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应届高中生高考英语作文题型写作解析(二) - 图文

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记叙文---- 写事记叙文、 写人的记叙文 议论文---- 对比观点议论文、说明利弊议论文 说明文---- 事理类说明文、事物类说明文

应用文---- 书信、通知、日记、海报、便条、启事、欢迎词、欢送词、告别词、广告

一、 记叙文

写事记叙文--- 叙述已经发生的事情,包括故事发生的时间、地点和人物 写人记叙文--- 人物的成长经历、爱好、特长、家庭背景和成就 写事记叙文 【写作分析】

写事记叙文,以时间为中心组织材料,围绕中心事件,将人物、时间、地点、 原因和结果 即 五个“W”( what who when where why)和一个”How” 【几点注意】 1.正确使用时态和人称


②人称:第一人称(记叙本人的经历或耳闻目睹的事件) 第三人称(记叙他人的经历或事件)

2.叙述内容要突出中心,详略得当,清楚连贯 事件信息点的表述不要完全按照所给的顺序,要适当重组信息点,正确运用一些过渡词及短语,使故事有条理、连贯、流畅 3.常见叙述线索

①以时间为线索,按时间的顺序展开 ②以地点为线索,以地点的转移为顺序展开

③以事件发展的过程为线索,或以人物出现的先后次序展开 4.正确运用描写事件的词汇和句型 【常用词语】 ①表达时间

at about 4:30 p. m; on Thursday; be doing…when..; ②表达地点

at the crossing; at the end of street; near our school; five kilometers to; on the spot;… ③表达交通情况

a traffic accident; on one’s way to; be very crowded in the street; a car coming from behind;

high speed; knock sb. over; be seriously injured;drive a car; ride a bike; drive off; traffic lights;turn left; lead to; a number of; report…to… 例文1



At 4:30 p.m. yesterday(时间) when I was on my way home after school I saw Lin Tao a student of Senior One in our school riding along the street. When he was crossing the street(地点) a car coming(事件) from behind him cut in. The next moment I heard a big noise and saw Lin Tao was knocked over by the car. The driver didn’t stop but drove off (过程)at great speed leaving Lin Tao helpless on the spot. He was hurt seriously. I ran up to Lin Tao and helped him. Obviously it was the driver’s high speed(原因) that led to the accident.

I noticed the number of the car and reported it to the police(结果). Now the driver has been caught and will be punished for his wrong doing. 【评析】

1.作者看懂并深刻理解通过图画所传达的全部信息,以时间为线索,清楚叙述了事件发生的时间、地点、事件、过程、原因和结果。层次分明、结构紧凑、叙事完整、详略得当。 2.根据情节变化灵活运用人称(I Lin Tao)和动词时态,合理使用过渡词,使文章有鲜明的层次感、立体感和动态感。

3.语言规范,表达准确。文章运用了一些高级句式,如定语从句、同位语、现在分词作宾补(I saw LinTao a student of Senior One in our schoolriding…);现在分词作定语(a car coming from behind him);现在分词作状语(leaving Lin Tao helpless)、 强调句等,增加了文章的亮点。




注意:1.词数100左右;2.日记的开头与结尾已为你写好。 生词:指南针:compass n. 手电筒:flashlight n. 急救包:first-aid kit 宿营地:campsite n.

Saturday May 4 2002 cloudy

Li Ming and I took part in wilderness survival program yesterday and it has been one of the most unforgettable experiences since high school. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ The two of us spent the night in the forest.

We learned to use knowledge gained in classroom training to solve problems .It was quite an experience for us both which I’ll never forget for the rest of my life . 【审题】 形式:日记 文体:记叙文

人称:第一人称(we I)、第三人称(Li Ming) 时态:一般过去时 图画信息:

图1:太阳、背包中的物品; 图2:木板、河流;

图3:书包放在木板上与人一同过河; 图4:迷路、在指南针的帮助下找到营地; 图5:月亮、营地的活动 内容要点:

1.出发 2.背包中的物品 3. 爬山 4.过河 5. 找路 6.宿营 【范文】

Saturday May 42002 cloudy

Li Ming and I took part in a wilderness survival program yesterday and it has been one of the most unforgettable experiences since high school .

