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B.this C.one D.it

19.Seeing her father come back, ____. A.tears ran down her cheeks C.she burst into tears B.her tears ran out D.tears burst into her

20.____ singer and ____ dancer is also good at drawing. A.The; a B.The; the C.A; a D.The; /

21.It's such a difficult problem ________no one can work it out. A. as B. that C. so D.

22. I'd rather you_____ there next week. A. went B. go

C. should have gone D. had gone

23. By the end of this term, we___________ 3,000 English words in all. A will learn

B. will have learned C. have learned D. had learned

___________ is known to all, the earth moves around the sun once a year. A That B. As C. What D. It

25. __________I admit that she has shortcomings. I still like her. A. When B. As C. While D. Once

26.To our great__________ , Tom's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A. anxiety B. relief C. view D. Judgment



27. The meeting is to begin at 4:00 p.m., but as assistants, we're__________ to be there a bit earlier. A. invited B. supposed C encouraged D. hoped

28. Can you ___________the differences between the two pictures? A. tell B. talk C. speak D. Say

29. Do you know the____________ of the saying I just quoted? A. resource B. source C. course D. cause

30. The Internet has brought____________ big changes in the way we work. A. about B. out C. up D. back

31.Dr. Hampton: Good morning. Professor Smith. Professor Smitii: ____, Dr. Hampton. Dr. Hampton: May I come in? Professor Smith: Of course, please. A.Good morning B.Fine, thanks

C.Pleased to meet you D.How do you do

32.The travelers are going to Taiwan, ____ they plan to stay for two or three days A.that B.which C.when D.where

33.When George was a little boy in primary school, he often ____ to school on foot. A.goes B.went C.go D.will go

34.On no account ____ to deprive (剥夺) a student of his right to receive education. A.anyone is allowed B.is anyone allowed C.anyone allows D.allows anyone



35.Alice speaks English well, ____? A.she does B.does she C.she doesn't D.doesn't she

36.Student: Professor Wang, must I hand in the paper this week? Professor Wang: No, ____. You can hand it in next week. A.you mustn't B.you can't C.you needn't D.you shouldn't

37.If I ____ you, I would go now and wait for them at the station. A.am B.was C.were

D.have been 38.Ted, ____ yourself and don't get your coat dirty again, or you will get into trouble! A.behave B.make C.perform D.take

39. the dead man's bedroom the police found several important ____ which pointed to Blake as the murderer.In A.careers B.clues

C.challenges D.Dreams

40.The old man sitting on the park bench seemed ____ to me, yet I couldn't possibly remember where we had met before. A.proud B.gradual C.familiar D.mental

41.They go to work every day _______ Saturday and Sunday. Those days are holidays. A. besides B. on C. from D. except

42.She has _______ chance to win the election as her opponent is too strong. A.little B. a little C. few



D. a few

43.Today Bob was late again for class because he overslept (睡过头), but he _______an excuse of being ill. A. looked up B.made up C. put up D. took up

44.You have to _______ early in the morning to avoid the rush hour. A. set aside B.set out C. set up D. set in

45._______ I fixed the plug properly, I still got an electric shock. A. Because B. However C. Although D. When

III. Identification:

46. Now that we have lost all the money, it’s no use to turn on me and saying it’s all my fault.

47. The engineers made two big plans for the dam, one of what was never put in use.

48. No matter whenever I have to give a speech, I get extremely nervous before I start.

49. Only when he apologizes for his rudeness I will speak to him again.

50. To eat at the restaurant before, Tina didn’t want to get there again.

51. I believe Bob’s homework is much good than it was last week.

52. The harder he worked, the most troubles he had in his early days of research.

53. I don’t know that who is responsible for the car accident.

54. Can you tell me when does the last train leave for Shanghai?

55. Peter, the tallest boy in our class, are going back to his hometown next week.

46. C。to turn on应改为turning on

句意为:既然所有的钱都丢了,那攻击我说都是我的错也是没用的。 it's no use+doing为固定句型,表示“做……没用”。



47. C。what应改为which



48. A。whenever应改为when

句意为:不管我什么时候做演讲,在演讲前我都会变得极度紧张。 no matter when=whenever,此处重复使用。

49. C。I will应改为will I

句意为:只有他为他的粗鲁道歉,我才会再跟他说话。 only提前,句子需要进行半倒装。

50. A。To eat改为Having eaten

句意为:之前已经在那个饭店吃过饭了,Tina不想再去那儿了。 本题考查非谓语结构。由下半句可知,应该是表示已经完成的动作,因此需要改为完成时态。

51. C。much good改为much better

句意为:我相信鲍勃的作业比上周的好多了。 much+形容词比较级为固定用法,表示“……得多”

52. B。the most troubles应改为the more troubles



53. B。that who改为who。


I don't know后面跟的是宾语从句,不需要用that,应该去掉。

54. C。does the last train leave应改为the last train leaves 句意为:你能告诉我最后一趟去上海的火车几点出发吗?

can you tell me后面跟宾语从句,需要将原来的疑问句语序改为陈述句语序。

55. B。are going back应改为is going back



Part IV Cloze (10%)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, andfor each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.




