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I .七选五

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (2018吉林长春一模)

Summer is the perfect time to relax. As you plan for your trip, here are some tips on how to protect yourself.

1 Fight aga inst the mosquitoes in the hot spots.

There are many mosquito-bor ne ill nesses in tropical regio ns, which are traditi onal

vacati on

hot spots. Therefore, mosquito repellent( 驱蚊剂)that contains DEETshould be an essential item in your travel bag.


In less developed coun tries there is less equipme nt for clea n water and public health. If you can ' t avoid unhealthful water, make sure you

bring along a tea-or coffee-making pot

that will boil water for you. You' d better buy a case or two of water and check that all bottle caps are sealed to assure the bottled water isn

Always protect your feet.

' t just a refilled bottle of dirty tap water.

It ' s best to wear slippers in the shower, but if you must be barefoot, put a towel down

on the floor. 3 You should n ever walk barefoot in any area of a foreig n country, in cludi ng your hotel room. Be sure to eat safe fruits.

4 They may have been washed in the same water, or wiped with the same rag used to clean work surfaces in kitchens. The best advice is to bring your own peeler(肖U皮器)so that you know that someth ing clea n has bee n applied to the fruit.

Enjoy the smell of roadside sta nds, not the food. Uni ess the food is piping hot when served, it

' s best to stay away from roadside stands,

no matter how good the smell of the food might be. If you are concerned about whether a restaura nt is clea n, order the food to go.

A. D on' t trust the local water.

5 1

B. A ny fruit served fresh may be polluted. C. Look out for any water not served in a bottle.

D. The boxes may be clea ner tha n the plate or the fork on the table. E. You should know how to keep yourself away from dirty fruits.

F. They are n ecessary to avoid coming back with a major ill ness from your trip.

G. Parasites( 寄生虫)can enter the skin of your feet and travel to different parts of the body. 答案 [语篇解读]夏季是休闲放松的好时节,但是外出旅行需要自我保护,本文就此提出了几条建议。 1. F 本段提到夏天是放松的最佳时间 ,这里有一些关于如何保护你自己的建议。下文是具体建议。因此 F项“它们对于避免在旅途中带着大病回来是有必要的”符合语境。

They代指上文提到的tips 。

2. A本段提到旅游地的用水可能不健康,你需要带煮茶或咖啡的壶,即便买瓶装水也要检查瓶盖是否密 封好了,A项“不要相信当地的水”可以概括本段的内容。

3. G 根据本段标题“总是保护好你的脚”以及本空上句提到的最好不要赤脚淋浴可知


以进入你脚部的皮肤,并传播到身体的不同部位”符合语境,指出赤脚带来的危害。 4. B 本段标题为“确保吃安全的水果”,下句指出“它们也许用同样的水洗过


抹布擦过”,由此可知,下句的They指代被污染过的水果,B项符合语境。 5. D 根据本段标题“享受路边小摊的气味

,而不要去吃食物”以及本段提到的远离路边小摊 ,不管食物

的气味多么好,如果你担心饭店的卫生,就点菜后带走吧,可知选Do D项意为“盒子可能比桌子上的盘子 或叉子更干净。”


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (2018山西太原3月模拟)

Leslie Morissette ' s son, Graham, was 6 years old when he was diagnosed with leukemia (

血病). Throughout Graham s 1 in the hospital, Graham conn ected with every one he met, from


2_ patients to younger children. “He would 3 other sick children his toys or act silly to make them laugh, ” Morissette said. “Graham s special spirit is what kept me going. He gave me the energy and the 4 to fight with him. ” In 1997, when he was 8 years old, Graham passed away.

5 by how Graham lived his life cari ng about others, Morissette

Grahamtastic Conn ecti on in his honor. The orga ni zatio n provides free tech no logy computers, iPads, and robots — for children


6 the non-profit

——in cludi ng

against cancer and other serious illnesses.

8 kids to their classrooms, which

10 from school. 11 One of the m ajor goals of Morissette ' s work is to really helps them continue their

The robots

9 despite hospitalizati on and days “transport ” children right into the classroom in real time. They can

12 bed or home. If childre n are un able to atte nd school, they

the robots right from their

can 13 log on to their tablets or laptops and call in the robots. They can the school paths. They can go to lunch with their 15 14 up and dow n . The real magic happens between classes,

16 their weekend and when they ' re walking down the hallway with their friends, by robot, their favorite food and other thin gs. It feeli ng of con trol, whe n their world is maybe

' s great tech no logy that really gives childre n the

17 c on trol. 18 Graham were smiling, ” Morissette

“Every tim e I can help a child in need, I feel

said. “I believe that Graham ' s 19 lives on in the work that I do. And I privileged to be able to do it in his honor. 1.A.surgery B.treatme nt C.vacati on 2.A.elderly 3.A.buy 4.A.focus 5.A.Co nfused 6.A.left 7.A.caus ing 8.A.c onnect 9.A.career 10.A. missed 11.A.operate

B.sleepy B.charge B.stre ngth B.Depressed B.visited B.curi ng B.force B.educati on B.stopped B.build

C.deadly C.return C.resource C.ln spired

' m 20 and

D.rest D.n aughty D.le nd D.atte nti on D.Worried

C.be nefited D.foun ded C.battli ng C.i nvite C.struggle C.suffered C.steal


nting D.throw D.bus in ess D.graduated D.separate


12.A.flower 13.A. hardly 14. A.drive 15. A.pare nts

B.river C.hospital D.hotel D.luckily D.walk D.patie nts

B.accidentally C.simply B.jump B.frie nds

C.climb C.doctors

B.putting off

16.A.talking about C.depending on 17.A.under 18.A.even if 19.A.success 20.A.angry

D.thinking of B.within B.as though B.joy B.sad

C.away from D.out of C.in case C.love C.careful


D.proud D.so that D.fortun


[ 语篇解读 ] Leslie Morissette 的儿子 Graham 六岁患白血病 , 八岁去世。他在住院期间乐观向上、关 爱他人的精神使 Morissette 创立了一个非营利组织以纪念他的儿子。 1.

B 根据上句可知 ,Graham 得了白血病 , 他应该是在医院治疗 (treatment), 故选 B 项。 surgery 外科

手 术;vacation 假期丁est 休息。

2. A 本部分进一步介绍“ everyone he met ”的范围 , 根据设空处后的“ younger children ”可知 , 设空 处应该为与 淘气的。

3. D 本句介绍Graham在住院期间如何乐于助人,即他会把自己的玩具借给(lend)其他生病的孩子,或做 出一些愚蠢的动作让他们发笑。

buy买;charge 充电;return 返回,归还。

“younger”对应的形容词 ,即elderly( 年老的)。sleepy 困乏的;deadly 致命的;naughty

4. B 根据上句 (Graham 特有的精神是我坚持的动力。 )可知 , 他给了 Morissette 与他并肩战斗的精力和 力量 (strength) 。 focus 焦点 ;resource 资源 ;attention 注意力 , 关心。 5. C 受到Graham关心他人的生活方式的启发

(Inspired),Morissette 创立了(founded)名叫

Grahamtastic Connection 的非营利组织以纪念他的儿子。 6. D 解析见上题。leave离开;visit 访问;benefit


7. C 该组织向与癌症和其他严重疾病做斗争 (battling) 的孩子们免费提供科技产品 , 其中包括电脑、平 板电脑和机器人。cause弓I起;cure治愈;prevent阻止。

8. A 根据下段可知 ,Morissette 工作的主要目标之一是把孩子们和他们的教室联系 (connect) 起来 , 这 真的帮助他们能够继续接受教育


。 force强迫;invite


9. B 解析见上题。 career 事业 ;struggle 努力 ;business 生意。


10. A 根据常识可知 , 住院期间会错过 (missed) 上学的日子。 stop 停止 ;suffer 遭受 ;graduate 毕业。 11. A 根据上句 ( 那些机器人正好把孩子们“送到了”正在实时上课的教室里。

)可知 , 孩子们可以在病

床(hospital bed) 上或在家里操作(operate) 这些机器人。build 建立;steal 偷;separate 分离。 12. C 解析见上题。flower 花;river 河流;hotel宾馆。

13. C 如果孩子们不能上学,他们只要(simply)登录他们的平板电脑或笔记本电脑便可召唤机器人。 hardly 几乎不;accidentally



14. D 他们可以在学校的小路上走 (walk)来走去。drive驾驶;jump跳;climb 爬。 15. B 他们可以和朋友(frie nds) —起去吃午饭。

pare nt父亲,母亲;doctor 医生;patie nt

病人。 (talking

16. A 真正神奇的事发生在课间,那时他们可以通过机器人和他们的朋友沿走廊边走边谈论 about)他们的周末、他们最喜欢的食物和其他事情。 17. D 当孩子们的世界不可控(out of control) control为固定短语,意为\不受控制,失控”。

put off 推迟;depend on 依赖;think of 想起。

out of


18. B 每次Morissette 帮助有困难的孩子时,就会感觉好像(as though)Graham 正在微笑。even if 即 使;in case 以防万一 ;so that 为了。

19. C Morissette 相信Graham的仁爱之心(love) 一直存在于他的工作中。 乐;fortune 运气。

20. D Morissette 为有幸做这件事来纪念他的儿子而感到自豪 的;careful 细心的。

(proud) 。 angry生气的;sad伤心

success 成功;joy 快


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 (2018湖北八校二次联考)

I won ' t call myself the most accomplished person when it comes to In fact,I ' m pretty sure that my technique looks clumsy at times. I tend to hold the middle,more beginner than expert.


I eat almost every meal with the eating utensil( 器皿)of choice in China, it ' s

1 (hold)chopsticks. 2 (I)in not uncommonfor a new friend or acquaintance to come to a simple 3 (conclude)after observing me that my Chin ese husba nd, Jun, must

4 (show)me how to use them. 5