Early in the morning we set out .Li Ming was carrying a compass and a tent in his backpack and in mine there was a flashlight a map a knifea first-aid kit some matches candles food and clothing .

On the way to campsite we climbed a hill and then we swam across a river pushing the backpacks on a large piece of wood we had found by the river .

As we got into a forest we lost our way .Luckilywe found the right direction with the compass. By the time we arrived at the campsite it had already been dark. Li Ming then put up the tentand I made a fire and started cooking.

The two of us spent the night in the forest.

We learned to use knowledge gained in classroom training to solve problems .It was quite an experience for us both which I’ll never forget for the rest of my life .

写人记叙文 【写作分析】

写人记叙文,一般为肖像描写、行动描写、语言描写、心理描写以及对细节的描写,应根据要求,灵活掌握,突出重点。 【几点注意】

1.使用正确人称和时态。 ①时态:


一般过去时-- 描写人物出生、教育背景、经历、事迹 ②人称:第一人称或第三人称


3.对所给的信息进行适当重组,安排好写作顺序,突出重点信息。 4.正确运用描写人物的词汇和句型。 【常见词语】 ①外貌特征:

pretty beautiful good-looking,handsomeordinary-looking with a big nose with a big smile short tallthin strong white-haired,1.80 metres tall … ②性格特点:

absent-minded charming attractive bright wise smart confident naughty,talkative diligent lazy friendly generous be ready to help otherskind-hearted warm-hearted patient humorous have a good/ bad temper independentnarrow-minded … ③童年情况:

as a boy of 15 be born on during his childhood live a happy/hard life the son of a poor family spend his childhood in ...

④兴趣爱好: be delighted in doing be good at be interested in be fond of be crazy about be pleased with do well in enjoy doing have a strong desire to do long for/long to do) take a pleasure in doing…

⑤教育背景: be admitted to Beijing University be enrolled in fail in the test get a master’s degree get on well with one’s lessons go abroad to further one’s study graduate frommajor in receive a doctor’s degree pass the examination take an active part in … ⑥ 成就或事迹:

become a member of the team encourage sb to do sth give up one’s life for sth receive the Nobel Prize for physics set a new world record ofwin the first prize in win a gold /silver/ bronze

medal have a talent for make up one’s mind to do sth. put one’s heart into work hard at concentrate oneself to devote oneself todo sth.with great determination and perseverance ... ⑦他人评价:

an inspiring leader a model worker an advanced teacher be respected by be honored as be considered/regarded as be famous/known ashis hard work brought him great success make great contributions to our country set a good example for be highly spoken of for ... 例文

你班要举办以“Ordinary but Great”为题的英语主题班会。 请根据下列信息准备一篇发言稿,介绍赵郁的成长经历。

姓名 职务 赵郁 北京奔驰(Benz)公司首席技师 1、从小喜欢发明创造; 经历 2、做普通工人17年; 3、自学电脑、英语;能看懂英文汽车资料;能解决有关汽车的技术难题; 4、获得许多奖励。

注意: 1、词数不少于60。 2、文章的题目和开头已经给出。 3、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 提示词:首席技师 chief technician

Ordinary but Great

We are all ordinary people but following what we are interested in and doing what we are good at can help us make great achievements for society and go far. Here’s a convincing and inspiring example.

______________________________________ 【范文】

Zhao Yu the chief technician in the Benz Companyis regarded as a great success. However his success is no accident. As a young boy with a sense of creativity he was eager to learn and to make a lot of inventions. Being an ordinary worker in the Benz Company for 17 years not only did he do well in his job but he also made efforts to teach himself English and to learn how to use computers. Now it is easy for him to read English materials about cars. Besides he became expert at solving various technical problems.Because of his great contribution he has received awards many times. Zhao Yu has set a good example that ordinary people can stand out by doing their jobs with interest and enthusiasm.

应届高中生高考英语作文题型写作解析(二) - 图文


