Finite-thickness effect of the fluids on bubbles and spikes in Richtmyer-Meshkov instabili
Finite-thickness effect of the fluids on bubbles and
spikes in Richtmyer-Meshkov instability for
arbitrary Atwood numbers
Wanhai LIU(刘万海)1, Changping YU(于长平)2,5, Pei WANG(王裴)3,Zheng FU(付峥)3, Lili WANG(王丽丽)3 and Yulian CHEN(陈玉莲)4 【摘 要】Abstract
【期刊名称】等离子体科学和技术(英文版) 【年(卷),期】2019(021)002 【总页数】7
【关键词】Keywords: Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, bubbles and spikes, finite-thickness
Received 21 July 2018, revised 31 October 2018 Accepted for publication 2 November 2018 Published 13 December 2018
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)
Richtmyer-Meshkov instability(RMI)usually happens at two cases.One is that when an incident shock colliding with a corrugated interface which separates two fluids of variable density, the interface is prone to RMI [1, 2], the other is that RMI is activated by the variable vorticities at the interface,either deposited at first or imposed by other sources [3, 4].RMI