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●(Are you married )?---Yes, I am. ●(Are you ready to order ?) --- Ice cream for me please ●(Can I help you )? Yes ,please. I’d like to reserve a room.

●(Have you been to America)? -- I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future.

●(Shall we go to the cinema this

evening )?--- I’d rather stay at home. ●(What’s your job)? --I’m a journalist. ●(When did he go to America)? --Two years ago.

very kind of you. B. Wrong. ●Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party? Hi Jack. We had a great time. A. Right ●How about drinking some coffee? I’d prefer to drink some tea A. Right ●How are you feeling today? I’d rather stay at home. B. Wrong ●How can I book a cheap hotel? If I were you. I’d phone a travel agent. A. Right ●How do you like the film? It’s very good. I like it. A. Right ●How is the weather today? I’m fine, thank you. B. Wrong ●How old are you? Yes, I am. B. Wrong ●Have you been to America?--- (Yes. I W●We enjoy swimming very much,because it is good to our hdalth. ●What are you going to do this evening? I’m going to meet some friends A. Right ●What are you going to do this evening? I went there with some friends. B. Wrong ●What are you going to do this evening? I saw a film with my son. B. Wrong ●What a nice day! Yes. Let’s go camping, shall we ? . A. Right ●What does he look like? He is tall and thin. A. Right ●What time will the next train leave? At 8.19 A. Right ●What’s your job? I’m a journalist. A. ●(When did you visit Japan?) --Two years ago.

●(Why do you come to live in China)? --Because I got a job here. ●(What’s your job ?) --I’m a journalist. A● Are you married? Yes, I am. A.Right ● Are you ready to order ? Ice cream for me please A.Right. ●Are you ready to order? Yes. I’ll have a steak, please. A.Right ●Are you ready to order? Could I have a glass of wineplease? A.Right ●Are you ready to order? Yes. I’ll have a chicken salad please A.Right ●Are you ready to order? (A Yes. I’ll have a chicken salad please).

●Are you ready to order? (B Yes. I’ll have a steak, please).

●Are you ready to order? (C Could I have a glass of wine please?)C

●Can I get you something to drink? Yes, please. A coca-cola for me. A.Right ●Can I help you? Yes, please. I’d like to reserve a room. A.Right ●Can I help you? Nice to see you. B.Wrong ●Can you remember the doctor’s

telephone number? Yes. It’s 6825612 A.Right ●Could I have a bottle of water, please? Certainly, madam . A.Right ●Can I get you something to drink?--- (Yes, please. A coca-cola for me). ●Can I help you?--- (Yes, please ). ●Can you remember the doctor’s

telephone number? (Yes, It’s 6825612). ●Could I have a bottle of water, please?--- (Certainly, madam)D

●Do you like your job? I’m a nurse. B.Wrong ●Do you like your job?--- (Yes. I find it very interesting) .H

●Have you been to America? Yes. I went there last year. A.Right ●Have you been to America?I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future. A.Right. ●Have you ever tried sailing? No.I’d like to try.A.Right ●Have you ever tried windsurfing? It’s went there last year) .

●Have you ever tried sailing? --- (No. I’d like to try).

●Have you ever tried windsurfing? (No, I haven’t).

●Hello,Xiaoyan.How was the

party?(Hi,Jack.We had a great time). ●How about drinking some coffee?--- I’d prefer to drink some tea

●How can I book a cheap hotel?( If I were you,I’d phone a travel agent).

●How do you like the film? (It’s very good. I like it).

●How is the weather today?( It is really nice).

●How was the weather?--- (It was really nice ). I ●I went to a fashion show last night. What was it like. A. Right ●I went to a fashion show last night. Who took away my book? B. Wrong ●Is dinner ready, Carol? It’s nearly ready. A. Right ●Is there a bank near here? Yes. There is one just down the road A. Right ●Is there a bank near here? Yes. I saw him this morning? B. Wrong ●It’s very easy to clean up the room. Anyone can do it. . A. Right ●I went to a fashin show last night. (What was it like)?

