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Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor

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Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings

Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor

1.肚子痛;胃痛['st?m?ke?k] ________ 2.药['medsn] ________ 3.停留;留下;待一段时间[ste?] ________ 单词闯关 4.休息[rest] ________ 5.头痛['hede?k] ________ 6.更好的(地)['bet?]________ 1.感冒 ________________ 2.头疼 ________________ 短语互译 3.看医生 ________________ 4.take this medicine ________________ 5.have a rest ________________ 1.你还好吗? ________ you ________? 2.我胃痛。 I ________ ________ ________. 句型在线 3.王梅,你最好去看医生。 You'd ________ ________ and ________ a doctor, Wang Mei. 4.吃了这药,待在家里好好休息。 ________ this medicine. ________ home and ________ ________ good ________. ●1 Are you OK, Wang Mei? 你还好吗,王梅?

[探究] (1)本句是询问别人身体好坏的问候语。该句是一般疑问句,要用yes或no来回答。本句还可以表达为“Are you all right?”

第 1 页

(2)OK在句中译为“好(指身体好)”。 okay (OK)作感叹词,意为“好,行”,常用于表示同意对方的建议、观点等。



________ ________ ________? ●2 I have a stomachache. 我胃痛。

[探究] (1)stomachache是由“身体部位+-ache”构成的名词,意为“胃痛”。类似的词还有headache, toothache等。


[拓展] 常见的表示患病的短语:

have a cold 感冒 have a headache 头痛 have a fever 发烧 have a toothache 牙痛 have a cough 咳嗽 have a backache 后背痛 have a sore throat 嗓子痛 活学活用

2.(1)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 我头痛。

I ________ ________ ________. (2)单项填空 —Are you OK? —No, I ________. A. have toothache B. have a toothache C. have the toothache D. have a tooth

第 2 页

●3 You'd better go and see a doctor… 你最好去看医生……

[探究] had better用来给别人提建议,意为“你最好”,后面跟不带 to的动词不定式,即动词原形。

[拓展] 常见的表示提建议的句型:

(1)“You'd better+动词原形.”意为“你最好……”,其否定形式为“You'd better not+动词原形.”,意为“你最好不要……”。

(2)“Let's+动词原形.”意为“让我们……吧”。 (3)“What/How about+v.-ing?”意为“……怎么样?” (4)“You should+动词原形…”意为“你应该……” 活学活用


________ ________ ________ your homework at once. (2)你最好上学不要迟到。

You'd ________ ________ ________ late for school. (3)去游泳怎么样?

________ ________ ________ swimming? ●4 Take this medicine. 吃了这药。

[探究] take (this) medicine意为“吃药,服药”。take在此译为“________”,且表示“吃药”时,take不能用eat代替。medicine为不可数名词,意为“药”。例如:

Take this medicine three times a day. 每天服用这药三次。 活学活用

4.________ ________ ________(吃了这药).You'll feel better soon. ●5 Stay home and have a good rest.

第 3 页


[探究] (1)stay home与stay at home的意思都是“待在家里”,但前者的home是副词,后者的home是名词。stay在此处译为“停留;留下;待一段时间”。

(2)have a rest相当于take a rest,意为“休息一下”。 活学活用


I feel tired. I need ________ ________ a good ________.


【课前自主预习】 单词闯关

1.stomachache 2.medicine 3.stay 4.rest 5.headache 6.better 短语互译

1.have a cold 2.have a headache 3.see a doctor 4.服药 5.休息一下 句型在线

1.Are; OK 2.have a stomachache 3.better go; see 4.Take; Stay; have a; rest 【课堂互动探究】 句型透视 ●1 ①Is she OK? ●2 患有;得病 (1)have a headache (2)B

第 4 页

●3 (1)You'd better do (2)better not be (3)What/How about going

●4 吃;喝;用 Take this medicine ●5 to have/take; rest

第 5 页

Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor


