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满分10分) ( ) 1. A. right ( ) 2. A. hair ( ) 3. A. want ( ) 4. A. fruit ( ) 5. A. thirsty ( ) 6. A. spoon ( ) 8. A. lots of maps

B. light B. hand B. watch B. free B. theatre B. balloon B. a lot of maps

C. bright C. head C. what C. fork C. thirty C. cartoon C. play baseball C. lots of caps C. a carton of juice

C. go to the airport

( ) 7. A. play basketball B. play football ( ) 9. A. a bottle of juice B. a glass of juice ( )10. A. go to the library B. go to the cinema


( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

三、听录音,判断图意是否与录音内容相符,相符的用?表示,不相符的用?表示。(听两遍)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

四、听录音,选择正确应答。(听两遍)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) ( )1.A.Yes, she is. ( )2.A.Yes, they are. ( )3.A.Thank you. ( )4.A.An egg,please. ( )5.A.Yes, you can.

B.No, he isn’t. B.Yes,we are. B.Not at all. B.Two apple pies. B.Yes, I can.

C.She’s a nurse. C.Yes,they can.


watermelons,please. C.Some orange juice,please. C.Don’t worry.

五、听录音,补全对话。(听三遍)(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分) 1. —Is that girl your _______ ? — _______ one?

—The one in the _______ _______. —No, she’s my friend, Lily. 2. —What’s in the _______ ?

—Look! There’re some _______.

3. —_______ do we get to the_______ ? —_______ we go there on _______ ?

—Good idea. Let’s go.


一、找出与所给例词不同类的单词,并将选项字母填入题前的括号内 。(共5小

题;每小题1分,满分5分) ( ) 1. A.school ( ) 2. A.bowl ( ) 3. A.book ( ) 4. A.eye ( ) 5. A.piano

B. camera B. spoon B. cook B. ear B. photo

C. cinema C. fork C. policewoman C. mother C. violin

D. theatre D. hot dog D. waitress D. mouth D. guitar

二、写出下列词组的英语或汉语。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. 一些新学生 _______________ 3. 三位司机 _______________ 5. 买些糖果 _______________ 7. watch me _______________ 9. open the yellow box ___________

2. 一位老太太 _______________ 4 乘火车 _______________ 6. 两杯茶 _______________ 8. go to see the doctor ______________ 10. play with your balloon ___________


(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) go to school get up play basketball watch TV move look at have a look read the words have some juice have a hamburger 1. — ______________ , Helen. You’re late for school. — I’m ill, Mum. I don’t want to ______________ today. 2. — ______________ , Su Yang. — But I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty. — _______________ then. — Thanks, Dad.

3. — Shall we go and ______________ ?

— Good idea. But I’m tired. I can’t _____________ now.

— OK. Let’s _______________ . 4. — Can you _______________ ? — Yes. ‘ I LOVE CHINA’.

5. — ________________ our new library there. — It’s nice. Let’s go and ________________ .


( ) 1. _________ the girl _________ small eyes?

A. Whose, with B. Who’s, with a C. Who’s, with

( ) 2. _________ doll is this ? It’s Yang Ling’s.

A . Who B. Who’s C. Whose

( ) 3. How many _________ do you want? One ________ , please. A. kilos, kilo B. kilos, kilos C. kilo, kilos ( ) 4. There _________ some rice in the bowl.

A. is B. am C. are ( ) 5. We can see _________ birds in the tree.

A. a B. lot of C. lots of ( ) 6. It’s 8:00 in the evening . It’s time _________ .

A. go to bed B. to go to bed C. for go to bed ( ) 7. Is this bus _________ Jinshan park? No , it _________. A. for , isn’t B. to, isn’t C. of, is ( ) 8. Something to ? Apple juice , please .

A . eat B. drink C. have ( ) 9. How much the hamburger and juice? 20 yuan .

A. are , It’s B. is , It’s C. are , They’re ( ) 10. Here’s _________ chopsticks _________ you.

A. a ,for B. a pair of, of C. a pair of , for

五、在II 栏中选出能对I栏中的句子作出正确反应的答句,并将其序号填入题

前的括号内。 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

I II ( )1. How old are you? ( )2. What are their jobs? ( )3. What do you want to be? ( )4. How much are they? ( )5. Something to eat? ( )6.How do you go to school? ( )7.I’ve got a new T-shirt. ( )8.What can you see in the picture? ( )9.We are late for school. ( )10.Are you hungry?

A. By minibus.

B. Five hamburgers, please. C. We’re ten. D. Let’s hurry. E. It’s pretty.

F. There’s a piano and three violins. G. They’re teachers. H. Oh, I can’t move now. I. I want to be an English teacher. J. Ten yuan, please.


1. climb, again, trees, don’t

____________________________________________________________ . 2. woman, red, the, in, who’s, the , sweater

____________________________________________________________ ? 3. you, use, the, can, fork

____________________________________________________________ ? 4. go, basketball, let’s , and, play

____________________________________________________________ . 5. is, you, water, here, some, for

____________________________________________________________ . 七、根据图意,将下列对话补充完整,每空一词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满


1. — Shall we go to the _________by ________ ? —That’s a good idea.

2. —__________ near the _________?

—There are some _________ .

3. —Where ________ my spoons ?

—They are ________ the plate. 4. —What _________ you like? —I’d like a_________ of _________. —Anything else? —No, thanks.


Susan is my good friend. She’s a Chinese girl. She’s eleven. She has long hair and a small mouth. Her brother Jim is twelve. He has two big eyes and he’s not tall . They like storybooks and puzzles very much.

Every morning , they have breakfast together. Susan likes a carton of milk and some biscuits for breakfast. But Jim likes eggs and some orange juice in the morning. Today Susan can’t find her milk. Look! Their cat Mimi is drinking it near the table.