●Is dinner ready, Carol?--- (It’s nearly ready) ●Is there a bank near here?(Yes. There is one just down the road).S ●Shall we see a film tonight? I’d rather not, I’m quite tired. A. Right ●Shall we see a movie tonight? See you later. B. Wrong. ●Shall we go to a restaurant? See you later. B. Wrong. ●Shall we have something to eat before we go? Nice to meet you. B. Wrong. ●Shall we go to a restaurant?( Great.) ●Shall we have something to eat before we go?( Good idea).

●Shall we see a film tonight? (I’d rather not, I’m quite tired).

●Shall we see a movie tonight?( Good idea). Right ●What’s your job? I’m a nurse. A. Right ●What did you think of the film? I thought it was really great. A.Right ●What did you have for breakfast? Coffee and toast. . A. Right ●What would you like to have? An orange juice, please. A. Right ●What would you like to drink, madam? Can I have a glass of white wine? A. Right ●When did he go to America? Two years ago. A. Right ●When did you first come to China?10 years ago. A.Right ●Where did you go in China? I went to Xi’an and Guilin . A. Right ●Where did you go in China? I went there by train .B. Wrong. ●Where did you go for your holiday? Two years ago. B. Wrong ●Which picture do you like? B: I think the big one is better. A. Right ●Why don’t we go to a restaurant? Great . A. Right ●Why do you come to live in China? Because I got a job here. A. Right ●Would you like to go to the cinema this evening? Yes, that’s a good idea A. Right ●Would you like to go to the cinema with me? I’d rather stay at home. A. Right ●What are you going to do this evening? ( I’m going to meet some friends). ●What are you going to do tomorrow morning?( I’m playing tennis with some friends.)

●What did you think of the film? ( I thought it was really great).

●What does he look like?( He is tall and thin).

●What time will the next train leave?( At 8.19)

●What world you like to have?( An orange juice, please.) ●What would you like to drink,madam?( Can I have a glass of whit wine).

●What would you like to have?--- An orange juice, please .

●What’s you job?( I’m a nurse).

●When did you first come to China?( 10

years ago).

●Where did you go in China? (I went to Xi’an).

●Where did you go in China? (I went to Xi’an and Guilin).

●Why don’t we go to a restaurant? ( Great).

●Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?( Yes,that’s a good idea.) Y●Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon. Can I help you? .A. Right ●Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon. ( What did she say)? 二.词汇与结构、选择题

●(Have you seen) my glasses? B:Yes,I saw experience?

●Could you tell me how to (B improve) my English?

D●Da Uan is east (Of) Beiing,(on)


●Did you (get Up) early this morning? ●Do you know the people (who) came here this morning?

●Don’t (disturb) him. He is writing a letter now. ●David is a manager .Now he (is reading )the emails in his office.

F●Football is so popular that it is

played (B by)more than 20million people in he shouted at me.

●I (C play)table tennis quite well,but I haven’t had time to play since the New Year. ●I am having the TV (A repaired) tomorrow. ●I didn’t buy the book because I didn’t have (any) money on me.

●I didn’t go(C anywhere)in the summer. ●I didn’t have time for lunch today.B:I didn’t(C either).

●I don’t know (C how) to explain it to her.

●I don’t know (how) to explain it. ●I don’t know where the key is, but I suppose I (could have left) it at home. them on your bed a minute ago.

●(How about)another piece of chicken, Sally?B: No, thanks. It was delici0t~s, but Um really full.

●(How much)is this beautiful handbag? ●(If)it rains tomorrow,we’ll go to the cinema.

●(In spite of)the rain,they went to work as usual.

●(Neither) of her brothers came to the wedding. They don’t like her new husband. ●(Neither) her mother (nor) she was at home when the thief came in.

●(Neither) of her brothers came to the wedding . They don’t like her new husband.

●(Someone) stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.

●(Stop)!That fire is dangerous.

●(Tell) her I'll pick up the airline tickets tomorrow.

●(Which) of these books are yours?

●(Which) one is yours, Julie? B:The bule one with white flowers on it.

●(Who) is at the door? B: It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones.

