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12. I do well in playing football, _______. (我妹妹也行。)A. so my sister does(×)B. so does my sister(√)

Li Lei is really a football fan. --- _______. (确实这样.) A. So is he(×) B. So he is(√) [析] “so+be动词/助动词+主语”的倒装结构表示前面所述情况也适用于后者,意为“……也是这样”;“so+主语+be动词/助动词”的陈述结构表示对前述情况的肯定,意为“……确实如此”。

19. 例--- He didn’t go to school yesterday, did he?-- _______, though he didn’t feel very well. A. No, he didn’t (×) B. Yes, he did (√)

例--- Don’t you usually come to school by bike?-- _______. But I sometimes walk. A. No, I don’t (×) B. Yes, I do (√) [析] 习惯上英语中的yes意为“是的”,no意为“不”,但在“前否后肯”的反意疑问句或否定疑问句中,yes意为“不”,no意为“是的”。

20.---- Excuse me, is the supermarket far from here?---- No,it's about _______. A. 7 minutes walk B. 7 minute walk C. 7 minutes' walk D. 7 minute's walk

答案为C。本题考查名词所有格用法。当名词的复数以-s结尾时,则只需要加“'”即可,则“7分钟的距离”为“7 minutes' walk”。

21. You can not imagine how much I ______ on this dress. Is it beautiful? A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent

[剖析] 答案为D。本题考察四个表“花费”的动词辨析。主语为人,且和介词on搭配的动词是spend。

22. ---- Do you know _____ university student who is talking with Joe?---- Yes, she,s my cousin, Kate. A. a B. an C. the D. /

[剖析] 答案为C。university虽然以元音字母u开头,但其前若使用不定冠词时,则要用a.不过此题中不能使用不定冠词,而是特指和Joe说话的那个大学生,故要选the。

23. The number of giant pandas is getting ______ because their living areas are becoming farmlands. A. less and less B. larger and larger C. smaller and smaller D. fewer and fewer

[剖析] 答案为C。句意为“大熊猫的数量越来越少因为他们的生存空间正逐渐变成农场”。本题中四个选项都是“比较级+ and + 比较级”的结构,表示“越来越……”。主语为number,只能和large或small搭配。而结合句意可判断答案为C。

24. Be careful when you come _______ the street,because the traffic is very busy at the moment.A. across B. behind C. between D. over [剖析] 答案为A。本题考察方位介词的用法。“过马路”一般为表面横穿,因此要用across。 25. ---- Do you often clean your classroom?---- Yes, our classroom ______ every day. A. clean B. cleans C. is cleaned D. Cleaned

[剖析] 答案为C。句中有every day,主语为our classroom,故要用一般现在时的被动语态。

26. Lucy usually cleans the cage every two days. (对画线部分提问)_ _______ Lucy usually


clean the cage?

[剖析] 答案为How often does。对every two days提问要用how often。 27. I didn't understand __________,so I raised my hand to ask...

A. what my teacher says B. what does my teacher say C. what my teacher said D. what did my teacher say

[剖析] 答案为C。本题为宾语从句,由于需要用陈述语序可排除B、D;另外,主句时态为一般过去时,则从句也要用对应的过去时态,故还可排除A。

28. ---- How much ______ the shoes? ---- Five dollars ______ enough. A. is;is B. are;is C. are;are D. is;are

[剖析] 答案为B。shoes作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式;five dollars是一个整体,应按单数对待。

70. . What can I do for you?- I’d like two ____ A. box of appleB. boxes of applesC. box of applesD. boxes of apple

答案: B. (选择其它三项的同学要注意仔细看题.不要马虎, 这里box 和apple都是可数名词)

72.Help yourself to _______. A. some chickensB. a chickenC. some chickenD. any chicken 答案: C (选择A的同学要注意chicken当鸡肉讲时不可数)

73. Which is the way to the __________?A. shoe factoryB. shoes factoryC. shoe’s factoryD. shoes’ factory

答案: A. (选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法.类似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等.)

.This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them.A. are studyingB. is studyingC. be studyingD. studying

答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意, 当这种概念名词当 “人”讲的时候要做复数处理.类似的还有: the police are running after the thief等)

We will have a _________ holiday after the exam.

A. two monthB. two-monthC. two month’sD. two-months 答案: B (选择C的同学要注意应用two months’; 选择D的同学要注意名词之间有 “— “ 后的组合词当作形容词来用, 因此就不用所有格形式了.)

74. 8.Our sports meeting will be held ________.A. on 24, Tuesday, April B. in April 24, TuesdayC. on Tuesday, April 24D. inApril Tuesday 24答案: C. (选B的同学是受到中文的影响,要特别注意中英文的差异)

75. Some people like to stay at home, but ________ like to go to the cinema.A. anotherB. otherC. othersD. other one

答案: C. (选择B的同学要牢记: some…., others….

76. -- Is this your shoe?-- Yes, but where is _________? A. the other oneB. other oneC. another oneD. the others

答案: A. (选择C的同学要注意鞋是两只, another指的是三者或者三者以上)

77. – When shall we meet again next week?-- _______ day is possible. It’s no problem with me. A. EitherB. NeitherC. EveryD. Any

答案: D. (选择C的同学要注意every指的是每一天都见面, any指的是任何一天都可以.注意中文的干扰)

78. 1 _______ do you write to your parents?-- Once a month.A. How longB. How soonC. How oftenD. How far


答案: C. ( 选择A的同学要注意中文的干扰. 由回答知道这里指的是写信的频率, 用how often表示.)

79..Robert has gone to _________ city and he’ll be back in a week. A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. any other

答案:C (选择其它三项的同学要注意,这里没有说只有两座城市,因此不能用.) 80. – Which book would you like to borrow?-- ________ of the two books is OK with me. A. EitherB. BothC. AnyD. None 答案:A (选择B的同学要注意is 表示单数.) 81. .He knows _________ English ________ French. But he’s very good at Japanese.

A. either; orB. both; andC. neither; norD. either; nor答案:C (选择A和B的同学要注意语境.)

82. – What do your parents do?-- One is a teacher; _________ is a driver. A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. that one

答案: C (选择其它三个选项的同学要注意, one is …, the other is …的用法)

83. 22.There are many trees on ________ side of the street.A. eitherB. anyC. allD. both

答案:A (选择D的同学要注意side为单数。选择B的同学要注意:街道只有两边,因此不能用any)

84. ________ is the population of the city?A. How many B. What C. How many peopleD. How much

答案:B (在问到人口是多少时,其实是在说“人口数是什么”,因此不能用A,要注意排除中文的干扰。)

85. .Japan is ________ the east of China.A. inB. toC. onD. at

答案: B ( in 表示在范围里的, on表示紧挨着的; to 表示在范围以外的)

87. The postman shouted, “ Mr Green, here is a letter ________ you.” A. to B. fromC. forD. of

答案: C ( 选择A的同学要注意to 表示动作的方向, for表示有从属关系或者利益关系) 88. We can’t do it ________ your help.A. withB. ofC. underD. without

答案: D. (选择C的同学要注意中文的干扰, 借助某人的帮助要用with,反之用without)

89. He hasn’t heard from his friend __________ last month. A. sinceB. by the end ofC. forD. until

答案: A (选择B的同学要注意B选项为过去完成时的时间;选择C的同学要注意, for+时间段; 选择D的同学要注意不是not…until 句型.until+ 句子)

90. I didn’t buy the dictionary yesterday _________ my aunt would give me one.A. untilB. becauseC. if D. before 答案: B (选择A的同学要注意语境)

91. I’m going to look for another job ________ the company offers me more money.A. afterB. unlessC. whenD. for

答案: B ( 选择其它三项的同学要注意语境, 这里是指除非公司给我更多工资,否则我就要找其它工作.)

92. Don’t hurry. The bus won’t start ________ everybody gets on. A. sinceB. asC. untilD. when

答案: C (选择D的同学要注意前面是否定.)

93. .Please show me ____to send an e-mail, John. It’s the first time for me to do it. A. howB. whatC. whenD. where

答案:A (选择C的同学要注意认真看题,这里的time不是时间,而是指第一次) 94. You’ve passed the exam. I’m happy ______ you.A. onB. atC. inD. for答案:D




