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高考英语二轮复习 专题限时训练(二十九)科普知识型阅读理解配套作业(一)(解析版,湖南省专用)

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American researchers have created a robotic jellyfish(水母), named Robojelly, which not only exhibits characteristics ideal to use in underwater search and rescue operations, but could, theoretically at least, never run out of energy thanks to it being fuelled by hydrogen.

Constructed from shape memory alloys (形状记忆合金) (SMA)—smart materials which have the ability to change shape or size, Robojelly is able to copy the natural movements of a jellyfish when placed in a water tank and is powered by chemical reactions taking place on its surface.

“To our knowledge, this is the first successful powering of an underwater robot using external hydrogen as a fuel source,” said the lead author of the study Yonas Tadesse.The creators of Robojelly, from Virgina Tech, presented their results on 21 March, 2012, in IOP Publishing's journal Smart Materials and Structures.

The jellyfish is an ideal animal to base the vehicle on due to its simple swimming action: it has two remarkable mechanisms known as “rowing” and “jetting”. These were copied well in the robotic jellyfish.

The robot is powered by heat-producing chemical reactions between the oxygen and hydrogen in water and the platinum(铂) on its surface.The heat that is given off by these reactions is transferred to the artificial muscles of the robot, causing them to change into different shapes.Therefore, Robojelly can reproduce fuel from its natural surroundings and does not require an external power source or the constant replacement of batteries.

At the moment, the hydrogen-powered Robojelly has been working well while being down in a water tank.However, the researchers admit that the robot still needs development to achieve full functionality and efficiency.

“The current design allows the jellyfish to flex(折曲) its eight bell parts, each operated by a fuel-powered SMA module.This should be enough for the jellyfish to lift itself up if all the bell parts are actuated.”

“We are now researching new ways to deliver the fuel into each part so that each one can be controlled individually.This should allow the robot to be controlled and moved in different directions,” Tadesse continued.

1.Which of the following is NOT true about Robojelly? A.It can move in water like a jellyfish. B.It can become larger or smaller. C.It can be used in underwater search. D.It can be moved in different directions.

2.Platinum is used on the surface of the robot in order to ________. A.produce more oxygen and hydrogen in water B.lead to heat-producing chemical reactions

C.help move the heat to the muscles of the robot D.make the batteries of the robot produce more heat 3.What do the researchers think of Robojelly? A.They do not feel very satisfied with it.


B.It is the most successful robot in the world. C.It is successful but still needs improving. D.It is one of the cleverest robots.

4.At present the researchers are working hard to ________.

A.make each part of the robot able to be controlled individually B.make it more convenient to control and use the robot C.make more fuel sent into each part of the robot D.make the robot able to lift itself up easier

5.The best title for the passage is “ ________”. A.Jellyfish, an ideal animal to base a robot on

B.Yonas Tadesse and the first hydrogen-powered robot

C.Robojelly, one of the successful robots fueled by hydrogen

D.Robojelly, the latest ocean-powered robot inspired by Jellyfish


Have you ever wondered why stems(茎)grow upwards and roots downwards? Why do plants always seem to turn towards the light and climbing plants run up rather than down? The answer is simple: auxin(生长素), a chemical substance that controls growth in plants.

Auxin gives away its secrets

Auxin is a plant hormone(激素). Darwin was already interested in it in the 19th century. Only in recent years, however, has the hormone started to give away its secrets, thanks to intensive molecular research. Auxin is produced in the young, growing parts of plants and then transported throughout the plant—to a low-lying stem for example. The stem needs to straighten out as soon as possible to be able to absorb the topside, resulting in the underside growing faster and the stem straightening out. For the same reason, plants in front of windows will always turn to the light. This active regulation of auxin transport allows plants to take ideal advantage of local and changing conditions.

A new means of transport for auxin

The transport of auxin through the plant plays a vital role. And, from all appearances, it is not a simple matter. The researchers identified an important new link and means of transport for auxin: PILS proteins (蛋白质). PILS proteins are vital for auxin-dependent plant growth and adjust the intracellular(细胞内的)storage of the hormone. It is exactly this compartmentalizing (分类) of auxin that seems functionally important for the various developmental processes.

Growing crops more efficiently: the right amount of auxin in the right place Higher auxin levels at the right moment and in the right place result in better growth and greater harvest. Better adjustment of auxin levels would make plants grow more efficiently. The researchers hope to contribute to the development of more efficient growing processes by continuing to sort out auxin transport processes.

1. Which of the following is TRUE of auxin according to the text? A. It helps the plant to bend at the right places while growing. B.It prevents the roots of plants from growing faster. C.It is no use when the surroundings have changed.


D.It helps the underside of plants grow faster than the topside. 2. What would make plants grow more efficiently? A. Straightening out the stem.

B.The right amount of auxin in the right place. C.Allowing plants to turn to the light. D.Enough PILS proteins.