A●After they finished (playing) football, they went for a drink in a pub. ●Afterthey hnished (playing) football,theywent fora drink ina pub. ●An application form will be sent to you (on request). ●As a news reporter,James(A has been to )many places in the world. ●As she (B was reading)the newpaper,Granny(fell)asleep. B●Be careful! Don’t cut (yourself) with the knife.

C●Can I speak to Franco,please?(One

moment,please.) ●Can Mary express (herself) in Chinese? ●car hit her when she was walking (B across) the road. ●concert will be held in the school hall(C at)4 Pm(on)Tuesday. ●Could I see the manager now?B:I’m sorry you can’t.He has(B gone)to Hong Kong.

●Could you please tell us what kind of

work (B in wihich) you have got

mor than 140 countries.

G●Get up! Mary, Tom has (B already)

called you three times this morning. ●Guilin is (C in) the west of China.

H●Have you (C ever) seen a tiger?

●Have you ever seen the film The Day After

Tomorrow? B: (No, I haven’t). ●Have you finished your homework? B: (No, I haven’t.).

●Have you had your breakfast? B:No, I haven’t had it (B yet). ●Have you seen the film Life Without Steve? B: No, I haven't seen it (yet) l ●Have you sent the fax to the travel agent? B: (Yes, I have). ●Have you typed the letter for me? B: (Yes, I have). ●He asked the waiter (for) a glass of water.

●He bought two books. (So did) I. ●He failed (C in spite of) all his efforts.

●He has(A just)gone out.

●He is a doctor, so (is his wife). ●He is a good friend of (ours).

●He is really a good man,( B isn’t he)?

●He loved (B playing) basketball when he was young. ●He said he (hadn’t) got enough money.

●He said that he (would) try his best to help me. ●He stopped (watching) TV when the dinner was ready. ●He used to shout (at) me when I was a child.

●He used to(B work)very hard when he was

young. ●He (was interviewed) by different people

in the company. .

●He (was taken) to the hospital after the accident. ●He (went) out with his friends last weekend. ●Her article is(C the best)in the class. ●His grandfather is very healthy.He(B neither)drinks(or)smokes. I ●I (A lent) him my bike last weekend. ●I (B was walking)along the street when

●I don’t want to watch (A anything sad). ●I had a sandwich before I played

basketball, (A but) I’m very hungry now. ●I (have been 1iving) here foralmost 20 years.

●I have no idea where the cat went.She(A could have)gone anywhere.

●I have no idea who stole his wallet. It (could have been) anyone.

●I have no idea who stole his wallet.It(A could have been)anyone.

●I have to go now. I have to pick (C up) my son form school. ●I haven’t eaten all day. B:You (must) be very hungry. ●I haven't sat down all day. (Must) B: You be very tired. ●I love traveling. I (A have been to) most places in the world.

●I saw him (reading a book) in his office when everyone was looking for him. ●I was (A on) my (way) to school when I saw the accident. ●I was watching TV (B when) the telephone rang.

●I was(on) my (way) to school when I saw the accident.

●I~ve always enjoyed. (swimming)

●I’m going to (C rent) a flat near the company I’m working at.

●I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have (anything special) in mind? ●I’m really looking forward to (B hearing) from you.

●I’m sorry to have kept you

waiting.Oh,not at all,I(C will be)here only a few minutes.

●I’m tired. I haven’t got (enough) energy (精力)to go to the gym today.

●I’ve always enjoyed (swimming).

●If I (A were)you,I would buy a house at the seaside.

●If I don’t have to work late on Friday, I might (C go) dancing with friends. ●If I had a lot of money, I (would) buy a boat.

●Is it difficult to learn to (A do) Tai Chi?

●Is the supermarket (on) the right or


●It’s a long way to get there. This is (A why) we started so early.

●It’s quite fine today.Would you like to(A play)basketball with me?

●It’s very easy to clean up the room. (Anyone) can do it.

●I've lived in Chongqing (for) twenty years.

too late.

S●Sally is looking for a new job. She has ●There wasn’t (C anybody) in the house been bored (with) her job as a secretary. when she got home.

