going 1,000 miles an hour. A. able of B. possible of C. probable of D. capable of 22. Empty _____B_____ makes the most sound. A. ship B. vessel C. boat D. yacht

23. They had D evidence that the factory was responsible for the pollution. A. inclusive B. seclusive C. exclusive D. conclusive 24. The young Mr. Wang has B in the army for twenty years. A. serviced B. served C. maintained D. stayed 25. We need to ____D_____ the quality of our goods but not increase the price. A. remain B. retain C. stay D. maintain

26. Oxford has Britain’s oldest public museum which was _____D______ in 1683. A. found B. finding C. founding D. founded

27. He says what he thinks, ________D______ other people’s feelings. A. despite of B. in view of C. in charge of D. regardless of 28. Miss White said she met him ___B_____ chance yesterday morning. A. with B. by C. for D. through

29. Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great ______D________. A. performance B. progress C. advancement D. achievement

30. When he heard how well the new company was doing, he took a calculated _____D____ and

invested all his money in it.

A. venture B. chance C. opportunity D. risk

II. Cloze

There are 20 blanks in the following passage(s). For each blank are provided four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the passage(s)


Historically, American women have always been very independent. The 31 colonists to come to New England were 32 young couples who had 33 behind their extended family (i.e., their parents, sisters, cousins, etc.) The women were 34 in a new, 35 country with their husbands. This had two important 36 . First of all, this as 37 uncivilized environment demanded that every person 38 in developing and educating children to establish 39 in this new land. Second, because they were in a new land 40 the established influence of older 41 of society, women felt 42 to step into nontraditional 43 . In addition, there were no rules in the Protestant religion which 44 that women stay in any definite role.

This role of women was 45 in later years as Americans moved west, 46 leaving family behind and encountering a 47 environment. Even later, in the East, as new immigrants arrived, 48 women often found jobs more easily than men. Women became the 49 of the family. The children of these early Americans grew 40 with many examples of working women around them.

C31. A. beginning starting

B32. A. frequent D. ordinary A33. A. left D. failed D34. A. lonely alone

B35. A. developing developed D36. A. facets effects

A37. A. yet well

C38. A. sharing D. shares B39. A. them their

C40. A. outside D. beyond A41. A. members D. parts D42. A. freedom D. free C43. A. parts D. places B44. A. requested B45. A. reinforced endangered

B. initial

C. first


B. often B. forgot

C. usual C. lifted


D. D. D.

B. single C. only

B. undeveloped B. facts

C. underdeveloped C. affects

B. not B. shared

C. but

C. share


B. themselves

B. out of

C. theirs

C. without

B. groups

C. teams

B. freely

C. freer

D. needed D.

B. plays C. roles

B. demanded B. strengthened C. required C. enlarged


B46. A. yet B. again C. but D. or C47. A. hostile B. enemy C. opposing D. opponent D48. A. any B. one C. a D. the

C49. A. supervisors B. surpassers C. supporters D. supposers B50. A. on B. up C. to D. off

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A There are two reading passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 5 questions. Each question is provided with four answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best answers the question.

Passage 1

On the death of his wealthy old father, Duncan inherited a lot of money and property, but though his father had always been a very generous man, Duncan was of a very different character. In fact, a lot of people who knew him called him a miser.

This was not quite right, because misers usually spend as little of their wealth on themselves as they give away. But Duncan was not like that at all. He had always liked to feel rich; to have the best of everything for himself, go to the best

restaurants, stay in the best hotels, have beautiful houses and expensive holidays.

Duncan had never had a job, and while his father was alive, he had at first been kept on rather a small allowance. Duncan had asked his father several times whether he could increase this, but his father knew about the young man’s extravagant ways and in his wisdom, always refused to do so.

But then, when Duncan was twenty-one, the old man, who was already sixty-five and retired, suggested that he should marry. “I’m feeling old,” he said to his son, “and I’d like to see some grandchildren before I die.”

Duncan was not keen to have the expense of a wife, and then children, but his father said, “If you marry, I’ll increase your allowance in exchange.”

“By how much” Duncan said. “Wife and children cost a lot of money.” His father, laughed and answered, “I’ll multiply it by three.”

“All right,” said Duncan. He already had a girlfriend, so he asked her to marry him, and she agreed.

But Duncan did not spend much of his increased allowance on his wife, nor on his children when they came. His wife always smelt expensive, because Duncan loved to have the luxury of the best scents around him, but he did not give her any jewelry, saying that she would inherit plenty when his mother died. His wife did not feel very happy about this, as Duncan’s mother was only forty-five years old.