3. From Paragraph 3 we know that ________.

A. the researchers are not so sure if the transport for auxin is a new one B.the levels of auxin remain the same during the growing processes of plants C.PILS proteins delay the growth of plants

D.PILS proteins play an important part in the transport of auxin 4.According to Paragraph 2, the researchers got their results mainly by ________. A. referring to Darwin's theory B.observing plants straightening

C.doing intensive molecular research D.watching plants in different places

5.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage? A. Why Plants Grow Towards the Light? B.Darwin's Dream Has Come True

C.How Did Scientists Find Out the Secret? D.A New Way of the Growing of Plants


Steven Spielberg's 2002 science-fiction thriller MinorityReport produced a world where computers could read minds and predict the future.It seemed fanciful at the time,but fantasy is edging closer to fact.

On Jan.31,a team of scientists at the UC Berkeley,led by Robert Knight programmed computers to decode(解码)brain waves and replay them as words. Five months earlier, another group of Berkeley scientists showed their colleagues short movies and used computers to play back in color what people saw.

These experiments are a big advance from 2006,when a French scientist first replayed images from a human mind, a black and white checkerboard pattern.The possibilities are great: a disabled person could “speak”; doctors could access the mind of a patient who fainted; you could rewatch your dreams on an iPad.There are, of course, equally dark side, such as the involuntary takeout of information from the brain.

In spite of these breakthroughs,Jack Gallant,the neuroscientist who led the first Berkeley team, says current technology for decoding brain activity is still “relatively primitive”. The field is held back by its poor machinery,in particular the FMRI.

“Eventually,” says Gallant,“someone will invent a decoding machine you can wear as a hat.”Such an advance into the human mind,he says,might take 30 years.

Still, the recent advances at Berkeley offer small answers,which scientists can use to begin unlocking the secrets of memory and consciousness.

1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?


A.New technology can read your mind B.Fantasy is edging closer to fact C.A new discovery in human brain

D.The intelligent computers in the future 2.What did scientists at the UC Berkeley do? A.They produced a fanciful world.

B.They made computers jump forward like a human.

C.They managed to translate brain waves into language. D.They used computers to make short movies.

3.Which of the following is impossible for the research? A.It can help a disabled man recover his ability of speech. B.Doctors can read a patient's mind even if he is unconscious. C.People will know what happens in their dreams. D.People's thoughts may be given away.

4.What plays the most important role in the development of the technology? A.A computer. B.An iPad. C.A decoding machine. D.A hat.

5.It can be inferred from the passage that ________. A.scientists got the inspiration from a movie B.the technology still has a long way to go C.the technology has been put into practice D.scientists have unlocked the secrets of memory




【语篇解读】 水母机器人能用于水下研究和援救,它能改变大小和形状,其最大的特点是用氢气作燃料,故不需外部电源或频繁更换电池。

1.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知研究人员正在努力使水母机器人能四面八方移动,即现在机器人还不能做到这一点,故选D项。

2.B 细节理解题。根据第五段“The robot is powered by heat-producing chemical reactions between the oxygen and hydrogen in water and the platinum(铂) on its surface.”可知水母机器人表面上的铂其功能是用来促成与水中的氧气和氢气起化学反应,故选B项。

3.C 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“At the moment, the hydrogen-powered Robojelly has been working well while being down in a water tank.However, the researchers admit that the robot still needs development to achieve full functionality and efficiency.”可推断研究人员认为水母机器人是成功的,但还需要改进,故选C项。

4.A 细节理解题。根据最后一段“We are now researching new ways to deliver the fuel into each part so that each one can be controlled individually.”可知研究人员正在努力做到能单独控制水母机器人的各个部位,故选A项。

5.D 主旨大意题。全文旨在介绍根据水母的启发而制作的第一次用海洋中的氢气作燃料的机器人Robojelly,故选D项。


【语篇解读】本文讲述了现代研究条件下对于植物生长素(auxin)的研究成果。 1.D 细节理解题。植物生长素的功能在第二段中体现的是resulting in the underside growing faster。

2.B 细节理解题。由最后一段的标题及前两句可得出答案。 3.D 细节理解题。根据第三段The researchers identified an important new link and means of transport for auxin: PILS proteins.可知PILS蛋白质在生长素的传播过程中起着至关重要的作用。

4.C 细节理解题。达尔文一开始只是对生长现象感兴趣但并没有得出结论,只有现在的研究者经过了“密集的分子生物学研究”之后才得出结论。

5.A 主旨大意题。文章一开始就以疑问的方式提出了主题,然后陆续揭示生长素(auxin)的功能。



1.A 标题判断题。根据第一段并综合全文可知,该文主要介绍了科学家利用新技术可能会读懂人的大脑,故A项最适合作为本文的标题。

2.C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“programmed computers to decode(解码)brain waves and replay them as words”可知,应选C。

3.A 推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“The possibilities are great;a disabled person could ‘speak’…on an iPad”及上下文内容可推知,该研究并不能使残疾人恢复说话的能力,而是通过电脑读懂残疾人的大脑,从而使其“说话”,因此选A。

4.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的最后一句“The field is held back by its poor machinery,in particular the FMRI”,并结合倒数第二段的内容可知,在该项技术的发展过程中,译码机起着非常重要的作用。

高考英语二轮复习 专题限时训练(二十九)科普知识型阅读理解配套作业(一)(解析版,湖南省专用)