●They (decided to) leave next Friday. ●Shall we (fix) a“me for our next

●They are building a bringe(B across)the meeting?

river. ●She (B didn’t)answer my phone call

●They are friends of (B mine). Please be yesterday.

nice to them. ●She (goes) jogging every morning.

●They named the island (after) its ●She (went) to town last week.

J●Jack (used to take) a walk after supper ●She can hardly wait to hear the news, discoverer.

●They(B decided to)leave next Friday. when the weather was fine. (can she)?

●John didn’t turn up(C until)the meeting ●She orderer the fish, (B didn’t she)? ●This idea hit me when I (C woke up) this

morning. had finished ●She told the children (not to) make a

●This jacket is not(C big enough)for me.I ●John enjoys (jogging) while his noise.


brother prefers to go skiing. ●l (began) to learn French when he was 11.●Last Sunday,Jane had the windows(C cleaned) ●Learning English well isn't easy (but) __ I like it very much. ●Let’s go to the Great Wall by bike, (shall we)? N●Nice weather,( C isn’t it)?

M●March the 8th is(B women’s)Day. ●Mary is very hard-working,( B isn’t she)? ●Mary said she(A had been to)all over the world. ●Mary told little Tom not(C to spend)all the money. ●Mary would like to buy the handbag,( B which)is very beautiful but also rather expensive. ●Mary’s father is very pleased (with) her. ●Mike offered to help and so (did) John.

●Mother told Little Tom not (to spend) all the money. ●Mr Hilton is not good a music. Neither (A are) his children. ●Mr Smith has (A just) gone out to meet an old friend. ●Mr Smith told Mary(C to come)to the office next Monday morning. ●My aunt was angry with her family and went away (by herself). ●My brother (who) lives in America is visiting next week. ●My brother told me (C about) his trip to Scotland. ●My buother (B who) lives in America is

visiting next week. ●My father told me (B about) his trip to Xin Jiang. ●My parents have (C never) been to the

Great Wall. ●My plant died. I (should have) watered (浇水)it. O●On her way to the office, she (stopped) to buy a newspaper. P●Paul (began ) to learn French when he was 11. R●Richard works really hard,and(A so

●She (went) to town last week.

●She will have the curtain(窗帘) (Changed)beforetheguestscome.

●She won't leave_ (until) _ her friends

come back.

●Shirley (C was writing) a book about

China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

●Sorry, I’m not free this evening, (B I’m having) dinner with Mike.

T●Table tennis is (B the most) popular

sport in this country. ●Thank you for lending me your dictionary. B: You’re welcome. But could you (give it back) to me tomorrow? ●The baby is named (aher) the nurse who was looking after her. ●The book was rather expensive, but I bought it (anyway). ●The boy is wearing a (B long baggy) T-shirt. ●The boy(B speaks)fluent French. ●The boys got (up) very late this morning. They watched too much TV last night. ●The boys got(up)very late this morning. They watched too much TV last night. ●The buses,( B which)were full of people,couldn’t go very fast. ●The child (speaks) fluent French. ●The child was named(A after)his grandfather. ●The child(speaks ) fluent French. ●The children are enjoying (themselves)at the party. ●The children,( B who)we met in the morning,were very good at singing. ●The doctor told Mr Smith that he wouldn’t get better if he didn’t (A give up)smoking. ●The film was (so boring) that I fell asleep in the cinema. ●The gifts he brought from Britain (were sent out) last week. ●The girl stopped (A crying)when her mum came in.

●The hotel is famous (C for) its delicious food.

●The house was made (of) wood.

●The manager told all the employees (C not to be)late for meetings. ●The police arrived quickly, (but) it was

need a bigger size. ●This

morning I had my finger (C cut) when I was preparing breakfast. ●This red bicycle is (his) and that blue one is (Tom’s). ●Tianjin is a two-hour journey(B from)Beijing.

●Today is too busy. Let’s discuss it (some time) next week. ●Tom helped her mother (with) the cooking.

●Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. I

want to buy (something special) for her. W●We (A used to live)in a small village in the countryside.Now we all live in cities. ●We built the house (A ourselves). Nobody helped us,

●We built the house (ourselves). Nobody helped us. ●We enjoy(C swimming)very much,because it is good to our health. ●We haven’t seen such a beautiful film (B for the past four years). ●We used to (A ride) bicycles to go to work. ●We’re going (on) holiday in the autumn this year. ●We’re going to(A either)to France or Spain next year. ●What a nice day!B: Yes. Let’s go camping, (shall we) ? ●What did you have for breakfast?B: (Coffee and toast). ●When I saw him, I (asked), him (for) some money. ●When I saw him,I (C asked)him(for)some money. ●Where does Mark get his hair cut?B:He cuts it(B himself). ●Where’s (today’s) newspaper? ●Which jacket do you like? B: The blue (A one) over there. ●Which picture do you like?B: (I think the big one is better). ●Whose book is this?B:It’s (B mine) ●With his help,you will have(A nothing)to worry about. ●Would you like to go the ciema with

me?B:I’d (C rather)stay at home. ●Would you like to go to the cinema with

D●Did the customer pay? (用he asked改写成

me?B: I’d (rather) stay at home. 间接一般问句)He asked whether the customer had Y●You can remember what you do if you paid.

●Do the customers like the new atmosphere? (keep a diary).

●You should be more patient (C with) your (用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)

She asked me whether/if the customers children.

liked the mew atmosphere. ●You won’t get better if you don’t (give

●Does Mr Sims like his wine? (用he askedup) smoking.

●You’d better have your hair(B cut)befor 改写成间接一般问句)He asked if Mr Sims liked

his wine going to friend’s wedding.

●Does the fish taste good? (用he asked改写●You’d better stop (talking). We’re

成间接一般问句)He asked whether the fish listening to the news.

●You’re driving (A too fast), slow down! tasted good.

wait for a while(用so改写句子)

He hadn’t got enough money, so he had to wait for a while.

●He saw them.They carried Tim’s things to a van.(用动词ing形式改写句子)

He saw them carrying Tim’s things to a van.

●He saw them.They left the house. (用动词ing形式改写句子)He saw them leaving the house.

●He stole the laptop. (改为被动语态)The laptop was stolen by him.

●He shouldn’t work such long hours.You 三、改写句子

A●“Arrange a meeting for

Friday,Guy”said Max(用to tell改写句子) Max told Guy to arrange a meeting for


●Are the young couple drinking red or

white wine? (用he asked改写成间接一般问


He asked whether the young couple were

drinking red or white wine.

●Are the customers happy? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句) He asked if the customers were happy

●Are the meals ready? (用she asked 改写成间接引语) She asked whether the meals were ready.

●At the meeting Tim listened to his

colleagues.They gave him their opinions.(用动词ing形式改写句子)

At the meeting Tim listened to his

colleagues giving him their opinions

●Alan bought the things. He bought things

he would need for the trip.(用that改写


Alan bought the things that he would need for the trip.

●Although it rained, the visit was a

success.(用In spite of将两句连成一句)

In spite of the rain, the visit was a

success. C●Can I talk to the guests? (用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)

She asked me whether /if she could talk to the guests.

●“Can you phone me later, Susan?” said

David.(用ask, to改写句子)

David asked Susan to phone him later.

●“Can you get me the list of

hotels,Susan?”said David(用ask..to改


David asked Susan to get him a list of


●“Can you tell me the flight time,

please,Susan?”said Xiaoyan.(用


Xiaoyan asked Susan about the flight time. ●“Could you please prepare me a document

about publicity,Rose?”said Max(用ask?for


Max asked Rose for a document about


●“Don’t phone me,Peter”said John.(用tell..to改写句子)John told Peter not to phone him. E●Everything in that shop is terribly expensive(用so改写句子) Everything in that shop is so expensive F●Finally he had enough money. He bought his ticket.(用so改写句子) Finally he had enough money,so he bought his ticket. H●“Have you got my bag?” she asked.(将句子改成间接引语)She asked if I had got her

bag. ●Have you introduced any new dishes? (用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)

She asked me whether/if I had introduced any new dishes ●He asked a friend to go with him. The friend

couldn’t go. His friend was too busy.(用but、because改写句子 He asked a friend to go with him, but he couldn’t go because he was too busy. ●He agrees with Ken(用Who对Jenny提问)Who does he agree with? ●He

bought the trousers. I chose them for him.(用that连接句子)He bought the trousers that I chose for him. ●He cleaned the car.He cleaned my car(用that/which连接句子)The car that/which he cleaned was mine. ●He called at a travel agent’s. They told

him how much the ticket would cost.(用who改写句子

He called at a travel agent’s who told him how much the ticket would cost. ●He didn’t run fast. He didn’t catch the bus.(用enough?to改写句子) He didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus. ●He disturbed the burglars.(用被动语态改写句子)The burglars were disturbed by him. ●He phoned the friend.The friend lent him money. He didn’t have enough(用who\\ because 改写句子) He phoned the friend who lent him money

because he didn’t have enough. ●He phoned the girl. She was his sisters’friend(用that/who连接句子) The girl that/who he phoned was his sisters’friend. ●He hadn’t got enough money. He had to shouldn’t work long hours(用neither改写句子)

He shouldn’t work such long hours and neither should you.

●He shouldn’t work such long hours.You shouldn’t work long hours(用not?either改写句子)

He shouldn’t work such long hours and you shouldn’t either.

●He took the computer(将句子改为被动语态)The computer was taken by him.

●He went to a shop. He bought a rucksack there.(用where改写句子)

He went to a shop where he bought a rucksack.

●He went to Beijing.He had a friend in Beijing.(用where改写句子)

He went to Beijing where he had a friend. ●He’s gone to Shanghai. He’s

negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句)

He’s gone to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract.

●He’s looking after his mother(用who对his mother提问)

Who is he looking after?

●He’s really bad tempered.Idon’t talk to him.(用so改写句子)

He’s really bad tempered, so I don’t talk to him.

●His neighbour didn’t phone the police immediately.He rang Tim at the office(用instead of改写句子) Instead of phoning the police immediately, his neighbour rang Tim at the office

●His neighbor listened to them. They damaged the flat.(用动词ing形式将两个句子改写成一句) His neighbor listened to them damaging the flat.

●His neighbor heard them. They made a noise.(用动词ing形两个句子改写成一句) His neighbor heard them mading anoise.

●How many people are eating? (用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)

He asked how many people were eating I●I can’t keep accounts. She can’t keep accounts.(用neither/nor改写句子) I can’t keep accounts and neither/nor can she.

●I can’t keep accounts. She can’t keep that/which改写句子)I took the flight accounts.(用not?either改写句子) that/which left at 6 am. I can’t keep accounts and she can’t ●I went shopping. I needed a new pair of either. shoes.(用because将两句连成一句) ●“I can’t find my notebook,”she said.(改I went shopping because I needed a new 为间接引语)She said she couldn’t find her pair of shoes. notebook. ●It was raining.We went home.(用so改写●I don’t like sweet things. They don’t 句子) It was raining ,so we went home. like sweet things(用neither/nor改写句子) ●I was too hot. I couldn’t open the I don’t like sweet things and neither/nor window.(用but将两句连成一句) do they. I was too hot but I couldn’t open the ●I don’t like sweet things. They don’t window. like sweet things(.(用not?either改写句●“I want some photographs”she said(改写子) 成间接引语) She said she wanted some I don’t like sweet things and they don’t photographs. too small for me.

●She sold the radio. She had it in her bedroom. (用that/which连接句子) She sold the radio that/which she had in her bedroom.

●She packed the suitcase.She was taking it to Shanghai. (用that/which连接句子)

She packed the suitcase that/which she was taking to Shanghai.

●She was promoted.He was promoted.(用so改写句子) She was promoted and so was he.

●She was promoted. He was promoted. (用too改写句子) She was promoted and he was either. ●I don’t want to read the book. I put it on the table.(用that/which连接句子) I don’t want to read the book that/which I put on the table. ●I’ve written to Green Fingers(用who征对Green Fingers提问) Who have you written to? ●I have’t got a car. She hasn’t got a car.(用neither/nor改写句子) I haven’t got a car and neither/nor has she. ●I have’t got a car. She hasn’t got a car.(用not?either改写句子) I haven’t got a car and she hasn’t either. ●“I heard a noise under my living room”he said.(改写成间接引语) He said he heard a noise umder his living room. ●I heard from Jenny today.(用Who征对Jenny提问)Who did you hear from? ●I’m a teacher and she is also a teacher.(用so改写句子) I’m a teacher and so is she ●I’m tall and thin. My mother is too.(用so改写句子) I’m tall and thin and so is my mother. ●I’m looking for the telephone book.(用what 对telephone book提问)What are you looking for? ●I’m going on holiday tomorrow. She is going on holiday tomorrow. (用so改写句子) I’m going on holiday tomorrow and so is she. ●I’m going on holiday tomorrow. She is going on holiday tomorrow. (用too改写句子) I’m going on holiday tomorrow and she is too. ●I’ll apply for that job tomorrow.(用What征对that job提问) What will you apply for tomorrow? ●I like the new restaurant and Polly does too.(用so改写句子) I like the new restaurant so does Polly. ●I opened the door.They could come in.(用so改写句子) I opened the door, so they could come in. ●I took the flight.It left at 6 a.m.(用●“I want my laptop back,”said Tim.(改写成间接引语) Tim said if she could have a cup of tea.

●Is the food ready?(用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked if the food was ready. ●Is the builder coming tonight? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句) He asked whether the builder was coming tonight. ●Is the new dish tasty? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the new dish was tasty. ●It was raining. We went home.(用so将两个句子合成一句)It was raining so we went home. ●It was a place. He wanted to go there.(用where将两句合成一句) It was a place where he wanted to go. J●Jack is responsible for all the training.(用What针对 all the training提问)What is Jack responsible for? M●Mary didn’t stay at home. She went round to see Tim.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句) Instead of staying at home, Mary went round to see Tim. P●“Put the folders on the table, please, Debbie,”said Susan.(用ask?to改写句子) Susan asked Debbie to put the folders on the table. S●She’s coming here. She’s signing the contract.(用动词不定将两句合成一句) She’s coming here to sign the contract.●She’s contacted that company.She’s applying for a job(用动词不定式将两句连成一句) She’s contacted that company to apply for a job. ●She’s forgot about the meeting yesterday.(用What 针对the meeting改写句子) What did she forget about yesterday? ●She’s got a new job. He’s got a new job.(用so改写句子) She’s got a new job and so has he. ●She’s got a new job. He’s got a new job.(用too改写句子) She’s got a new job and he’s got too.

●She bought T-shirts.They were too small for me. (用that/which连接句子) The T-shirts that/which she bought were too.

●So he asked a friend called Marcus. The friend was interested in travel. This friend said he

would like to go(用who/that、and改写句子) So he asked a friend called Marcus who/that was interested in travel, and he said he would like to go .

●South America is a continent. South America has always interested Alan a lot(用that改写句子)

South America is a continent that has always interested Alan a lot.

T●That is the company. Their staff work for us.(用whose改写句子)

That is the company whose staff work for us.

●That’s the firm.The firm’s manager is Mr Willetts(用whose改写句子) That’s the firm whose manager is Mr. Willetts.

●That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive.(用but 将两句连成一句)

That cinema is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive. ●“That gives me a good idea” he said(改为间接引语)He said that gave him a good idea.

●“That meeting was long and

boring, Max” said Rose.(用tell.. about改写句子)

Rose told Max about the meeting. ●The book was on the table. I took it.( 用that改写句子)I took the book that was on the table.

●The burglar broke into my flat. He took a lot of things. (用that/who连接句子)

The burglar that/who broke into my flat took a lot of things.

●The burglars didn’t see him.He came downstairs.(用动词ing改写句子) The burglars didn’t see him coming downstairs. ●The thieves didn’t open the door. They smashed the lock. (用instead of将两个句子合成一句) Instead of opening the door, the thieves smashed the lock



